Chapter 2 - Intruder

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I softly sat on the bed my dad was bound to start using one day since all he does is fall asleep on the couch, making my mom so unhappy for not wanting to share the same bed. But it hasn't been the same with them at all since the affair. He didn't look at her the way he used to. Like he loved her. He looked at her like just some stranger living in his home. Much as I am looking at Alec right now, analyzing his features, his smile, his shoulder length dirty blonde hair that actually worked for him. He causally eyed me as if intrigued with me, seemingly calm for someone who's been caught staying in the attic of a family's home.

"Alec? You swore to me that you would follow the rules. The ones I set in motion for a reason. You promised!" I fiddled my fingers together in such a nervous way that I could barely sit still, my legs fidgeting from anxiety. Many thoughts raced through my mind in that moment. What if they actually plan to kill me to keep me from telling? My body would later be discovered deep in the attic, rotten and eyes gouged out. I shuttered from the thought.

"And I have. I just made an exception. More like a pit stop while walking through the house. I wandered into Sally's room and well...." He looked directly at me with a smile of humor on his lips, one that sent a blush to my now rosy cheeks.

"I saw some things I liked. I kinda left them as a message. But not trying to be a pervert or anything! Seriously though, we aren't going to hurt you, kill you, rape you. Anything like that." I never broke eye contact with him, Mindy seeming to notice right away the connection Alec and I oddly had in such a short time of knowing one another. 

"She knows we're here Alec. Someone in the house knows we're here. Which means we have to leave. Before she tells. We can't risk it." I looked to her panicked eyes and immediately felt bad for them, even with them breaking in and randomly going through my room. They didn't seem dangerous. Mindy certainly didn't. But Alec? He had a darkness in him. Not necessarily a evil one, if that makes sense.

"I won't tell. Look, I'll be honest, my parents are so preoccupied with their shitty lives that they wouldn't notice a damn thing happening in this house. I can't promise my dad won't venture up here. They're having marital issues. But, if you stay in that little room behind the door next to the steps, you should be fine. Just.... don't make a ton of noise." They both looked to me like I had grown a second head, not expecting me to help them what so ever. But honestly, this was an interesting development. And Alec was making me want to help them just from my interest in him.

"We won't be here long. I'm actually showing Alec the ropes of phrogging. This is his first time, so I let him pick the house. And he picked yours. Lucky for you." I smiled a little from her humorous expression, not feeling any bad vibes around them. It was actually nice being around two people who genuinely seemed cool. They're both a little older than me, Alec seeming to be early 20's.

"Lucky for me indeed. But what made you pick this house?" Alec's eyes averted from mine so quickly once I asked the question, like he didn't want to tell me the details of why, like there is a big reasoning for it. I still couldn't place how he was so familiar to me. Like my brain was trying to register his face, but couldn't.

"I just.... really liked it. Seemed spacious. And everyone leaves a lot. So we'd get roaming time. I kinda want to mess with you guys though. Just saying." Suddenly, I heard the slam of the front door from downstairs, my eyes widening a tad in anticipation. But Alec's words still lingering in my mind. What does he mean mess with us? He's already ransacked my draws. What's next?

"That's probably my mom. I can sneak food up here without her ever noticing. But if you guys are going to stay without getting caught, be careful roaming. Unless I'm home. If I'm not and everyone's gone, it's okay. Just listen for anyone. If it's me, I'll text you, If you don't mind me having your number Alec." He seemed genuinely surprised I picked him and not Mindy to have as a number in my phone. I actually felt drawn to him. It's weird.

"I swear, I wish everyone was like you." Mindy nudged me with a thankful smile, warning up to me more and more with each passing minute. I exchanged numbers with Alec, adding him in my phone as:

Alec The Attic Dweller

"Seriously. I know how to pick them." Alec smiled through his words directed at me, just as another slam of the front door occurred. Most likely Conner.

"You guys chill, relax and I'll be back soon with food and some water." Alec suddenly stood along with me and hugged me so tightly in his arms, our bodies firmly pressed together with only clothes as the barrier.

"Thank you Sally. You're really the best. Just.... don't be alarmed if things start to happen around the house. It's only me." He didn't elaborate anymore after that. Just simply left me with more questions than answers from the whispered words in my ear, likely for Mindy not to hear. And with that, I made my way out of the attic and made sure no one was coming as I exited, softly closing the door behind me.

"Sally?! You home honey?" I usually kept my Voltswagon Bug parked further behind the house so mom couldn't tell if I was actually here or not, not wanting to face her sometimes. I did love her. But what she did..... just changed everything. I didn't say a word, just casually walked down to the first floor and to the kitchen, seeing her already there with Conner grabbing some food of his own to take to his room.

"Hey sis." I hugged him to me and ruffled his hair, much to his dislike. But smiled otherwise from the loving notion behind it. Suddenly, my phone dinged, alerting me to a text message.

Alec The Attic Dweller:
Thank you for not telling Mindy anything about what I did in your room. It's not everyday a beautiful girl is in a house I shouldn't be in. Although I'm glad I am. :)

I smiled from the message lighting up my phone, never hearing anyone call me beautiful besides my own family.

No problem! It's not everyday a cute guy hides out in my attic. Although I'm glad you are. :)

Usually I'm never this bold with anyone. Sure, I've been on dates. But most of them were only trying to get in my pants and well, I didn't feel anything with them. Not like you should. Alec is actually peaking my interest. And he's come the closest to getting in my pants than anyone. He's seen my damn underwear. Which is odd to think about.

"Is school going good sweetheart? Ashley tells me you're doing a written report of your own interest. What on?" I snapped out of my mind and looked up to my mom, seeing her staring at me in complete interest. She's trying so hard.

"I don't know yet. But I might have an inkling now on what the subject will be." I smiled a little, the first smile I've actually given her in a long time. She seemed thrilled. And I was lost in the mystery of my life. Who is Alec? And why this house? Why us? I would never guess in a million years what the real reasoning would be. But it would change everything.

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