Chapter 3 - Tricks

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I causally made my way up the attic stairs once everyone was busy in their own worlds for the night, food in both hands and two bottles of water in each pocket of my jeans. My mom thankfully didn't pry much into my doings today with school, letting me breathe for the first time in a long time. She's trying. I get it. But she doesn't understand that the choices she made not only effected my dad. But effected Conner and i as well.

"Guys? It's just me. I brought food and water to tide you over. I hope it's enough. I made it myself." Ramen noodles and water. Not the best meal. But it was quick, and painless so no one would question why I have the sudden urge to eat two bowls of ramen.

"That actually smells amazing." I jumped from the sudden appearance of Alec from behind me, noting he had come from outside the window.

"I went out there to smoke. No one saw me. Although your dad did come home and i could have sworn he waved." I chuckled from his obvious attempt at humor, noting just how cute he really is. His smile was infectious, his eyes were a pretty shade of green, his hair just looked absolutely perfect. I know in any normal situation, people would have flipped out and called the cops when intruders are found in their home. But something just told me not to. Alec and Mindy seemed so different from what you'd envision.

"I think he may like you then huh?" We both laughed quietly into the semi dark room, just looking at one another without wavering before Mindy appeared from out of the little hidden room in the attic, knowing Alec was outside on the roof. And she wasn't happy.

"What if someone saw you? You already played around with Sally and told her we were here. No one else can know. But since Sally is so cool, you get off on this one. Just.... no one else." He seemed pissed off to be honest at the notion of her telling him what to do constantly. I get it. She doesn't want to get caught. But Alec? I knew he wouldn't listen. He had his own agenda. One he wouldn't speak about.

"Well Sally is different. I didn't want to play mind games on her. Because I like her." I eyed him with a little smile, seeing he was already looking at me with such ease, like he felt the same thing I did the first time we met. Like we knew each other before. I just didn't understand how I wouldn't remember him. But yet, he seemed so sincere in his notion of me. Like he does know me.

"You know, I wouldn't mind the trickery in the house to be honest. I'm not exactly on good terms with my mom. And my dad is usually checked out when he is home. Maybe they need an eye opener." Mindy just eyed me like I was insane, the same why she looked at Alec. But Alec? He seemed genuinely interested in my words. Like he was taking pleasure in this. He loved the idea of having a sort of partner in crime, one that happened to know the family personally he was wanting to mess with.

"No! No Alec! Don't put these idea's in her head, okay? Leave it alone. We can't get caught. The police will catch us. Enough said." Alec didn't say another word, just simply stared at me with a little secret smile of knowing on his lips, a gleam in his eye. He wouldn't tell why he wanted this so badly. But i could tell there was a complete story behind it. I just wanted to know why?
{Late That Night}
I tossed and turned in my bed from such a long night of slowly writing my written report story and thinking about Alec and what he would do. My eyes stayed firmly closed, my blanket tucked around me, my eyes weary. I started my story about a man falling in love with a girl he had met while breaking into a house. But, I was stuck. Stuck on not knowing where it would lead. Not until I knew Alec's story.

My phone suddenly went off into the quietness of my semi dark room, noting it was Alec himself texting me.

Alec The Attic Dweller:
Don't be alarmed if you hear noises. I'm having some fun...

I slowly sat up in my bed, standing up and walking to my door with the silence practically enveloping me. I peeked out my door to see absolutely nothing. That is until a dark figure came bounding down the stairs, taking what appeared to be a picture out of one of the frames. I followed behind what I knew was Alec, noting he had taken a picture of me off the wall from when I was little. He seemingly disappeared into the darkness of the living room, only seeing slight light coming from the tv my dad always fell asleep watching. I crept into the kitchen, not seeing Alec anywhere, until I was suddenly pinned to the counter behind me, noting all the silverware had been taken from the drawer. Odd....

"Got curious?" His whispered tone and closeness of our bodies set me on edge, yet, had my heart racing in such an exhilarating way. I wasn't scared. Not really. I was more intrigued by him. He had a creepy frog mask he wore to protect his face just in case he was caught I assume, but took it off once he noticed it was me. His slight smile and tousled hair only made me feel things even more.

"Maybe. Maybe I just want to know why you're doing this? What's the real reason?" He suddenly kissed me, a bold move that practically stumped me from my train of thought, his hands gripping my sides in such a tight manner.

"I'll leave it at this Sally. Your dad. He's the reason. But you'll find out. Once I'm done with what I want to do. Let me do it." He had slowly pulled away from me with his words lingering in the darkness, his eyes searching mine for any reaction to what just happened. His hands never left my sides, my heart racing more than ever before.

"My dad? What has he done? Please Alec....."  He only kissed me again, this time more heated than before, his grip tightening more, igniting a little moan out of me.

"No.... but he wouldn't like it if I was messing around with his little girl." I simply stared at him, knowing I wasn't going to get any answers. What if I'm really just a pawn in Alec's scheme? To be fair, I didn't know him very well, yet, I somehow felt the need to trust him.

"But don't say a word to him, okay? Let me handle that when the time is right. I just want to mess with their minds. Make them think they're crazy." I sighed a little from the desperation in his voice, knowing this was wrong. But knowing it would be fun. Payback. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to get back at my mom and even my dad for how they've been towards Conner and I since the affair. Maybe Alec was the solution. Even if it was a bigger mystery than anything.

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