Chapter 9 - Followed

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We slowly approached a wooded area behind my dads now parked car, my headlights having been turned off the entire drive here to avoid detection. It had finally come to this, discovering everything my dad had done and exposing him for what he truly is. A monster, a damn monster I've lived with my entire life, one that took away so much and I never knew it. Was I a fool? Maybe. But I was blinded by the one person meant to protect me, the one who claimed to be a true, genuine family man. But he was nothing of the sort. Not even a little. With racing hearts and heightened awareness of what we're walking into, we slowly exited my car into the darkness of the woods.

"You don't have to do this Alec. I can handle getting Mindy and finding his ass....." But his hand immediately found mine the minute the words left my lips, knowing he wasn't going anywhere. Alec is extremely strong willed, courageous and capable of handling this situation, even if it hits close to home.

"No Sal, no. I'm here. I started this and I intend to finish this. We're a team." I simply smiled at him, wanting more than anything for us to survive this, not fully aware what my dad would be capable of with his own child. But my main focus was Alec. He needs a good life beyond this madness, beyond this nightmare. With my knife in tow and strong will, we slowly crept deeper into the wooded area, looking for any sign of my dad and Mindy.

"Mindy?!" Scrummaging through what appeared to be a duffle bag full of bloodied evidence in the back of my dads car, was Mindy herself, thankfully very much alive.

"Alec?! Sally?! What are you guys doing here?!" But my focus had quickly shifted to a light from further into the woods that was coming from a window, a camper window. One I knew all too well from when I was a kid. Family vacations consisted of that camper, and just the four of us on the open road. When we were all happy. Those days were long gone.

"We came out here to find you and follow him. I was worried what he'd do with you. But thank god you're alive!" I just hugged her in complete relief, surprising her more than anything. She finally hugged me back in such a tight grip that I could tell she was actually happy we found her.

"I swear it was an accident Mindy.... I didn't know you were going to fall. I wouldn't have pushed you." Mindy simply smiled a little at Alec in knowing, knowing he wouldn't have purposely harmed her. He was terrified from her threat of the cops being called and simply panicked, not fully knowing what to do. His thoughts got the better of him, his actions causing worse consequences. But, she was alive. And that's what mattered.

"I know. It's all good. But our main focus is getting to whatever he's hiding. We aren't out here for no reason." And as Mindy's words lingered between the three of us, we slowly crept our way towards the light filled camper in a more secluded part of the woods, hearing faint noises coming from within. But not his voice. Difference sounds. Scared sounds. He clearly wasn't inside. Or if he was, he was doing something horrible.

"Let me go first, okay? Sally, Alec, be look out." I started to object, but she simply hushed me and entered through the unlocked door, letting herself in. Alec held onto me so I wouldn't bound right through the door myself, his arms folding around my waist to keep me anchored.

"She can't go alone! She'll get killed Alec..." Through gritted teeth and hushed tones, my heart raced with each word that left my now trembling lips, fear utterly consuming me. But before he could say a word, the sound of leaves being crushed behind us had us ducking for cover so we wouldn't be seen underneath the camper, seeing my dads feet leading towards the door, and I knew this wouldn't end well.

"There's two boys locked in here! Two!" Mindy had heard the door open, thinking it was us, but to be met with the evil eyes of my dad, completely trapping her to his will. Before Alec and I could even react, a thud could be heard from within the walls of the camper, Mindy's shaking body collapsing to the floor. I held a hand over my mouth to keep the sound of my sobs covered, Alec holding onto me for dear life.

"We have to go!" Alec's hushed tone echoed in my brain, but I couldn't respond. I knew this was going to end badly. Mindy would die. All because we let this happen. We never should have put her in the car. We let my dad take her away to this torture chamber, only to bend her to his will.

"We.... Mindy.... she said there's boys inside of there. We have to let them go!" I whispered into the night air, Alec's eyes boring into mine. He softly kissed my lips, a surprise kiss that utterly took my breath away. For a split second, I felt safe. But we were far from it.

"It'll be okay. We're going to save those boys, help Mindy, get us all out of here." But he couldn't even convince himself of that. He knew this would end badly. This wouldn't be a easy walk. Dad suddenly dragged Mindy's limp body out the camper and towards his car as Alec and I ran inside to let the boys out, seeing he had these little cupboard doors tied down so they couldn't escape.

"Please help us!! Please!!" They shouted in utter fear and my eyes welled from the pain I know they've had to endure. I took my knife and cut the ropes, letting the cupboard doors fall open and the boys crumble to the ground. Alec and i both helped them to their feet, but before we could help them any further, they ran straight out of the camper with us in tow, scared out of their minds and running further and further into the darkness of the woods. They clearly knew where they were going judging by the direction towards town they headed in.

"They'll be okay. He won't find them. We just have to get to the house before he does anything else to Mindy." We bolted towards my car and immediately sped off once we noticed dad was already gone from the area. We had to save Mindy. We had to save ourselves.

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