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"Where are we?" Marinnete asked as she steadied her vision from the bright screen ahead.

"I don't know girl but im so taking a photo of this!" Alya fangirled then she realized she was sitting next to..........ADRIEN (obviously)

"Dude like are we in a movie theater like dude." Nino said as he woke up,
Adrien woke up too so did everyone else in their class and then the room blew up with questions.

"BE QUITE!!" A boy said appearing from nowhere "good, now I don't want to tell you my name so just call me Dan now I know your all wondering why your here, just sit tight and let me explain and i'm talking to you especially chat and ladybug im not an akuma..." As he said that the room exploded with ladybug and chat noir are here or where are they and Alya was fangirling so much that she turned redder then a plum tomato.

"I said quite! Why did I ever choose this mission. Now let me finish I am from another dimmension or world in my home you are all fictional charecters made by people and btw everyone that likes your show knows your identities oh I almost forgot everytime theres an akuma we watch your every single move from the t.v. I have chosen your tv show so I can show you your fates and identities since lets face ityour all gonna find out someday no matter how obvious your identities maybe ladybug and chat noir know lets watch the first episode from season 1"

Sorry for the short chapter I know have three books to continue so just keep a close eye out for notifications im gonna try to lost more frequently

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