Chapter 10

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When the girls dropped me home, I sat on the edge of my bed, gingerly touching the swelled bruise that formed around my eye with an ice pack.

What happened earlier sat freshly on my mind, replaying over and over like a broken record. I tried thinking about the good things. Joey had asked me out, and despite everything, I still was really excited for it. But it was difficult with my mom's worried voice echoing from downstairs. And worst when the person enduring it being Jackson.

I purse my lips as I listen to my mother's disappointment, fully aware that I had something to do with Jackson's lecture. If I hadn't approached Cleo as intoxicated as I was none of this would have happened. And in what felt like a long time I felt something for Jackson other than resentment. I felt bad.

I sigh when painful flashbacks of the argument between me and Mackenzie make their way through my mind. I actually wince at the idea of Cleo stuttering and Mackenzie yelling at me in front of all those people. And then I became embarrassed at the fact of the people who witnessed the dispute. Walker was probably making fun of me getting hit and with that boy Milo too. They all were definitely laughing at my stupidity — I know I would.

I hear the conversation come to a close and I wait in its silence. I listened for two sets of footsteps on the stairs because Morgan had gone out. Where? I'm not sure but I would rather her find out everything tomorrow so I am ready for her pestering.

While I am waiting my phone buzzes in my back pocket and I already have an idea of who it might be. The girls, Dakota, Lauren, and Pearl all walked me home giving me their phone numbers and in addition Joey's (but that was solely courtesy of Dakota) I expected one of the girls but it was actually Joey which settled some of my nerves.

How I knew it was him because he's the only unsaved number that would type me something as personal as a, Hey can we talk? Followed by him reminding me of who he was seconds from me reading the first text.

I didn't get a response though because my mom walked into my room. And oddly my heart drops. I hadn't felt like that since I was little. I was a bit afraid of what Jackson might have said but, the majority of my fear was if she'd smell the beer on me or not.

She furrows her brows in worry at my state, signing before walking up to me and taking the ice off my eye. She doesn't say anything, but she sucks her teeth as she wipes the water that drips down my cheek from the melting ice, making clear her discomfort.

She decides to say something when she's holding my chin up to get a better look at my eye,

"I shouldn't have let you go to that party." My mom states seriously, letting go of my chin and walking back to the door to shut it. She turns back to me with her eyebrows raised, "Now you tell me what happened."

I sigh. I guess Jackson hadn't told her everything like I had expected.

Anxiety replaces the butterflies I felt once before as I try to find words to say, "It was an accident." I say and my mom crosses her arms, it was weird to see her like this.

"How do you get a black eye on accident Charlotte?" My mom asks, raising her voice slightly in confusion. I flinch slightly, lowering my head, "Mom I don't know —"

"Charlotte you don't get a black eye on accident." She repeats, "Jackson told me about the girls ... Mackenzie?" My mom begins to chuckle, "I Always knew she was never your friend ... did she really do this to you?"

"Mom, noo ..." I drag, sighing deeply. I was going to say something else but then I got a familiar stab in my throat. One so strong that a tear falls and then another. And then my body is jolting with a silent sob I haven't experienced since I was a little girl. The one that scrunches up my face like a lemon.

I never cry. I have never had the reason to. My life may be boring but I have my mom and my summers so I've always been fine. But it's been two weeks into summer and things have been off course. I lost my best friends and got stuck with two of the most revolting people I have ever met. I am surprised I hadn't cried earlier.

My mom softens up and walks up to me to wrap me in her arms immediately. She pats my head and does her soothing mumblings of reassurance as I sniffle.

"I'm sorry honey ..." She apologizes but I shake my head, "Mom, it's not your fault. I've just been so stupid."

My mom stops and pulls away, looking me in my eyes before wiping away my tears softly in caution of my eyes, "You are not stupid Charlotte." She says sternly, "Friendships fall apart and that's okay ..."

I huff, appreciative of her comfort but also knowing there's more to my tears that I have to keep to myself. I actually want to throw up at the thought, regretting every choice I've made this summer.


When my mom left me that night I immediately went to text Joey. We'd talk about the fight and after many sorrys from him, we'd then talk about our date the following night. It shifted my mindset completely that I'd wake up happy that morning despite my pulsing headache.

When I finally leave my room I run into Jackson. And awfully I freeze. In the dark of the hall he stares at me. And i'm not sure why I'd expect him to say something ... maybe another sorry or good morning but he says nothing.

When he stares it is again uncomfortable for me but not like before. Because there still is a possibility that he hit me. I mean, the conversation never came up with Joey. Joey surprisingly doesn't know I have a black eye but, he'll obviously know today.

I am not anticipating that.

Jackson flees from me and I watch him run downstairs to the smell of bacon I can confirm was made by mom. I decided to anticipate that when I get myself ready for the morning.

Before I head downstairs I take my time in getting ready. I picked jeans today and a hot pink cami to then put my braids in a claw clip decorated with a pretty floral pattern. It took me a while to look in the mirror — but I didn't mind touching my eye and that's why I didn't want to look in the mirror. Overnight it even swelled more so I'd assume it looked disgusting.

And then I started to think. I must look ugly. What if Joey sees it and thinks that too? I couldn't even open my eyes fully. And what about Debs?

As I find myself still standing in the bathroom my phone buzzes on the sink. I expect Joey but it's Dakota which slightly eases my thinking. I walk up to answer her text just checking up on me. And I smile as I respond in stupid ignorance because I look up to my appearance and prove my suspicions right ...

I'm hideous.

"Charlotte!" Calls my mom and I turn to her voice but I don't manage a response. So in my silence, she adds to her response,

"Come down, sweetie!"

I sigh, walking out of the bathroom but taking my time down the stairs. I was still weary of Morgan, still thinking maybe everyone was downstairs. But when I make it down the last step all I see is my mom sitting by herself at the dinner table with a plate in front of her and another plate beside her, I assume is waiting for me.

When she notices me, the biggest smile appears on her face, "Good morning Lottie!" Her overly excitement kinda weirds me out but I still smile, regardless of my eye.

"Good morning Mom..." I responded as I went to sit beside her. When I'm in my chair she just sits and stares at me. I try and get used to it, beginning to pick at my breakfast, but she stays persistent which causes me to look back at her,

"What?" I ask, and my mom shakes her head, "Nothing ... I've just noticed that we haven't spent a lot of time lately."

I raise my eyebrows, "Is that why they aren't here?" I don't say their names but my mom already knows who I'm referring to because she nods, "Yeah. Morgan took him out of the house for the weekend ... she figured you two needed some time away from each other." She says, "But you do need to talk to each other."

I sighed, mostly because I wasn't totally against the idea. I was kinda getting tired of being mad at Jackson. I guess in some way, getting hit yesterday really knocked some sense into me. I should be having fun this summer not stressing myself over what things should be.

"I was thinking about spending the weekend together." My mom suggests going to take a stab at her scrambled eggs. And pre-Joey Charlotte would be all for the idea ...

But then there's Joey and our date tonight.

I want to tell my mom ... no, I should tell my mom but I struggle to find the courage too. I may not need to hang out with her anymore but that doesn't mean I don't want to. And Joey and I hadn't discussed the time he'd pick me up so technically I have all day to tell her.

"Okay." I agreed happily, watching as my mom's face lit up and begin telling me all the stuff she had planned for us day.

Authors Note 🌺.
Jackson will be missing from the next few chapters but the wait will be worth it :)

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