Chapter 8 ~ Proposals

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Chapter 8: Proposals

By the time Mum and I had gotten back to our room, it was far too late to bring up what Gordon had revealed. And by the time I woke up, I was in a rush to get washed and dressed so we weren't late for the meeting.

I swore as makeup powder spilt onto the maroon blouse I wore that no amount of wiping could get rid of. Mum chuckled from where she waited by the door with a cup of coffee between her hands.

"Slow down. We won't be late now, you can relax. I've never seen you shower so quickly." Amusement coated her tone but my nerves were still frayed. This was my first meeting, didn't she understand that? I didn't know how to act, or even what my place was. I didn’t want to make any mistakes that could cost me or the pack.

"I want to make a good impression, that's all," I replied.

Straightening up, I chucked my makeup bag back by my open suitcase and scraped my hair up into a bun. The summer sun was out this morning and already the heat was sweltering. Checking myself once more in the mirror, I slipped back into uncomfortable heels, wishing Mum had warned me these gatherings were apparently also a fashion show.

"There's more on your mind than just the meeting isn't there?"

I couldn't meet my Mum's gaze. She had the uncanny ability to make me spill my guts sometimes and it was on the tip of my tongue to tell her. "It's not important right now, but when we get back, can we talk?"

"Of course, my pup," she crooned, sweeping over to cup my cheek. She smirked at the look on my face that begged her to stop treating me like I was a toddler. "Drink your coffee, you'll need it. These males can be tiresome."

A small quirk of my lips betrayed me. I accepted the coffee and gulped it down despite the fact it burnt my tongue. Mum grabbed her notepad and pen, shoving them into her handbag before giving me a once over.

"You'll certainly make a good impression. Be yourself, speak up if you want to, but you might find it all rather boring. Maybe I should have waited to invite you. . ." She tapped her chin then shook her head and smiled. "Do make sure your phone is on silent."

I chuckled and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I hadn't looked at it since last night and smiled at the messages that filled up the screen. One from Siannon reminding me to 'be badass', another from Siannon's number but signed from Fenna that simply wished me good luck. There was even one from Dad and I skimmed over what it said, my smile widening a little more.

Don't let anyone walk over you today, stand behind your mother.
My smile faltered a little when I remembered that he'd been keeping things from me. Then again, considering my reaction right now, was it any wonder they thought it best not to tell me?

Taking a deep breath, I switched my phone off completely and shoved it into my own handbag; a tattered little thing I'd had since I was sixteen but loved too much to get rid off.

Following Mum out the door, we had to climb more stairs to get the floor that held rooms used for all manner of meetings.

"Typical," Mum muttered as she looked around the empty room. "Why females are the ones with the stereotype for always being late, I'll never know."

I smirked as I followed her to the top of the table, trailing my fingers over the smooth mahogany wood. Blinds covered the massive windows that spanned across the wall opposite the door, and paintings that looked like something Maebh would create were hung up. Gods. It even smelt expensive in here.

The click of the door opening again had me scampering quickly back to Mum's side. I took my place behind where she sat, folding my arms and widening my stance so whoever came in wouldn't be able to tell I'd gotten a fright.

Alpha Joshua stepped in, nodding a greeting to Mum and I. "Good morning."

Before either of us could reply, the rest of the Alphas trailed in too. I listened closely so I could put names to faces and made sure to smile when they greeted me. Dominance buzzed like a constant undercurrent of power, setting the hair on my arms on end. I had to dig my nails into my arm to keep my own power in check. When Alpha Tomás arrived with Gordon, irritation joined my nervousness.

It was amusing to watch all these supposedly powerful Alphas posture, refusing to be the first to sit down. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the seat next to Mum, cringing as it screeched across the floor. Gordon sat next. And eventually, the rest put their silly games to rest and did the same. I tried not to laugh as Mum rolled her eyes at me, covering my mouth with my head down. I understood why she found them all to be childish.

There were more important things than who would be the last one standing.

"Since we don't have any pressing matters to attend to, I'd like to make my announcement," Alpha Tomás began, clasping his hands together on the table. "I have named my grandson, Gordon, as my heir. He will attend these meetings with me from now on."

My gaze immediately flicked to the male he spoke of, a male who preened as the others easily accepted and congratulated him. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, wishing it was my Alpha Female announcing the same of me.

Alpha Tomás lifted his hand to call for silence before continuing. "With this in mind, and the presence of another new face, I can only assume you brought your daughter here to discuss the proposal put to you and your mate, Cathwulf."

All eyes flew to us. I'd never seen such fury on my mother's face before, and such guilt as golden eyes found mine. She frowned at my expression and I shrugged.

"Gordon mentioned it to me last night."

That guilt was then followed by a flicker of hurt. But what right did she have to feel hurt about me not saying anything when she'd done the exact same? And surely she must have known it would be brought up here.
This was all becoming a mess already. Everything always was where I was concerned.

"As we told you when you spoke to us about it, we will get back to you after we have the chance to discuss it with Raeghan." Her words were clipped and sharp, power radiating from her. “We’ve had guests at our pack and we haven’t yet told her. But I'm sure you already knew that.”

Alpha Tomás seemed to be struggling to hold her gaze and few heads were bowed around the room. In that moment, I was in awe of my Mum. She hadn't threatened nor challenged, but already she'd proven to me that she was stronger than some of these males. So why didn't she challenge them?

"With all due respect, Alpha Female Cathwulf, your pack is still without a named heir. A mating between your daughter and Alpha Tomás' grandson would give your pack that stability, while also strengthening the ties between the council Alphas-"

"With all due respect," Mum repeated, uncaring that Alpha Joshua glared at being cut off. "That choice is Raeghan's. I will not force her to take a mate nor be used as some political pawn. Such a union would not strengthen any bonds, it would combine our packs into one. Which I think is the true reason to your proposal."

And the points go to Mum.
I smirked, sitting back in my chair. At least I knew she had my back.

"You're not worried about who will claim the pack should something happen?" The question was innocent enough, but it was the look in Alpha Joshua's eyes that had me growling.

"Surely my niece would claim the pack should something happen?"

We all looked up at the new voice and I heard Mum chuckle as my Uncle Everett entered. Eagan was with him, a wolf that I wasn't ashamed to admit terrified me a little. Like the male I refused to think about, he seemed to be permanently scowling with a hatred for everyone and everything.
Alpha Zale hummed, tipping his head as he watched me a moment before looking back at our newest arrival.

"That remains the question. . .you're late Everett."

With a grin, he shrugged and swept auburn hair from his face before taking a seat at the table. Not even a year older than me, Gods, not even truly Alpha yet, and he already had a seat on the council. He smiled at me and I returned it with a more nervous one.

"We got held up. We're here now. Sorry for interrupting." But he didn't look sorry at all and I loved him all the more for it.

Once he and Eagan were settled, attention drifted back to Mum and I.
"The matter of who is heir is an internal pack matter. It is not the concern of the council," Mum finally said, pausing when I touched her arm.

She looked questioningly at me but something in my expression must have told her all she needed to know as she motioned for me to speak. I had to swallow a nervous lump before I could get so much as a noise out.

"I'm not here to agree to any matings. If I ever take a mate, it will be on my own terms. For now, I only care about one thing; I am the daughter of Alpha Roarke and Alpha Female Cathwulf, and I will fight for my right to be called Alpha after them," I stated, keeping my chin up and words firm. "Will you allow me to be named heir or does the idea of a Female Alpha seem wrong to you? Should I be mated off instead?”

Alpha Zale chuckled, which hadn't been the reaction I'd expected. "You have your mother's spirit, Raeghan, and so much of your father in you. But as your mother said, whether you're named heir or not is up to your Alpha, surely."

I glanced briefly at Mum as I wavered, but she gave me a nod of encouragement. Standing up, I let them all see the wolf in my eyes, catching the gaze of every one of them, even my Uncle.

"We all know it's not a decision my father can make without repercussions. We all know I need support from the council, the backing of other Alphas, to stand a chance. I'm asking for that support from you."

"Repercussions," Alpha Tomás mused. "If Roarke fears what will happen should he name a female his heir, it is because he fears for you and your safety. Perhaps even your ability to overcome wolves that would seek to. . .depose you."

I couldn't hold back the growl this time. It ripped from my chest with a roll of power that rattled the windows. How dare he! How dare he make out like I wouldn't be able to hold my own.

"I back my daughter's claim," Mum said, reaching over to squeeze my arm. A silent order to relax.

"As do I," Uncle Everett added with a wink.

Pride filled me, and my gaze flicked to Zale. He'd been my grandfather's Beta, and even my father's for a while. Surely he would support me too. But he wouldn't even look at me, and none of the other Alphas spoke up.

My control almost snapped as disappointment crushed down on me. I shook my head, clenching my jaw. “Even the humans are more forward thinking than you.”

A few bristled and I felt my mum cringe next to me. Not the best thing to say perhaps but I felt I’d made my point.

"You're still young, Raeghan, that’s all. You have a lot to learn. Perhaps at the next council meeting, if your Alphas haven't already chosen an heir, we can discuss your suitability," Alpha Tomás drawled, doing very little to hide that he was quite pleased with this turn of events.

Gods how I wanted to wipe that smug look from his face but Mum still had a hold of my arm and I imagined it was because she could sense a fight about to break out.

"My daughter is more than suitable. Mark my words, Alphas of the council, one day she will show you that and you'll wish you'd stood with her today." Her grip tightened on me slightly as I began to shake, glaring at the Alpha who dared to call me weak. "Go cool down, Rae."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. My wolf was clawing at me, urging me to shift and rage, but challenging Alphas with humans downstairs was a big fat No. Snatching up my handbag, I leaned down to press my cheek to Mum's then made my way around the table, keeping my head held high. Uncle Everett grabbed me hand and stood, pressing his cheek against mine.

"Ignore these old wolves, all so stuck in their ways, niece. When the time comes you want to make more of a stand, I'm with you," he vowed, his voice quiet even though we both knew everyone was listening with keen interest.

The scraping of another chair drew my gaze to Gordon and I could have rolled my eyes so hard they'd never stop spinning. What now?

"I'd like a moment with your daughter, Alpha Female Cathwulf."

Mum's eyebrow rose as she motioned to me. "That’s up to her."

Everett shifted, folding his arms as if he intended to act as my body guard. With a sigh, I nodded and headed for the door. Might as well get everything out of the way now. Gordon grinned as I agreed, following me happily out of the meeting room. I wandered aimlessly down the hall for a bit then stopped, unsure of where to go.

Gordon chuckled, and I jumped when he touched my arm to guide me down the stairs. "Peace, Raeghan. I don't mean you any harm, I just want to talk. There's a pub with an outdoor bit down the street, they serve food-"

"You better not be tricking me into a date," I grumbled, pulling my arm out of his grip.

"Gods you're so. . ." He trailed off then shook his head and raised his hands. "No, it's not a trick. I want to buy you a drink, maybe some food, as one future Alpha to another."

That caught me off guard. But perhaps he was teasing me. Still, the chance to sit outside in the fresh air and eat was too good to pass up when I felt like ants were crawling across my skin. He grinned when I relented to his request and led me down the stairs then through the reception area. I sucked in a deep breath of fresh air once we were outside, the loud sounds of the city hitting me all at once.

Gordon gave me an encouraging smile and walked confidently amongst the humans that crammed the streets. I stuck close to his side, biting back a growl every time a human bumped into me.

"You aren't used to this," Gordon noted, his arm brushing against mine. The touch calmed me a little and I smiled in thanks.

"I don't leave the pack much," I admitted. "And when I do, it's never anywhere as busy as this."

He hummed in understanding then snatched my hand and suddenly tugged me towards the small pub at the end of the street. The sign above was old and faded to the point it was difficult to make out the name. The Jacobite. A chipped painting of what I assumed to be a Jacobite soldier stood proudly by the door, Claymore in hand.

Mum had studied history at university and she'd passed down all that knowledge to me. Wulvers had fought in the Jacobite uprising too, which I’d found fascinating. Though their reasoning was probably different to the Clans who fought for whom they saw as their rightful King.

Gordon held the door open for me and winked. "After you."

I shook my head but laughed and stepped inside. Alcohol was the first scent to assault my nose, alongside the familiar smell of vinegar and chips. Old floorboards creaked beneath me and even the tables, chairs, and bars looked like they'd seen better days. But it was cute in an authentic way, with stone walls covered in paintings of Redcoats fighting Jacobites, Bonnie Prince Charlie, old flags and muskets....swords...Sgian Dubhs.

"Wow," I breathed, looking around in fascination.

"I thought you'd like it. The door is just round here. . ." He wound round the tables and then down a small hall, smiling charmingly at a waitress who stepped out of our way.

It was amusing to watch her duck her head with blushing cheeks that went redder when she saw me behind him.
The walled in garden was empty and I was relieved for that. It would be easier to talk freely with no human ears listening in. We chose a table at the back, and once more Gordon made an attempt to gentlemanly by pulling out the wooden chair for me.

"You're playing your cards well," I teased as I sat, watching him round the table to sit across from me.

He shrugged and leaned back, another dashing smile stretching across his face, aqua eyes sparkling with mischief.

I could admit to myself that he was handsome, and he certainly looked like a future Alpha. The button up shirt he wore barely hid the fact he was muscled, and the loose suit jacket added an air of authority.

Opening my mouth to apologise for being short with him the night before, the waitress from earlier came towards us and I decided to wait until we had privacy again. Ordering our drinks and a plate of chips to share between us, it wasn't long before it arrived and we were sure we wouldn't be interrupted.

I munched on a chip, watching the male across from me. He was the one that suggested we talk so I'd let him start; that’s what Mum would have suggested. He sighed after a sip of his beer then settled more comfortably in his chair.

"That was some speech you gave at the meeting," he began. "You certainly know what you want."

"And I know what I don't want," I added, picking up another chip. He knew what I meant, that I was referring to his proposal.

He chuckled and leaned forward, catching my gaze in a way that made me freeze. "I can understand where you’re coming from. I agree that a female is as capable as being an Alpha as a male but some aren’t ready for such a change.”

“You say you agree and yet you think I should take you as a mate?" My eyebrow rose, daring him to say differently.

"Not like that." He shook his head and pinched the chip from my fingers, almost making me laugh. "I'm being pushed to take a mate as well; mated pairs provide more stability for a pack. As children, heirs, it's our duty. It's how we keep alliances between packs strong. If you agreed, we would lead as equals, Raeghan, just as your mother and father do. If that means combining our packs, then so be it but that's not why I'm asking. If that means you leaving your pack to join mine, or my younger brother becoming my Grandsires heir and my joining your pack. . .well, we would work it out."

I mulled over what he said but I knew he was telling the truth. There was no ulterior motive, he truly believed that these alliances were important. And I could agree with that too. . .to an extent.

Sighing heavily, I ran a hand through my hair. "I hear what you're saying, really I do, and I believe what you say too."

"Good." He smiled, but I grabbed his hand on the table before he could get carried away.

"But we wouldn't lead as equals, Gordon. My Mum and Dad agree on a lot of things when it comes to the pack, and they always discuss everything together, but my father is still Alpha. The Alpha. Eventually, You would want my submission, and I wouldn't give it without a fight. I can't."

Silence met my statement. He slumped back, but at least he didn't seem to be angry or even offended. Maybe he knew what I'd said was true too.

Shaking his head in wonder, he gave me a wry smile. "You're not like any other female I've met."

"Good." I laughed, cupping my glass of vodka and coke between my hands.

"Maybe that means one day I'll be unlike any other Alpha you've met too."

Gordon laughed too and I happily lifted my glass to clink it to his. I was pleased we'd come to an understanding for now, and hopefully I’d be able to count him amongst my friends. The topic of heirs and alliances were dropped for now and we discussed more menial things. He told me how his father had no interest in being Alpha but he was happy to step into that spot. I believed he'd make a good leader, better than his grandfather though I didn't say that out loud.

For well over an hour we drank and talked until I finally remembered to check my phone. A missed call from Mum. The meeting must be over now. It seemed almost pointless to come all this way when there was nothing really to be discussed but traditions were traditions and the council were a nosy lot.

"I suppose we should be getting back," Gordon said before downing the rest of his beer. "Though I will say this; for now, I am happy to let go pursuing you as mate, but I really do feel you and I would be a good pairing."

I tried to cut in but he gave me a look that had my mouth snapping shut and I waved a hand for him to continue.
"However, you have my support in your claim. What little that means until I'm Alpha."

I stared at him, completely shocked. In fact, I had to repeat what he'd said in my head over and over again before it really sunk in. A warm smile and I bowed my head, giving this male my respect. "It means a lot, more than you know, as long as you feel the same way when you're Alpha."

He snorted and I couldn't help but laugh. Sooner or later he’d realise how determined I was and stop being so shocked.

I'd truly misjudged him last night. He was a good male, a little cocky but what Alpha male wasn't.

"Don't worry, Raeghan. I'll make my proposal to you again, hopefully before some other male catches your fancy."

"Thank you," I said, still chuckling as I shook my head at him. I knew my answer would still be no, no matter how long he waited to ask again.

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