Chapter 1

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But helpless Pieces of the Game He plays Upon this chequer-board of Nights and Days Hither and thither moves, and checks and slays.
-"The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,"
translated by Edward Fitzgerald, 1859

I'm happy I take college online. Because if I actually had to attend UNI like my cousin does then I'll die. Parish into space.

"Knock, Knock, the King of all Kings is about to enter." Drew my very very loving cousin says.

"Sleep." I grumble. But no Drew has already entered my sanctuary.

"Nope." He says poping the "p".

"Because I have a life long friend coming over you see and I need you to pop up and leave." He says with a whack to my forehead.

This perks my interst. Wait.

"Don't tell me this friend of yours is loud, dumb, sporty, clueless, and just plain stupid."

"Hardy har har he's actually very smart and-, wait I don't need to explain this to you just get up and leave." He says rolling his eyes.

I unwilling start to get up while glaring at my cousin. He must think he's slick since my parents have left and are at work. Well he's not.

"I'm not dumb. I know you have two weeks off from UNI. So that means your bringing a friend to stay. And that happens to be your so called "life long friend". You want me to leave so it can look like no one was here and then you make up some lie to my parentos about him staying. Then we all meet him at the same time." I finish off. He really thinks he's smater than me. My brain is a puzzle a journal of onley the darkest depths.

"What no." He says nervoulsy stretching out the "o" in no.

I pin him with one of my infamous do I look stupid looks.

"Okay fine maybe but your like one of those mind secret hackers so that's how you knew. But with Alaric," he let's out a laugh, "You won't get past him."

"So he must be insane then?" I question.

And all he says the only thing he can say that leaves me dumbfounded "As they once said or as they still say." And he just walks out.

I never really knew why I was so curious or manipulative. Well that's horrible description of my self. I like a challenge a mystery. Drew said he was insane others might say the same as well.

Finally getting out of bed after being lost in my thoughts. I saunter over to my closet and pull out some joggers and a black shirt. Impressing who?

I twist my door knob and start to walk to the bathroom. But I hear voices. Drew's obnoxious one of course. But another one this one seems deeper. One that carries secrets even the deepest of chambers could not hold. Interesting.

I hurry in the shower because I would like to put a face to the voice. I suppose it could be the life long friend Drew was talking about.

Once my clothes are on my body. I throw open the bathroom door and head down staris. I don't hear their  voices in the living room so they must be in the kitchen.

I silently head to the kitchen but I'm halfway there when I hear that deep voice stop. Sounds like only Drew is in there. You won't even fell a presence of another person. Seems as if he's alert. Good.

I reach the threshold of the kitchen. And I see Drew and the back of mr. Deepvoice. Drew stops talking and that's when deep voice turns around. But I know he already knew I was here even before Drew stopped rambling.

And let me tell you he is a whole repas complet.

Standing what looks to be above six feet is a whole god. He has raven black hair that looks as if it gobbles every ray of light, his skin is a healthy pale olive color, he has eyes that resemble the darkest of dark storm clouds, and are framed with thick black eyelashes it seems. Hermosa.

"Alaric this is my cuzzo Ayden. Ayden this is Alaric." Drew gives out the introductions.

It seems as if Alaric is trying to pin me down with his stare. Looking me up and down. Then pinning me with his eyes that look into mine. Seeming as if he is trying to figure me out learn all my deepest of deep secrets. I of course try to do the same. But his stare his completely and utterly blank.

"Greetings." Is all he says after his look over. Mhmm... sounds as if he has a French accent. Wait I know he does because it's rich and deep.

"Hola, I'm Ayden obviously the one and only. The king of KINGS." I say by the way of my greeting.

"As I was saying Alaric unique doesn't even begin to describe Ayden." Drew says shaking his head.

"I see." Is all he says once agian.

Drew looks like he wishes I wasn't his cousin. I could say the same.

Alaric's POV.

He's different I can't see into the depths of his soul. Or in literally terms I can't read him.

He's got dark blue hair that looks to be died. And pale blue eyes with a ring of pale silver surrounding his irses. With narrow hips and a slender but seems to be sturdy build.


He is one of the few it seems are real Angels. He seems mundane but not of are galaxy.  Our Universe.

He looks to be the one I wish for. The one I see in my dreams. The one he desires and fears all at once.


What's yours? I question him.

Ayden he's ours. But he's dangerous he's persistent. He will catch all the details.

That's all he says. And once agian I'm trapped inside my head but no one knows.

Trapped inside my own misery and woe.

Back to Ayden's POV.

Drew doesn't know that he's been rambling to himself this whole time. Because I'm not listening and Alaric doesn't seem to be either.

Drinking my yogurt bebible. I go back to studying Alaric. He seems to be lost. That's all I can say at the moment but I feel like he put that one emotion out there so I can see it. Because all of his other ones I know are locked up tight.

"Movie anyone?" Drew asks.

"Yeah I'm in but let me pick please?" I ask with a pout because that'll make Drew melt.

"Of course," Yessss, "Not." He finishes with a laugh.

"Dipshit." Is all I say before stopping out of the kitchen.

With Alaric and Drew following behind.

"Okay let's pick a long movie and watch it until Ayden's parents get here they'll be here in about two hours." Drew says once we've settled on the couch.

"Titanic." I say.

Alaric nods his agreement.


"She's talking about holding on. Well bitch you didn't you let go. Like what the hell man!" I yell once agian.

I'm about say some more shit but I hear the door opening. So I sprint my ass upstairs.

I plop on my bed a try to go to sleep.

Hell no. I'm not about to stay down there so my mom can tell me to do the dishes. Hell no.

Alaric he's a mystery. He seems so blocked off you can't detect anything. Like the deepest depths of space.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" Drew yells.

Looks like Alaric's staying for two week's.

I will be switching to Alaric's POV sometimes but it'll mostly be Ayden's POV. I have school tomorrow kill me. If you wanna throw some shady shade shade. Then bu-bye. Anywhore vote, comment all that jazz. Posting early. :)

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