Chapter 19

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"Now I will burn you back,
I will burn you through,
Though I am damned for it we two will lie
And burn.

                -Charlotte Mew, In The Nunhead Cemetery"

Fucking hell I just saw someone die. Fuck. Fuck. And I know who shot them. What if they ask me to testify oh shit.

"Hurry up." Wright says as he walks behind us. He watches out back as he walks down the flight of stairs making sure no one comes.

"Yeah, okay are we almost there?" I ask wanting to not have to worry about dying or if someone finds us.

"Hush." Francis whispers as we walk forward.

I breath out of my nose as I hear gunshots go off from above us. We keep walking no one says a word as we reach level on and see the door that has big red bold letters that say exit.

"Everyone calm down and don't worry about anyone else but yourself. You will get to that car without getting hurt and without anyone following you. Is that understood?" Wright says glancing into everyone's eyes. His eyes lingering on Francis for a millisecond linger that the rest of us.

We all nod our head. Wright counts to three the opens the door motioning is to run.

I do without a second thought I run. But my curiosity gets the best of me I let my eyes shift from the car my destination to the slaughter around us. Their are innocent people running and screaming for help. But most are screaming out of pain and terror. Their are men with beacon from head to toe that are shooting people. Anyone who comes into their range.

And it shoots a spark of cold fear through me. What if they happen to see four people running to a car. The four people they came looking for. And then I'm filled with guilt because all of theses people are dying in part because of me.

"Stop." Alaric says.

"What the fuck why are we stopping?" Francis exclaims. With a stricken look on his beautiful face.

"Because they've noticed us." Alaric says turning his cold eyes to Francis.

I look at the court yard and indeed there are some men in black looking at us suspiciously. And a plan sparks into my head.

"We've been noticed we have to accept that and is it to our advantage. We take Francis our use him as bait while two of us stay back and hopefully try and take them out." I say to them. It's a plan that might now work. But we're pretty fucking limited here.

"Who goes out with Francis then?" Wright asks. Looking between us all.

"Me." I answer. Alaric's eyes snap to mine. And a piece of that coldness breaks and I see worry in his eyes.

"You don't have the muscle. And don't look threatening enough to 'have took me'". He says scoffing.

"But I'm the smartest, and that makes it way more easier to have taken you. And I believe that's how we did it." I say a smirk pulling at my lips at his facial expressions.

"So you saying I'm dumb then?" He asks in shock.

"Cut it out. We're running out of time. Ayden you better play your part damn well. Do you understand?" I nod my head. He tryna his focus to Francis. "Don't talk. Only if you need too. Play that bravado act."

Francis crosses his arms with a pout then nods.

"Alaric and me will try to take most of them out, when we give the go. Run fast as hell to the car. We should be behind you. If we're not there in a minute after we were suppose to then leave. It would be worse if we all get caught then just one of us." Wright says staring into everyone's eyes his eyes lingering on Francis more than that should be accountable.

"Now go." Alaric tell us. I grab Francis hands and put them behind his back. Before I leave Alaric's grabs my arm and whispers in my ear. I contain my disagreements but agree. It could work after all.

I put my game face on. If that counts and walk out into the open in range with the men.

"It seems your looking for him." I shout a devious smirk playing at my lips.

"Who are you?" Of the men asks his gun pointing at us.

"Someone who has gotten you something you yearn back, is who I am."

"IT'S FRANCIS!" Another man exclaims.

"That damn bitch." Someone else says.

"One that controls you all. So shut your damn mouths. And tell the scum bag to hand be over." Francis says sounding very much arrogant and princely in his own right.

I hit him with the gun. The apology almost slipping from my mouth.

"Hand him over. Or we'll shoot you." The one that spoke first says.

"Mhmm." I say waving then gun in front of me. "I want something in return." I say but I start to change my statement after remember what Alaric had whispered in my ear. "On second thought, let's make a deal."

They don't say anything. I continue. "I'm sure you want this kid gone. Taking orders from someone younger than you. Pathetic and you know it. Shoot him and tell big boss he got hit in the cross fire."

I can feel Francis tense.

I push him forward. "Shoot away."

Sorry I've been gone for a hot minute. I play basketball now. That's funny as hell ik I can remember saying I hated sports. I have practice after school and during school so when I come home I'm dead gone. Plus break has been a time for me to relax and get my mind straight. But I'm updating again so yea.

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