Chapter 23

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"Think then and now that there is a man who would give his life, to keep a life you love beside you."

- Sydney Carton

Third Person P.O.V

Alaric and Ayden had exited the restroom and had gone back to the booth. Francis and Wright were already their eating like fucking pigs. Alaric and Ayden's food across from them.

They had sat down and started eating. No conversation starting at all, all four of them were both starved all they good do is gobble down the food.

Francis was the first to finish. Him being him he stared talking out of boredom.

"So are we turn into killers or something? Because personally I think that Alaric and Wright aren't able to kill all those people and take on the organization on their own." Francis says his brown eyes looking at all of us.

"We'll have a few of my operatives from my organization to help us." Wright says willing his hands on the napkin and smacking his teeth.

Francis rolls his eyes. "Do you not see what I'm trying to say. Are Ayden and I," He asks pausing to point at me. "Going to be you know killing people. I think I could do it, I've done it twice." Some of his care free, idiotic nature fades away as his face hardens.

Ayden swallows soundly, taking another life isn't in his range of doings. It would break him and shape him into someone else.

"You don't need to kill anyone." Wright says he turns his grey eyes to Francis I see sympathy there. Francis closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them.

"I'll be fine. If I'm going with you all I need to kill someone or I'll be killed. And wouldn't we all hate that." Francis saying sending a wink their way.

"No." Alaric's deep voice shoots out.

Ayden and Wright start laughing.

"Fuck you." Francis sayings glaring at Alaric.

Ayden turns his head to Alaric and sees his face in a softer state knowing he is only joking.

"Well wouldn't we all hate to die?" Francis ask setting his elbows on the table looking interested in everyone's answer.

"Yes, there are still so many things I want to do." Ayden answers first not getting to specific or Alaric will catch on. Not like he already probably hasn't but still, Ayden thinks.

"Death, wouldn't be a mercy for me I've done evil things in my life. I knew the consequences once I've done it but that doesn't mean I want to face them. A coward move but still an answer." Wright says his fist are balled up on top of the table. Francis puts a hand on top of one and it uncurls.

"I do not fear death." Alaric says.

"Of course you don't fear death. You fear nothing." Francis says sarcastically.

"A lie." Alaric says.

"Then what do you fear?" Francis challenges.

"I fear losing the ones I've come to care about and love." Alaric says his dark eyes becoming beautiful storm clouds that makes my stomach tingle.

"And who in the world would you care about?"

"You three, and drew." He replies with a small smile. And it's genuine.

"YOU CARE ABOUT ME?!" Francis screams clutching at his chest.

"Yes you dipshit." Alaric replies while sipping his juice.

Ayden and Wright can only laugh and smile.

So I'm lazy as fuck and decide not update for a quick minute but here you go. Something light and funny before I hit you all with the chaos. The book is almost complete.

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