Chapter 6

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don't fear the sadness
some live long
never feeling
anything at all

- atticus

Ayden's POV.

"Why?" Drew asks.

"Because you know Chris is coming today and I don't want it spent at some party." I explain.

Why in the world does he want me to go to a party so much. He has Alaric so why does he need me to come?

"Just bring Chris with you." He whines while throwing his hands up in the air.

"No, and get out of my room." I say pointing towards the door.

He looks at me in defeat but then, "ALARIC!" He screams.

"Shit. Shit. SHIT." I mumble under my breath.

"I want you at my mercy."

Oh shit.

"I'm coming." Alaric says.

I hope on my bed and try to pretend I'm sleep. Cause come on now Alaric is pretty persuasive.

"What Drew?" He asks. Well he's already in my room.

"Tell him he should come to the party with us." Drew says.

I can feel Alaric's stare burning into my back, "Why should we make him?" Alaric asks.

"Because he's so cute all the lady's go up to him. He's like a wingman."

"Oh I'm not a wingman?"

"No Alaric, your not all the lady's want to have sex with you. They don't think your adorable." Drew states with a sigh.

I'm feed up now. I rip the cover of my head and turn to Drew and say.

"I told you Chris was coming, I want to spend one on one time with him. Not at some Party." I say.

My eyes meet Alaric's for just a second but I see his stormy eyes becoming a night sky.

Alaric crosses his arms over his chest and ask, "And might I ask who is Chris.?" He asks trying to sound nonchalant but I can hear the line of anger.

I start fidgeting on the bed and trying to to come up with a reasonable answer.

"He's umm...." I trail off when I hear the door bell ring.

I jump up and thank whoever's up there for the save and run down staris.

Right when I hit the bottom of the staris the door opens and Chris walks in.

"HONEY I'M HOME!" He yells.

"CHRIS!" I scream as I jump on him.

He wraps his arms around my back to hold me up.

I look at his face and see a breathtaking smile. Which causes one to appear on mine.

"I missed you sooooo much. How was it? Did you like it? Find anyone?" I ask just spitting out questions.

He starts to chuckle and answers, "Yes, Yes, and No."

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs .

"CHRIS!" Drew yells.

Drew rips me off of Chris which leads to me hitting the floor.

He jumps on Chris which causes Chris to bust out laughing and then they both fall onto the floor.

I get up from my stop on the floor to see Alaric leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

His eyes are as stormy and as dark as ever.

I walk over to him and lean on the wall mimicking him.

"You still want me to tell you who he is?" I ask.

He grunts as an answer and I'll take that as a yes.

"He's my bestfriend like Best Of BEST friends. He protected me, helped me, cared for me, made me laugh and a Million more things. Drew eventually became bestfriends with him to because they were in the same grade. But he never forgot me. Which made me so happy and even through my time finding out I liked boys. He was there." I say because he is and has been my bestfriend for years.

He looks down at me with unreadable eyes. And says, "So your gay?"

"Is that really all you got from that." I ask.

"Well you look kind of gay but who am I to assume." He says with a shrug.

"Why do you care so much, it really doesn't matter.

"Maybe I was looking for confirmation so I can do a little something."

"Confirmation for what?"

He just looks at me and without saying a word heads to the kitchen.

I look back down at the floor where Chris and Drew are supposed to be. But there not there.

I start walking towards the kitchen were I hear voices talking.

I walk into the kitchen to see Drew and Chris fighting over the last Twinkie, while Alaric watches from a distant.

I shake my head at the two and walk over to Alaric.

"Bored. I'm bored." I say as a greeting to Alaric.

He looks at me and says, "Not my problem."

"Well you could fix it you know." I say with and eye roll.

Alaric just stares at me. We're both leaning on the wall facing eachother. Our bodys kind of close.

"Well I don't know what you want me to do." He says with a monotone voice.

"Fine then I'll just hang out with Chris, that's why he's here." I snap, because jezz he's making me mad.

His eyes hold anger. Real anger. And desires. I should be scared. But I'm a black belt so I'm not.

"Fine I'll take you somewhere." He all he says before grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.

We walk pass the cars in the drive way and continue down the street.

Were walking, oh hell no that's not happening.

"Alaric I'm not fucking walking." I say with finality that's so needed.

Alaric stops walking and drops my hand before turning to me.

"Yes you are, I'm not going to fucking carry you so you will walk." He says with his own finality.

"Carry me." Is all I say.

"I'm entertaining you for fucks sake why do I have to do more by carrying you?"

"Cause I fucking said so you dip. So please just carry me." I say with a pout yeah that should always work.

Yeah fucking right.

He tightens his jaw. And nods.

Which causes me to squeal cause duh I'm gay. I make a turn around motion with my figure so he know I need to get onto his back.

He turns around and I hope on his back. Really hard. Which causes him to grunt.

I put my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my thighs. Really close to my butt.

His hands warm and rough feeling through the materiel of my sweats.

He starts walking and I say, "Hurry along my horse."

He mutters, "Well fuck." And keep walking.




Get reading for some, slight tea next chapter.


Queen of Space

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