Striving for

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What is it I'm striving for?
I know it's not wealth,
I'm not looking for more,

What is it I'm striving for?
I know it's not health,
For it won't save my core,

What is it I'm striving for?
I know it's not silence,
For it skin and bones tore,

What is it I'm striving for?
I know it's not praise,
For God is the one it's for,

What is it I'm striving for?
Perhaps not to be alone,
Putting locks on my door,

What is it I'm striving for?
To keep fear out?
Letting it in I can't afford,

What is it I'm striving for?
Perhaps feeling peace,
Not giving worry a score,

What is it I'm striving for?
I have you Lord,
Help me not to seek more,
I'll follow your path,
And you'll give in time,
Whatever it is,
You'll want me to have

-Inspired from: Deuteronomy 31:6

6Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

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