A Plan That Works Out Way Too Well And Yet Not At All

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(Enjoy! Some mature themes and language! This takes place in about the middle of the second season.)

Croix's POV

This might be my most ingenious plan yet! All I need to do is put on the finishing touches and it will be perfect! Then I can spy on Chariot and her plans all I want! This will make it so much easier to manipulate her to my plans and to find out what secrets Akko and her are discovering. If I'm ever going to wield the Claiomah Solais, I'm going to need to know each and every word and there meaning. Even if I have to spy to find out.

I hold the small white orb in my hand, it's camera wide and HD, perfect for picking up every speck of information I would need to know. Pressing a small button hidden under the camera, the lid of it pops open. Peering inside, I decide to tighten up some of the loose ends of the wire and make sure the cooling system for the mainframe is working. Once done I'll be able to add the cloaking device on top of it to make it invisible to the naked eye!

The second my machine is invisible, I head over to my desk and turn on my monitor specifically from the orb. In perfect high definition, I control the orb to fly out of my lair and towards Chariot's dorm. Sure, it might be an invasion of privacy, but I've cut many corners to get where I am today. One more couldn't hurt.

I had planned to simply wait until somebody opened the door to Chariot's room, or her herself opened the door, but Akko was standing in the doorway talking her ear off. It was the perfect opportunity to sneak in above both of them in stealth mode with my machine.

Once I get into her room, I decide to look around for anything that might provide more clues. Chariot can sense something in the room, I can tell. Oh no, is the magic making the orb fly too loud?! Or maybe she still has really good instincts? I decided to fly higher up in the air and then land on top of her bookshelf to spy on her. It was the perfect angle since I could see everything in the room, but especially everything on Chariot's desk.

Looking nervously around the room, I swear her eyes land on my camera lens for a second. But soon enough she looks away and walks over to her desk. I scoot my orb to the side a bit as Chariot pulls out a book from her bookshelf. It's a large, thick, book with a tattered spine. The pages look to be water damaged and ripped, while the old book in it's entirety looks musty and dusty.

She opens the book in half to reveal the whole thing to be a fraud. Inside of the fake book sits a book just as thick, just as tattered, but definitely not as old. On the front of the book reads "DO NOT READ (UNLESS YOUR _____)" in glitter, although the name is scratched off at the end. It looks like something a child would have made, a silly craft, a whimsical desire. But why go through all the trouble to hide it in some fake book?

She opens the book to a fresh page and gets out a pencil to write with. I get what this is now! Her diary! I always knew she had one when we were younger, but she never let me get anywhere near it. I had respected her privacy, her space, but now I felt compelled to see what she will write down.

Dear Diary,

Why does this world seem to want to give me endless torment? I thought my life was going great, that I would help Akko with the words and she could save all of magic. Then God (or whatever supernatural being watches over us) has to bring back my ex to torment my every single thought and emotion.

Ohhhhh this part is about me! This will be great!

Why must my life torment me like this? Why does she look so mature- so hot in every sense of the word?! I had just forgotten about her and then she waltzes in here and sends tingles down my spine. Why in the world do I still feel something when I look at her?! Why do I feel like this?! What is happening to me that I'm falling for her again.....after everything she has done to me!?

Oh shit. Holy crap. Wait. What? How? Why? What?! She still feels something for me? This is insane!! I've tried to bury my feelings for her under mountains of code but knowing she feels the same gives my heart a glimmer of hope. I came in here to find secrets to destroy her....and all I'm finding are secrets to destroy the both of us.

Chariot slams her diary shut and puts her pencil away. I look at the tears clinging to her eyelids as she takes a deep breath and looks at her poster on the wall. It's in a language I strangely can't read, and I took every single language elective they had a Luna Nova. I even took advanced classes with Professor Pisces! And yet I cannot decipher the language on this poster.

Chariot's eyes travel to the floor as she stands up and walks to the opposite side of her dorm. I take off flying above her again, not knowing what's behind this door. I don't know what I thought it would be; a secret passageway to a hidden tower maybe? But no, it was just a bathroom.

I tried to get out as fast as I could, not wanting to be indecent. Chariot closes the door and starts to undress, leaving my drone stranded in a bathroom with my half-naked ex-lover. I stand up from my seat, not wanting to let my eyes see her like this. Sure, when we were younger I saw her body many times, most of those times next to mine, but if I was caught snooping on her naked self now? I could end up in jail.

I begin to walk away from my console, but my eyes glance over at my monitor. No no no no.....! I should not be snooping on her like this. But she's naked. And she's filling her bathtub up with bubbles and soap as she used to when we were young to cheer her up. I don't think that even if a nuclear bomb went off behind me, I couldn't take my eyes away from the monitor.

She lets her hair down, letting it reveal it's natural fiery red color. I watch as she bends over to check the temperature of the water, letting me get a great view of her from behind. She's a lot rounder than when I last saw her body this bare, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate it. Chariot stands back up and slowly make her way into the mass of bubbles that float around her. She must have poured a lot of bubble solution in there because I can't see an inch of her body once she's in the bath.

Bubbles go all the way up to her shoulders, not letting me see anything below that.

That's good. It will give me incentive to stop being a creep and shut this whole operation down until further notice.

Then Chariot sighs loudly in relaxation, making my entire body tense up. I go up to my monitor and type a command to have the drone stop transmitting audio and video feeds to my monitor. Hitting enter, I sigh in relief, knowing I can no longer be tormented by Chariot's beautiful frame a moment longer.

I sit down in my armchair with a huff, closing my eyes and taking deep breathes. I can't believe everything I just saw....no only does Chariot hate that she's still attracted to me.....I'm still attracted to her. No no no no no no no! I cannot let my feelings, my emotions, in the way of my plan! I've gone ten years without her, I can do another ten if I tried!

But the way she looks....the way she acts now. It reminds me too much of how the past is in the past. Although sometimes I do like to remember fondly our past......I know it can never mirror the future. Chariot and I will never be in a romantic relationship ever again. I need to face that truth.

Chariot's POV

I just need to put all thoughts of Croix out of my mind. I am not going to let her just show up after ten years of absence and let her consume my every waking second of my day again. No, I won't let her have that power over me. She doesn't deserve that power over me. After abandoning me, I don't think I could ever let her have that much power over me again. Especially because she stabbed me in the back with the dream fuel spirit.....

I still don't know if I'll ever find the courage to tell Akko what Croix made me do.

Drying off, I get dressed back in my Luna Nova uniform and head out for dinner. All the students eat inside the cafeteria, but the Professors are allowed to eat outside at some of the picnic tables. Most of the Professors tend to not even attend dinner and instead eat in their rooms, but I never want to miss the chance to say hi to some of my students.

The second I walk into the cafeteria I see Akko being scolded by Professor Finnelan. She looks annoyed, but Akko hopefully knows not to talk back to her. What am I saying? That girl can't shut up about anything. No more then two seconds later I can already see Professor Finnelan fuming and storming away from Akko, but not after assigning her to clean up the cafeteria after dinner.

Once Finnelan leaves she spots me and runs over, happy to see me, "Hey Professor Ursula! How are you doing today?"

"I'm good! How are you, Akko?" I say politely, putting on a fake smile.

"I'm great! Yesterday was sooooo cool! Although it made me miss lunch yesterday which is why Professor Finnelan scolded me!" Akko says.

I raise an eyebrow, "What happened yesterday?"

"Sucy had made this dangerous potion and drank it, which made her fall into a coma! Lotte cast a spell on me and I went into Sucy's mind to try to wake her up! I got to see all the sides of Sucy and explore her brain, meeting all the cool aspects of her personality! Did you know a part of her also wants to perform like me! But she hides it because she considers it not cool! And I was able to go inside her head and wake her up!"

I laugh, "That sounds very...interesting..."

Oh Akko and her overdramatic stories.

She then waves goodbye to me and goes back to her table to eat lunch. I move towards the food lines and get my lunch, then head outside to eat. It's a perfectly sunny day outside, not a single cloud in the sky, yet the heat isn't unbearable. I sit down and begin to eat my food, enjoying the peace and calm of the outdoors.

Then, out of nowhere, Croix comes over and sits down right next to me. She holds a steaming cup of ramen in her hands with a pair of chopsticks. I notice her face has a slight hue of red, but I blame it on the heat of her ramen rather than anything else.

"Hey, Professor Ursula! How are are you today?!" Croix asks as if we are still the best of friends.

I glare at her and try to focus on eating, not even responding to her. I don't want her anywhere near me. But if anyone sees me storm off they will get suspicious about why. I don't want anyone finding out about my past with her or my past in general.

She grins at me, moving her face even closer to my own, "What's wrong? Char-bear~"

I continue to glare daggers at her, picking at the food on my plate. Being near her again.....it's maddening. She's so different now, so hot in a new and exciting way! Croix has completely changed inside and out, but I cannot let myself get attached to her again. I won't let myself do such a thing for the good of Luna Nova.

Croix leans her head on my shoulder, smirking. I close my eyes and bite my lip, shuddering at the touch of her soft hair against my shoulder. Taking a deep breathe, I find her all to firmilar scent wafting through the air. Shoot, she even still uses that dollar store brand super stawberry shampoo, I can smell it. I savor the feeling of her against me and her sweet shampoo, just while it lasts. Even if I don't know why she is teasing me.

"Professor Croix! Professor Ursula! My office! Now!" I hear Headmistress yell.

Oh gosh....

(Five votes for a part 2!!!!)

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