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(Okay so I was talking to some of my friends at lunch {I know me having friends is a huge revelation} and we were talking about how there's basically three types of fanfiction. Those three types are smut, angst, and fluff. As the conversation grew we began talking about how people would combine two of the types, like how people make smutty angst. That made me realize that I don't think anyone has properly made a fic with all three of these types! I am going to try my best to make an angsty, fluffy, smutty, fic. This will probably be horrible but who knows. You might all like it or you might hate it, let me know when you finish reading.)

(Mature Scenes and Strong Language Such As Cursing. Viewer discretion is advised. )

(Fluff first, angst, then smut. All in one fic. Your welcome.)

Chariot's POV

I'm standing at my window, looking at all the stars in the night sky. I should be asleep, but the sky tonight is mesmerizing. The southern cross shines brightly in the sky, making me grin slightly. Southern cross is what Croix was named after, she's the one who taught me all about astronomy and astrology so I know it quite well. I remember fondly nights where we would study in the moonlight outdoors, breathing in the fresh air, smiling, laughing, perfectly at peace. I never got to confess to Croix the only reason I wanted to study astrology with her so much is because of those nights.

Croix confided in me that she was going to not communicate with me again until she found out the cure for the Wagandea pollen. She did this the last time I saw her, which is a day before she got out of jail. I cried and all she said was "It's for our own good, I don't want to do this either, but it's the only way". That was six months ago.

I look at the stars and reminiscence about back when I was a student at Luna Nova.

Suddenly there's a soft knock on the door. I rush down to see who would be doing this, quietly, at this time of night.

When I look through the peephole of my door, I gasp loudly and take a step backward. Is this a dream? Or is Croix really here?! I pinch myself, no this isn't a dream. She's here! In the dead of night Croix has come back to me!

I should probably open the door for her.

As I open the door she smiles at me sheepishly. She's wearing her old attire, the kind of clothing she wore when she first came back to Luna Nova as a teacher except she has a brown satchel with her. I don't hesitate to run and give her a hug. Somehow this catches her off-guard, like she wasn't expecting me to be so excited to see her.

She stumbles backward a bit as I wrap my arms around her neck in a tight embrace, "Woah Chariot, calm down, your getting a little presumptuous about how this night is going to end,"

I pull away from the hug, blushing furiously and say, "You know that's not what I was thinking about, you just don't understand the joy it gives me to see you again..."

"I am just thankful you were up, we both know you aren't a light sleeper," She teases, crossing her arms across her chest and grinning at me.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask, "It's not that I don't want you here, I do, it's just it's late and-"

"I found a cure,"


I shriek and cover my mouth with my hands, knowing I might have woken someone up. I pull Croix inside my room and shut my door quickly, an ecstatic grin on my face.

"Oh my gosh! I am so excited! Your the best Croix! Thank you so much!" I ramble on and on.

"Chariot, what will it take for you just to be quiet so I can perform the spell or are you just going to keep bragging about how great I am the whole night?" She asks me and takes off her satchel to get something out of it.

"Sorry! It's just-I'm just-it's just- ugh! I am so happy your here and so happy to get my powers back!"I squeal.

She takes out a bracelet from her purse and puts it on. It's all black and is thick, like a bracelet you would see a girl at a rock concert wear, and whenever she moves, it makes a clanking noise against the other bracelets. She is only wearing one bracelet, which is a good thing because if she had more on I wouldn't be able to look at her amazing arms...

UGH! no no no no no no! I cannot do this again! I am not falling for her again, it always ends in disaster. I can't afford to have another heartbreak! Especially if it's with her! But I will admit, Croix is ripped.

Croix then takes out her wand and grins at me. Her perfectly white, sparkly teeth are showing, and she looks genuinely proud. I can't help what wonder what's going through her head right now. Is she thinking about me? Is she worried she will mess up the spell? I wish I could get inside of her head right now.

Croix's POV


Chariot's POV

I guess I'll never know what's going on inside her head. That's fine. She looks calm and relaxed, not a single muscle in her body tense. Don't ask me why I am looking at her body. It's not because she has curves or because she's smoking hot! Not at all! I am overthinking this...

"Are you ready to get back to being the most talented witch at Luna Nova?" She asks me and I have to giggle.

"If you still worked here, we both know it would be you,"

She throws her head back in laughter and I blush at how turned on this makes me. No! No! I am not turned on! I need to turn off! I need to turn off and go home! My god..... I am a huge fucking mess.

"Oh Chariot, you still are in this world to entertain..." She says and then her face falls.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something I need to tell you about the procedure to getting your magic back, you might not want to do it and I do have a backup plan but-"

"I'll do anything to get my magic back!" I respond quickly.

She looks slightly uncomfortable for once, and I worry, knowing she hasn't shown many emotions since the Grand Triskellion incident. I put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her I am up for anything, but this somehow makes her even more uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly.

She shakes her head, "Nothing, it's just get your powers back, you need to kiss me,"

"What?! Why? I mean I am not saying I don't want to but..."

"Chariot, the bracelet on my wrist is absorbing my power, when I experience a strong emotion it should transfer all my magic power to you," She says and I grab her wrists, looking her in the eyes.

"Croix Meridies, I will not let you sacrifice your magic for mine," I growl, letting her know I really mean it.

I try to pull the bracelet off her wrist but Croix grabs her arm away from me. She then moves her arm behind her back.

"You deserve this Chariot! There is no way to change the outcome; the bracelet is already absorbing my magic!" She yells at me, tears beginning to crowd her eyes, "The magic would have a better use in you than in me!"

"What are you talking about?!" I shout, "You're the most talented witch in the entire universe, there's no way you magic would of not be put to good use with you!"

Tears stream down her face, "You don't understand! I don't want this life anymore! I don't want to be a witch! I just want my last action as a witch to be helping you get magic!"

I shake my head vigorously, "I don't understand! You are one of the most powerful and smartest witches in the world!"

"That's why..." She chokes out, "I can't handle that responsibility..."

Croix is shaking and tears continue to glide down her cheeks. I try to take a step towards to her, to try to hug her, but she turns away from me.

"You'll never much magic has ruined me..."

She breaks down sobbing and falls to a heap on the ground. She doesn't seem to care about anything else at the moment other than facts I apparently don't understand. I kneel down next to her and cup her cheeks in my hands, wiping away the tears as they continue to fall.

"Shhhhhh, it's alright Croix,"

She looks at me with fire in her eyes that I had only seen one time before when the Shiny Rod electrocuted her.

She shouts, "No it's not! I love you, Chariot! I am doing all of this for you! You loved magic with all of your heart, so I am giving away my magic since you don't have any place for me in your heart anyway!"

"Your not making any sense...." I whisper, my throat closing with anxiety, making me feel like I have a nasty cold.

Croix looks to the ground, looking like she is in physical pain, "I can feel the bracelets almost done taking my magic..., it's painful, like when you scrape the sides of a peanut butter jar when it's empty to get just the little bit left..."

I cannot believe she is doing all of this for me! I cannot believe she still loves me! The world around me seems to be filled with happiness and joy while I am a confused mess of shit. I put my hand on her chin, tilting it upward so she can look me in the eyes. I have to make a decision soon or neither of us is going to have any magic.

"I am going to do this solely for the fact that you are in pain," I whisper, "I don't agree with you that you shouldn't have magic, but I want you to have done all of this for something."

For a second our eyes meet. Her eyes look like sea glass, so beautiful and interesting to look at, even when being covered in salt water. Her breathing is ragged like she is trying to finally breathe again, and she still shaking.

I don't want her to live with regret. I don't want her to live a life full of pain an guilt because I didn't take an amazing opportunity.

At the same time, we both lean forward, hungry for each other's lips. Croix's kiss is intoxicating, I can't get enough of it. Her lips are full of passion and hunger, desire and lust. She pushes against me, bringing her arms to rest on my shoulders. I push back and wrap my arms around her neck. As we continue our passion-filled make out session I feel like doll getting stitched back together. Like I had been missing something from myself for all of this time, but never realized until someone manually stitched me back to being alive again. Weather this was the magic or Croix coming back to me, I couldn't tell. All I knew was that I felt alive for the first time in years.

As we kissed I raked my hands through her hair, admiring how soft it is and enjoying amazing she is making me feel. It's like she's giving me a rush of adrenaline, a shot of espresso, anything that just gives you spikes of vitality. I never want this too end, I never want this to stop. I want to stay in her arms, kissing her, until the day I die.

She pulls away, gasping for air as am I since we had been kissing for well over two minutes straight (get it cause we aren't straight). Her arm, the one with the bracelet on it, is trembling. She winces and I realize what's happening. The last of her magic power is being put into the bracelet. It must hurt a lot.

I grab her waist and pull her closer to me, hugging her closely. She obliges and lays her head down on my shoulder.

"I'm glad that my magic will be of use to someone..." She laments, "Especially you."

"I might not understand how hard this is for you, but I do understand if you are in pain," I whisper, "I want you to know I'm here for you..."

She sniffles, "Thank you will make all of this pain worth it..."

I feel her magic within me getting stronger by the second. Most of her magic transferred to me when we kissed, but I feel the last bits of magic slowly making its way to me. Croix starts to shake again and I told her tightly. She begins to cry softly on my shoulder and I rub her back slowly to help her calm down.

"I-I'll- t-te-t-tell y-you w-wh-whe-when I-it e-en-ends," She whisper, her voice hoarse and shaky.

"Okay," I whisper back, "It's okay, everything will be okay,"

I hear her teeth chattering as she bares her teeth to try to get herself to stop. Her whole body tenses, yet flinches, as she prepares herself for the pain.

"Ugh!" She howls in pain, releasing the tension is every bone in her body.

She pulls away from me and throws the bracelet to the ground, shattering it instantly. She looks at me, an edge to her eyes as she walks towards me quickly. My first response is to back up, thinking she's mad at me for something. So I back up until I'm pinned against the wall by Croix. She pins my arms against the wall, grinning savagely at me. I bite my lip in fear and confusion, looking at how her eyes sparkle in the moonlight. She leans forward, pressing her body against mine.

"C-cr-cro-Croix! What are you...?" I ask before she begins to suck on the nape of my neck.

Without thinking I moan softly, then quickly close my mouth. I blush, wondering what the hell Croix thinks she's doing. She just gave me everything she has ever worked for, all her amazing magical energy, and then start randomly giving me a hickey? I mean it's not like I don't enjoy it, trust me when I say I love it, but why now? Why did she show up out of the blue at midnight, sacrifice her powers for me, and then start randomly pin me against the wall and give me a hickey? She's one strange witch, that's for sure. She looks so stunning in the moonlight is another thing I know for sure.

I start to feel warm as she nibbles on the nape of my neck. Oh, gods, she's really turning me on. The fierceness at which she nibbles is one I have to adore and she's so hot wearing that tightly fit clothing that shows off all her curves.

But does she want what I do? Or is she just teasing me? Please don't have her be teasing me...

She pulls away from my neck and blushes but doesn't release my arms from where they are pinned above me.

"I know it's been a very eventful night already, getting your powers back and me losing mine, but I want more to happen..." She says, an evil grin displayed on her face, "I told you that I loved you earlier and you didn't say you loved me back, please, tell me, do you feel the same?"

"If you weren't trying to be such a top right now, I would kiss you to confirm your answer," I chuckle.

She let's go of my arms but still pins me against the wall with her body. She wraps her arms around my waist and laughs, guanty and full of love. It made my stomach do backflips looking at how hot she is and how deeply invested I am in my love for her. I lean forward and kiss her softly, quickly, and she frowns. I then duck out of her arms around my waist and move towards my couch. I lay down on it and sprawl out, making sure there's no room for Croix to sit.

"Your such a dork," She says, leisurely making her way over to the couch.

She takes her time to lay down on top of me, but when she does, I start to kiss her passionately. Everything in the world feels alright now. I feel alright now. I feel like I can conquer the world with Croix by my side. Just her and me.

We make out for a bit, enjoying each other company and lips. I cannot think straight about what an eventful night this has been. All I know is that I love Croix and her......she loves me. I don't need to worry about if she's off somewhere hurt or distressed, because I know now she isn't. I know now that she is mine....... forever. 

Croix's hands make their way from caressing my hair, to fumbling for the zipper on my tracksuit. She then realizes what she is doing and stops kissing me, but our lips are still touching. 

"I want every inch of you," She whispers, her lips sliding over mine as she speaks, "But if you don't want to go that far I understand,"

I smirk, "Croix, what you don't understand is how much I want to-"

"Woah, Chariot," She grins, "Let's keep this PG-13,"

"Nothing I want to do to you is PG-13," I whisper, internally laughing at how flustered Croix becomes. 

She giggles, propping herself up her head is farther away from me, but the rest of her body is leaning against me, "I didn't realize you were a top Chariot, that's unfortunate, I was going to have to much fun pleasing you..."

"Being a top has nothing to do with pleasing one another," I say, unzipping the top of my tracksuit, "It has to do with who is more dominant,"

I pull the top of my tracksuit off of me and watch as Croix ogles at my frame. I have been working out in the years of her absence, trying to keep myself fit and stop thinking about her. She admires my abs and I swear I could see her drooling. She was straddling me and basically looking like a cartoon character with heart eyes. I saw the lust in her eyes, the need to see my body in its completion. 

"You know you can't see my fully unless you get off of my legs," I tease, and she moves atomically off of me, not removing her gaze from me for one second. 

I get off the couch and began to take off my pants, watching Croix watch all of my movements meticulously. With all the ogling she was doing at me, I thought she was going to get an anime nosebleed. I finally get off my pants and go to unhook my bra. I make sure to do it incredibly slowly just to make Croix's gaze beg for a better view. As soon as I am done removing my bra, she gapes at me in total disbelief. 

"And I thought that bodysuit you wore showed off everything," She whispers to herself. 

I giggle and move back to my couch, a sly smile on my face. Croix moves towards me but I push her backward, arms crossed over my chest.

"Not until you strip too," I say.

She rolls her eyes, "You know I'm not as comfortable with my body as you are,"

"Please...."I beg, making a sad little puppy dog face.

I knew she couldn't resist that. She got to work right away, first taking off her cape and belts, then her shirt. Let me say, it's been ten years since I last saw her shirtless. Her body has changed dramatically from soft and chubby to hard rock abs. I was quite impressed, and quite turned on, by this revelation. She removes her shoes and starts to take off her pants. I bit my lip in anticipation. 

"Your looking at me like this is the most interesting thing in the entire world," She says, blushing furiously.

"Because it is," I smile. 

She pulls her pants all the way down and can I just say that she is fucking ripped?!?! She has evenly toned calves with bold muscles, making me thirst for her even more. What can I say, I am weak for Croix Meridies. She goes to unhook her bra, and I feel the tension that she probably felt when I took off mine. As she took it off I watched her breasts become free, which was an oddly satisfactory feeling. She then walks over to the couch and tackles me, straddling herself over me so that I was on the bottom. 

She leans down to my right ear and whispers, "This is me giving back to you, after all the time you were left without magic, if you don't like something, tell me, because all I want to do is please you..."

She then moves onto a lower position on my body. My entire face burns red as I realize what she is going to do. It always made me climax when we were teenagers, but we are older and I haven't done this since then. 

She starts to kiss the insides of my legs, making me let out a heart groan in appreciation. Instead of going a little farther up my body, she continues to kiss the insides of my legs. I realize after a minute she's teasing me.

"Cr-Croix! Please stop teasing me..." I whine.

She smirks and goes straight between my legs. She starts to kiss around my underwear but is unable to get to the sweet spot. Her eyes look up at me and I nod my head. She removes my underwear, takes six whole seconds to gape, then hungrily starts to lick between my legs. I moan loudly, taken by surprise. My insides feel like they are on fire...but one that doesn't hurt, but instead mends. As Croix licks and kisses, my moans get louder and louder, filled with more lust and agony. 

"Ohhhhhh, Croix, please! Yes! Uhm! Yes!"

Then Croix takes me by surprise by inserting her tongue inside me. I scream her name at the top of my lungs, praying no one hears me. She licks everywhere inside of me while I squirm, and shake, but don't tell her to stop. The fire starts to burn inside of me, the world around me seems to disappear and I am left in a land of pure magic. Croix must realize this because she licks more desperately and faster than before. As the fire overflows and erupts, I squeal loudly, my whole body writhing in pure pleasure. 

Croix looks at me, satisfied with her work, smirking evilly. As soon as I can I will pleasure her so hard that she will explode with amazingness. I have to pay her back with her giving me back my magic somehow! And I know just the way to do it. I grab her waist and pull her down onto me, kissing her passionately. After we kiss for a bit, I move my kisses down further to her breasts, licking them massaging them. My lover's soft moans in my ear is all I need to keep going. As I am licking her breasts, my hand reaches down and starts playing with her clit. Croix moans loudly in surprise, pressing all her weight against me to remove all the tension from her body. I start massaging her g spot and playing with her clit, all the while grind against her and licking her boobs. In no time short she was screaming my name with raw pleasure. 

As I feel she is reaching her climax, I stick two fingers into her. She screams the loudest scream I have ever heard, out of anything and anyone in my entire life. Her body shakes and we both grin at each other.

As we lay on each other, both out of breath and sweaty, about to drift off to sleep, we hear footsteps in the hallway. We both quickly get up. I get on my tracksuit and Croix hides in my closet. I try to look as casual as possible as Diana and Akko coming running into my room. Diana is holding her wand out as if she thinks there will be danger and Akko has hers out too (although she still isn't good at many spells). 

"Professor?! What's wrong? We heard a loud scream!" Diana yells at me. 

"Nothing-nothing, just, um, uh, had a nightmare, very scary stuff," I lie, trying to make it sound at convincing at possible. 

"Okay, we just wanted to make sure you were alright," Akko says.

I move slightly so that I am standing in front of one of Croix's belts she forgets to pick up. Akko notices but doesn't say anything.

"What are you two doing up late anyway?" I ask.

Akko blushes, but Diana responds with dignity, "Just a midnight cram session is all"

"Sure you were," I grin, "I won't tell professor Holbrooke, promise,"

They both leave my room, faces red, distancing themselves from each other. Ah, young and in love, like I was once. Now I am middle-aged and in love, yet it feels the same spiteful generosity of when I was young. I hope it lasts. 

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