Climbing Wagandea

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(This is set when Chariot and Croix were young and students at Luna Nova. Mild cursing.)

Chariot's POV

I look up the gigantic tree in front of me. It's intimidating, to say the least, and goes so far up that it goes past the clouds. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this, I don't know if I can. No magic, no brooms, just righteousness, and determination. I have to climb it to achieve my goal, to get the grand triskelion and make everyone happy! But of course, you probably already know that.

I bite my lip nervously and take a deep breath to try to calm my nerves. Croix looks at me in concern, taking my right hand in her in her left. 

"Char-bear, you don't have to do this if it scares you so much," She whispers to me and I look at the ground, my left hand balling up into a fist.

"But I have to Croix," I say, tears forming on my eyelids, "I have to climb it, it's the only way to get that word!"

Croix looks to the ground, then kisses me on the forehead.

"Then good luck Char-bear," She says, grinning nervously at me, "And be safe, make sure you always have balance and don't run. If it gets windy, hold on to a branch or something connected to the tree so you don't fall and-"

"I know, I know," I grin at her, " 'Remember! Believing in yourself is your magic', you've only said this for the millionth time!"

She laughs and I shake my head. She's just too perfect, even her laugh makes me melt into a puddle. I don't know how I ever ended up with such a talented girlfriend. She's talented, beautiful, and is the moonlit witch! There's nothing at all imperfect with her, and that's why I love her.

"Actually, I was going to say that I'm going to fly on my broom near the tree as you go up, to keep you company and keep you safe!" She says and I scowl immediately. 

"But I thought I couldn't have any help, magic or otherwise," I say, "And wouldn't moral support fall under help?"

She pouts, "I know, I'm just worried that you'll fall. There are strong winds today, why can't we do it tomorrow? Or maybe on the weekend?"

I sigh, "I have a show every single night after school every single night this week excluding this one and on the weekends I have both matinees and night shows,"

She looks to the ground, "I's just-"

I hug her tightly, catching her by surprise. Nonetheless, she hugs me back tightly, as if she is afraid that I would disappear forever if she let go. 

"I know Croix," I whisper to her, "I'll be fine,  just wait down here, I'll be back soon,"

Croix's POV

As Chariot starts to climb Wagandea I feel a sharp ache in my heart. I just have this itch, this feeling, that something is going to go wrong. I don't want to jeopardize her mission, it means too much to her for me to screw it all up by helping. I just want my little Char-bear to survive all of this...

I know the day will come when we will have to break up. It hurts too much to see her living my dream, but I support her solely because I love her. I love her, and I hate that I love her as much as I do. She's just so pure and innocent, so courageous and brave. I'm the opposite of all of that. We are opposites and yet I stay with her because I can't bear to part with her. 

I know the day will come where she'll find the last word and have the grand triskelion. She'll make everyone in the world happy, everyone except for me. I'll be so jealous that I will break down crying, and no amount of consolement will help because it will all be because of her.

I want to hate her. I want to loathe her with all of my heart. But I can't. Every single time I try to break off this relationship because I know it will end in tears, I can't seem to get the words out. Whenever I see her grin, or smile, or perform, my heart fills with the warmth of a thousand fires. I couldn't break up with her if I wanted too. I don't think I could ever do such a thing.

And when Chariot kisses me, I feel as if I am going to explode, in a good way. It feels as if my entire body is alight with electricity and fire. As if the warmth of a fireplace consumes my entire soul every time we lock lips. 

I know what I have to do. Just in case, just to make sure she's safe. I can't have her dying, especially because the only spells I'm absolute shit at are healing ones. 

I take a deep breath and hop onto my broom, "Tia Freyere!"

I take off as quick as I can, my anxiety growing by the second. Why do I feel so anxious about this? Chariot has done a ton of dangerous things over the years like fighting dragons, talking back to Professor Finnelan, and dating me.

I look to the sky to see a figure falling to the ground. She's unmoving, stoic, so a part of me assumes she's dead. Another part of me is just like she passed out because of extreme shock, but I was just so terrified of the possibility she might be dead. 

"Paleis Capama!" I yell with all my might as I point my wand at her lifeless body.

While her body is temporarily suspended in midair, I race towards the ground, moving her body with my broom. This spell basically puts whoever's in it in a trance and makes a ball of green around them until they are safe. I dive towards the grass near the base of the tree, desperate to see if my love is alive. 

I finally reach land, and so does her bubble. I stop projecting my magic on her and she slumps into the grass. I grab her hand and check her pulse, relieved to find her heart is still beating. I hug her tightly, crying into her, as we lay on the soft grass. I could have prevented this! I knew something would go wrong and it did! Now Chariot is hurt, passed out. I should have made her stay with me! I should have taken her out for ice cream or something to stop her from wanting to climb this stupid tree. 

I hear her gasping for air as I hug her and know what I have to do. I make sure she is laying down on the grass with nothing obstructing her face and perform the Heimlich maneuver. 

Soon enough, shes awake and looking at me through a haze, and I am crying tears of joy.

I don't know how I can live without her, but I don't know how I can live with her.

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