"Croix, What is a Lesbian?"

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(Lmao this is going to be a short and comedic story about Chariot being a cute dumbass in her youth. Also some cursing, but you probably already knew that.)

Chariot's POV

Ever since I met Croix, I have always been infatuated with her. The way she talks and carries herself, to the way she laughs and grins. I have never seen a girl so enticing, so incredible. She truly is a work of art. I don't understand what I feel towards her. It's more than just your average "Oh shit she's hotter than me" situation, and I'm not jealous at all. It's weird because even though she's my best friend, I want to be even closer to her. 

I see her in a mob of people all asking her about the answers to there tests and gulp. I can't help but stare at her, even in the middle of the hallway.

Then my partner for my end of the year assignment flicks on my forehead, "Stop staring at Croix, you useless lesbian, we've got a project to go work on!"

"What do you mean by calling me a....les-bean?" I ask as she rolls her eyes.

She grabs my arm and pulls me down the hallway while grumbling, "Why did I get the stupidest partner?"

Croix's POV

It's draining being the smartest student at Luna Nova, it truly is. I'm always swamped with people asking me for my notes or the answers to there tests. They ask me how I am able to perform magic so well and what's my secret, but I just them witty comebacks that don't answer there questions fully and try to get away from them. It's stupid, really. Why can't they all go research and find their stupid questions out for themselves?

Even though we aren't allowed to ride our brooms in the hallways, I do today to get out of the mob of people behind me. I know the teachers don't care if it was me breaking the rules, they already think I'm as perfect as I can be. But I'm not really perfect, and for one reason only. I'm the gayest piece of shit the world has ever seen. My sisters support me but my parents act like I never even came out. I'm fine with that though, soon enough I'll be out of my parent's life altogether. 

I'll graduate Luna Nova and dedicate my life to finding the Grand Triskellion, maybe make some money designing video games or apps in my free time. I'll be able to do whatever I want and not be restricted. It will be glorious. 

I ride my broom outside and high up into the sky in case someone decided to follow me. Then I head straight for my dorm to wait for Chariot. She always comes to talk with me after classes, and sometimes she asks me for study help. I like the fact that she doesn't simply like me for the fact that I'm a magical prodigy and tries to use me, she treats me like a normal human being and I love that about her. 

Once in my room, I get out my research and continue to test my theories about magical energy conversion until I hear a knock on my door.

"Is me, Chariot! Can I come in?" She asks as if I would ever not allow her in. 

"Of course!" I yell and she opens the door.

I can tell something off about her, there's dirt all over her uniform and she has bruises all over her body. I jump off my bed and spell her outfit clean, then run to feel her forehead for a fever.

"Chariot, what the hell happened to you this time?" I ask her and her eyes get teary.

"I just got beat up again...it's no big deal..." She says and I shake my head.

"No, it is a big deal! If someone is hurting my Cherry then I'll make sure they get a proper punishment!" I say and she shrugs it off, "Seriously, I hate the fact that people keep hurting you for no reason!"

She sighs, "It's not for no reason, whenever I get partnered up with someone they end up hurting me because I completely mess up whatever we are trying to do..."

I cast a spell to heal her bruises and she hugs me. I hug her back, savoring the warmth of her body pressed against my own. If Chariot wasn't so sad, this would be the perfect moment. Though I shouldn't cast a happy spell, since every once in a while it messes up whoever it's cast on minds forever, making them bipolar. 

I let go of her and say, "Let's sit on my bed and do some reading, I know that book series you like came out with a new book recently,"

I move onto my bed and grab my research journals, but Chariot doesn't move from where she stands in the center of the room. She doesn't have the book, no doubt, but I have come prepared.

"No fear, Chariot, for I, your best of friends, has bought you a copy of the book," I grin as I take the book out of my bag.

Her eyes sparkle and shine as I hold out the book to her. She grabs it quickly and hops onto my bed, her nerves jumpy and ecstatic. It's like she's a little kid again, so joyful and full of energy. Most of the times these days she's just depressed, but I keep telling her to keep going and that believing in herself is her magic. Telling her that actually helps sometimes, and that makes me feel good that I am helping her. 

Chariot's POV

It's hard to contain my excitement as I open the covers of the new book. Croix knows me so well, she's so amazing! There's almost no way I could ever make it up to her.....I can't even think of any way I could kinda make it up to her. She has everything she could ever dream of. I have almost nothing except her unconditional friendship and this book. As I start to read I see the word lesbian keep popping up. Isn't that the word my assignment partner (who beat me up) called me?

Croix's smart, she'll probably know what the word means.

"Croix, what's a lesbian?" I ask her. 

I see her blush and try hard to focus on reading her own book, "Why do you want to know?"

"Because it keeps coming up in the book I'm reading, and I thought you would know because of your smart and all," I say and she sighs loudly. 

She mumbles, almost incoherently, "A lesbian is a female that is attracted to other females,"

So that's why my partner for the assignment called me that because I was staring at Croix! She must have thought I was a lesbian from that. But who says I'm not? And why haven't a learned about this before?

"Croix, why did I not know that term before? It's very simple to understand, just it's not used often. Is being a lesbian rare?" I ask. 

Croix sets her book down and looks me in the eyes, "Some people don't like lesbians and other people are attracted to the same gender, they are called homophobes, and they are awful to people that are lesbian. So a lot of people don't come out for fear that these homophobes might hurt them."

I nod, "You're not a homophobe, right Croix?"

She rolls her eyes, "Definitely not, now if you're done with these dumb questions, can I get back to reading?"

"Oh sorry," I say quietly, and try to get back to reading.

But every single time I try to read a sentence, my mind keeps going back to the thought "Am I a lesbian?". I mean, I've never been into guys. I do think a lot of girls are hot. Does that make me lesbian? Would being a lesbian explain my attraction to Croix? Could what I feel for Croix really be a crush? Am I actually attracted to Croix?!

"Chariot, your face is all red, are you okay?" Croix asks and reaches to feel my forehead again.

Why do I now realize that whenever she touches me my heart flounces? Why does the absence of her touch make me want more of it?

"Chariot? What's wrong?" Croix asks me, scooting closer to make so she can look me in the eyes.

"I-I-t-th-thi-thin-think I might be a lesbian," I try my best to say without stuttering through the entire sentence.

Croix grins and I am instantly weak, "That's perfectly fine, Chariot, I support you no matter what,"

I look her in the eyes, "Are you a lesbian too?"

She giggles and I fell a heat rise in my cheeks, "I am,"

I feel a sudden swell of confidence and kiss Croix quickly on the cheek. Her face darkens a few tones of red, and she reaches her hand upward to touch the spot where I kissed her. I don't know for how long I wanted to do that, but I know now it the best choice I have ever made. 

"Chariot? Are you serious?" She looks at me, eyes wide like she's in shock. 

"I like you a lot, Croix," I say, averting my eyes and looking at my book, "I think I might even love yo-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence before Croix tackles me onto the bed with kisses. I giggle as she kisses all over my face, every place but the mouth. If she won't do it, I guess I'll have to. Her body on top of mine, I make the first move as our lips collide. Once they do...I sink into her embrace. It's as if I am kissing hevan itself. Her taste collides with mine as she opens her mouth and I open mine. Let's just say that night was full of firsts.

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