German Studies Trouble

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(I just felt like had to share that meme with all of you! ^)

(A special thanks to Apieaceofgaytrash2 for helping inspire me to write this! They also write amazing oneshots for the Little Witch Academia fandom! Feel free to check her out!)

(Takes place when Croix and Chariot are students at Luna Nova, and in a kind of AU where they do offer languages at Luna Nova. Sorry for this being so short!)

Chariot's POV

"Ugh! Why are there six different ways to say you in German!?" I shout, dramatically pushing my textbook off the desk. 

Croix, who's sitting on her bed reading, looks over at me, "Because they gender everything in German,"

I roll my eyes, "Of course you know that,"

I pick up my textbook and try to finish my German homework. Seriously, why is German such a hard but easy language to learn! Some things are almost exactly the same but other things are completely different than in English! WHY IS EVERYTHING GENDERED?? THE ORANGE IS MASCULINE BUT GOD FORBID THE DOOR IS GENDER NEUTRAL! 

I must look really frustrated because Croix actually stops reading for once and walks over to my desk. She puts her arm on my head and leans on it while looking over my homework. I watch her as her eyes scan over the questions with a bored look on her face.

"Tell me again why you aren't in German two with me this year," She says, "This is easy!"

I pout, "Not for me, it isn't,"

"Then I'll help you!" She says, pulling up a chair next to me.

"You almost never help me with my homework," I say as I eye her suspiciously. 

She grins, "That's because sometimes you aren't as pathetic as you are now!"

She helps me finish my homework in no time at all. She teaches me a bunch of ways to study the material, and even the best ways to figure out the problems. This is all very strange. Croix usually would turn her nose up at me and laugh at me not being able to do my homework, but now she's willingly helping without a care?

As soon as we finish I hug her tightly and give her a kiss on her cheek, "Thanks so much Croix!"

"No problem Char-bear," Croix says and then wraps her hands around my waist. 

And then we kiss for what feels like an eternity. 

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