Going Places

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(Hey everyone, sorry for not updating for a while! I hope you can all forgive me for that! Okay, enjoy!)

Akko's POV

Diana and I have started a new tradition of studying in her room because she really wants to help me with my magic! It's been really helpful and I even got a B on my last test! I skip down the hallways, not a care in the world. Ever since we defeated Croix's missile, the world has been perfect! Luna Nova was hailed as the best magical school in the world and dozens of people are signing up to join next year! I'm so glad all of my friends were able to help me with that!

"Akko!" I hear a shout from behind me.

I groan and turn around, Professor Finnelan, "Yes?"

"Young lady, you are not wearing your proper attire! Where are your vest and tie?" She scolds me.

"In my room," I reply honestly and she rolls her eyes.

"Next time I catch you without them you will be on cafeteria duty!" She growls, turning away.

Oh yay. Cafeteria duty is cleaning up the entire cafeteria after all the lunches without magic! It's draining...not just physically, but emotionally because all the other people helping you work slowly and don't speak your language. Those people are the goblins that work here. They help out but work very slowly and leave most of the cleaning up to me when I have Cafeteria duty. 

I knock on Diana's dorms door, "Diana! I'm here!"

"Come in!" I hear a tired mumble from the other side of the door.

I walk into her dorm just to find Diana at her desk, half-asleep, eyes glazed over while looking at an unusually large textbook. She doesn't even have her wand clasped to her belt! I run over to her shake her bit.

"Diana wake up! What's wrong?" I ask, knowing that Diana would never do this unless there was a justified reason.

"I'm awake, I'm awake," She grumbles, then yawns, "I'm just looking at the terms and conditions of inheritance and my mothers will,"

"Huh, why?" I ask, "I mean I know what happened to her, but why are you just now looking at her will?"

She gives me a tired smile like she's just so tired she can't deal with my stupidy at the moment, "I'm finally old enough to inherit the estate from my mother, since my aunt Darrell was supposed to take care of it until I was old enough to inherit it from a legal standpoint," 

"Oh," I say quietly, "Let me guess, she's not letting go that easily?"

"Correct," She sighs, "She told me that I was not responsible to take care of it myself and now I have to get a lawyer just to kick her out. Right now I'm just trying to find some kind of loophole that would make aunt Darell and my stupid cousins leave immediately,"

I sigh and put my hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, Diana,"

"It's alright Akko, I just think I need a little nappppp....." Her voice slurs as she slowly lays her head on her desk. 

I get up and go over to Diana's perfectly made bed, grabbing her blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders. She's probably going to be persistent and wants to stay up all night reading that stupid will, I should get her some tea to help her stay awake! 

I run to the cafeteria and ask the only English speaking and coherent goblin for some tea. He argues with me for a bit, then lectures me about how last time I cleaned the cafeteria they couldn't find the lunch trays for a week. 

"Sir, please," I beg, "My f-friend Diana really needs some tea, she's working on a big project right now!"

"You need this tea for Diana? Oh, why didn't you say so earlier? I'll get her tea right away!" The goblin says and goes off to make Diana some tea. 

I snoop around the kitchen, knowing that I need to know every corner of it if my late night snack expeditions are to be successful. Looking around a find a recipe book bound in dust and covered in cobwebs sitting on the top shelf, away from everything else. Before I can try to reach it, the goblin comes back in with a tray of tea, sour raspberry scones, and Yorkshire pudding. Wow, Diana really is treated like royalty around here. 

I bring the tray back to Diana's room to find her snoring adorably in her sleep. Placing her tray next to her book, I spell it all warm (she taught me that spell) and grab a post-it note and pencil. I write down on the post-it note "So you can achieve your goal! :) ~Akko" on it and stick it onto the rim of the tray. Glancing at Diana one last time, I make sure her blanket is softly tucked around her shoulders and that she's sleeping soundly.

Then I leave, content knowing she'll be happy when she wakes up. 

Chariot's POV

It worries me that the press might find out that Croix was the cause of missile. I don't want her name to get dragged any more then it already is. Back when we were teenagers, people mocked her for supporting me and hated how she got free showings of all my shows, free merch, and was able to go in and out of my dressing room as she pleases. I thought it didn't affect her but one night she came to my dressing room with a busted lip and a black eye. I guess people really liked my performances, but not giving my then girlfriend special treatment.

I wait for Croix at my window. Since she got out of jail, she has been coming into my room after dark to talk to me covertly, so we both don't get in trouble. One, she is on house arrest. Two, no one except for families and whoever lives in the room can be in the room past eight PM. It's eight thirty when Croix startles me from my day-dreaming while knocking on my window. I open it up and let her inside, broom and all. She sets her broom down and smiles at me sheepishly. 

"Thanks, again, for everything," She whispers. 

I sigh loudly, "That's the millionth time I've heard you say that this week! Please, I've told you this before.......you will always be my best friend. No matter what. Even though you left me for ten years and almost nuked America, I still am your best friend!"

We sit down on my wooden chairs and drink some tea, idly chatting about whatever comes to our minds. 

"Could you actually come down to my apartment this weekend?" Croix asks, which catches me off guard. 

"Sure, why?" I ask tentatively. 

"Wheren't you listening to a thing I was saying?! I need to test out some things for the cure, test some hypothesis, etc," She responds, taking a sip of tea, "It will be hard to see if any of the cures I'm trying to make work if I can't test them out on you. I get that I've done some bad tests on you back in the day, but can you trust me that I am just trying to help you out?"

I giggle, "Well duh,"

She sighs in relief, "Thanks,"

"Stop thanking me," 

"No amount of thanking you will ever match up to how much I did to you, I am at least trying to make up for it," She sighs and puts her tea down on my desk, "I just want to make everything right!"

I laugh and she looks offended, "What are you laughing for? I'm trying to be sincere!"

"It's just that-" I erupt into another fit of laughter, "You don't have to make all of this up to me! I've forgiven you for it all! Plus, you did spill some tea on your shirt and it kinda looks like Alcor,"

Alcor hears his name and swoops over to sit on my shoulder, Croix rolls her eyes as I tell Alcor about the stain that looks like him. He rolls his eyes and then caws at me to only call him for important things. I laugh again and he flies back to his perch. 

"So, you'll actually come over to my place this weekend?" Croix asks me, her eyebrows raised. 

I giggle, and put down my tea, taking her hands in mine, "Of course, Croix! We will always be best friends!"

Akko's POV

When Diana woke up, she sent someone to get me and thanked me profusely. She then told me her plan about going to her estate and taking back what's rightfully hers. I reminded her about what happened last time, about aunt Darrell's cruel attempts to stop us. Even the part where she tried to murder Diana with her snake! And yet, Diana was insistent on going. 

"Please, Diana, if your really going to do this, you're going to need some backup," I say, "Maybe I could come with, or you could take Hannah and Barbra with you, just to help protect you and make sure she doesn't hurt you again,"

Diana sighs and sips her tea, "That might help, but Hannah and Barbra are going to the Carribean this weekend together,"

"Then I can come!" I say, "If you want me to, of course, it's totally up to you!"

One of the things I've learned from being at this school is how to respect others opinions and know that I do so. It's been important to support my fellow students that want to go on to be teachers but also the ones who want to abandon magic in its entirety. 

Diana smiles, looking past me and out the window, "I think it would be good if you came with me, though you might be a nuisance to the entire plan,"

I pout, "I would try my best not to be a nuisance! I would, I promise!"

She sighs, "Fine, you should go start packing. I Intend to be there all weekend,"

I hug Diana and run out of the room, excited to tell my roommates about my weekend plans. I know Sucy will be mad because she love's to experiment on me on the weekends, and Lotte just genuinely likes being around me. I run into our dorm only to find Lotte and Sucy on Sucy's bed, reading Nightfall. 

I knew it. I freaking knew it. The second I went into Sucy's mind I knew she wanted to read Nightfall! Plus, I knew one other thing about the nice Sucy in her head. She wasn't only the nice Sucy, she was gay Sucy. And because I set her free, her gay thoughts were allowed to run free. It's good to see her so close to Lotte, they are practically spooning. I wonder what Lotte's sexuality is, maybe they would be a good couple! I could totally set that up!

They look up, realize it's me, and scoot about a half-inch away from one another. 

"Guess who's going to Diana's house for the weekend?" I ask and grab my suitcase out from under the bed. 

"An entire weekend with Diana, are you sure you won't drive her insane?" Sucy asks, exasperated by my presence already. 

I open my suitcase, "I promised her I would be on my best behavior!" 

"So where are you going with her this weekend?" Lotte asks.

"Oh she wants me to help with getting her inheritance from her evil aunt," I say matter-of-factly, while Lotte and Sucy stare at me like I have two heads.

I start picking out what outfits I am taking and what I'm bringing to Diana's mansion. Lotte goes back to reading Nightfall, with Lotte looking over Sucy's shoulder while Sucy holds it out in front of her. I watch as they read in unison, their eye's facing the same word at the same time. 

Sucy's POV

I don't know why I let it get this far. I don't know how it got this far. Lotte had her cute little eyes and for the eighth time, she mentioned that if I ever wanted to read Nightfall, she has the whole collection. I had nothing better to do so I said yeah and she threw the book at me. I caught it and then began reading. It was sort of interesting in the beginning, though the main villain acts way too much like me, making me seem villainous. Lotte would ask me every two seconds where I was in the book, so after a while I let her sit next to me and read along.

She's like the only person in the world I would let get this close to me andn I don't know to feel about that. I am more comfortable around her than anyone else in Luna Nova. Unlike me with Akko, I never experiment on her because she's too pure. I could never hurt anything so precious. But what does that make me? Lesbian most likely, but it's not like it matters. All I know is that she's sitting so close to me while we read and I like it. 

I could stay this way for a million years and never tire. With her by my side, I feel unstoppable. 

Akko leaves the room, leaving me and Lotte alone once again. We continue to read in silence, but I can tell Lotte is getting tired. She leans her head on my shoulder and instead of pushing it off, I let it rest there. She tries to stay awake, forcing herself to look at the words on the endless pages. 

Eventually, I whisper, "It's alright if you fall asleep, Lotte," 

"Okay...." She whispers and drifts off to sleep.

When I'm done the book, I lay her down on my bed and tuck her in, admiring how beautiful she looks in the moonlight. I then kiss her on the forehead and lay down on her bunk, since she stole my bed. I fall asleep staring at her adorable frame. 

~Two Days Later~

Croix's POV

I wait by the door with a strong sense of anticipation. She's coming to my apartment, to see me, to see my progress even though I've barely made any. I do need her to test out some theories I have, but only a couple. I wonder if she thinks it's going to take a few hours or the entire day because I don't think I ever specified. I don't even know how long this is going to take...

There's a soft knock on my door and I open it. Chariot stands there in all her glory, wearing a regular weekend sweater and black leggings with ballet flats. She grins at me and I try to grin back, but it was more of a nervous smile than anything else. Once she steps inside I'm showing her around my small apartment, quickly saying words that mean nothing. Chariot politely nods her head and looks around.

"I would have thought you would have gotten a bigger apartment," Chariot says, "For all this tech stuff,"

I laugh, "This 'tech stuff' is why I have such a small apartment, do you know how much computers and hard drives cost these days?"

She shakes her head, "I don't, really. Finnelan has been pushing me so hard the past few weeks I haven't even had time to do anything recreational like check computer prices,"

I laugh again, "You check computer prices in your free time?"

She shakes her head once again, "No, it's just- well- ugh- um- fudge! My brain is just not working today..."

I walk over to her and give her a hug while we both stand in my living room. She hugs me back, resting her head against my shoulder. That's how I know something is wrong. 

"What's the problem?" I ask her. 

"I just- well-," She says and then starts to cry, "I can't stop thinking about you, and it's driving me mad!"

My body goes rigged, "You can't stop thinking about....me?"

"Yes!" She cries, "I hate that I love you!"

I rub her back, "Shhhhh....it's alright to love whoever you like, Chariot. Sure, we can never be like what we were back in the day, but we can try!"

(Now how about five votes to see what happens to Diakko and Sukko?)

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