I Still Love You

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(I based this fic off of the picture above ^^^^^. It's still going to be after the events of Little Witch Academia. There will be a bit of cursing in this chapter.)

Croix's POV

I was foolish, believing she would ever fall in love with me again. I've made way to many mistakes in the past to ever redeem myself in her eyes. She seemed happy that I was back to my normal self when I left Luna Nova. But now? I have no idea. I have been working my butt off trying to find a solution for the Wagenda curse, but I keep falling into dead ends. I just keep hoping that I'll find the solution, and then she'll fall in love with me because of it. 

I sigh and head over to my secret room. My secret room is so secret that my landlord doesn't even know about it. It's a hidden room behind a bookshelf, one of the ornaments on the shelf opens it up. The ornament, which I am not too proud of,  is a bobblehead of Chariot. You would push the bobblehead backward and the door would open to my secret room. Here's the thing, in that room, there is a shrine for Chariot. I know it sounds bizarre, bordering on creepy, but I swear it's not.

It's like one I used to have after Chariot and I had our big fight. A poster of her on the wall, pictures of us, of her in costume, and all of her trading cards. Even the Premium Chariot cards have a place in that room, all displayed on the walls surrounding the posters. Every time I come in here, my heart yearns to go back to when we where students at Luna Nova.

We shared a room and because of that became the best of friends. After Chariot's fame began to plummet for the first time I helped her out. At the time I didn't even know the long-term effects of dream fuel spirit. As time progressed we started spending more and more time together, barely spending a minute without each other. 

Every time she went on stage I would watch from the sidelines, thinking 'that's my girl'. I wanted her to be happy, that's all I ever wanted. Why did I have to go and ruin that for myself!? Why did I have to get so greedy!? I ruined my chances of ever making her happy.

I remember what would usually happen after her shows. She would be so joyful, so full of energy and delight. She would usually run up to me and give me big hug, whether I wanted a hug or not. Then she would ask me if I wanted a kiss. I would always say yes and sometimes that would lead to more than kissing happening between us. 

I can't explain how much I wish she would waltz in here and kiss me right now. I shouldn't have fucked up my chances with her! I should have figured out what dream fuel did faster! I should've never invented it at all! I'm just a failure of a witch! I destroyed so many peoples hopes and dreams of becoming witches! I stole there magic! I royally fucked up!

I make my way out of my secret room, tears falling down my face in rapid secession.

I'm a sorry excuse for a witch! I shouldn't even be alive! What I did was horrible! The effects are irreversible! And now because I can't find the Wagandea cure I will aboustlely one hundred percent have no chance with Chariot!!

I start ugly crying now because no one is around to hear me. I live in the middle of the woods, surrounded on all sides by trees and a lonely dirt road. Because I am crying I don't hear a motorcycle pull up beside my house. 

"Croix! Croix! Is that you crying?! Croix let me in!" I then hear Chariot shout.

I instantly jet out of my seat and run to the front door. I open it to see a disheveled Chariot, looking at me with concern. She can't fly....... how did she even get here?

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" I ask, stray tears cascading down my cheeks as I look at her in the pale moonlight. 

She runs up to me, looking at me in disbelief, "The headmaster told me to check up on you, see how you are doing and everything, and I got here via motorcycle,"

She cups my cheek lightly, making me look at her, "Hey, come here, it's alright..."

She opens her arms up in a warm embrace. I instantly hug her tightly, which makes her stumble back a bit, but she still holds on. She hugs me as tightly as I hug her. I don't ever want to let go. I let all of the weight off of my shoulders, she holds me up as I cry. Her embrace is soothing, reminding me of better times.

I cry until I have run out of tears. I pull away from the hug even though I don't want to and wipe the remaining tears off my face. Chariot tilts her head to the side, smiling ever so slightly.

"What's wrong?" She asks me. 

I take a deep breath before muttering, "I am a failure of a witch..."

Before I can say anything else, Chariot is there with a couterargument, "You where the moonlit witch! Something I only dreamed of getting, something that I only got in my stupid comics. You got straight A's all throughout Luna Nova, you are such a promising witch! You are not a failure at all!"

"Yes, I am a failure," I mutter, "I didn't realize what the dream fuel spirit did before it was too late. I could have saved Akko and Diana from being horrible at magic for most of there life! I stole magic Chariot!"

I was yelling now, and it was starting to rain, but Chariot wasn't giving up on me. 

She places her left hand gently on my shoulder, "Let's go inside, alright? Then we can talk about anything you want to!"

We walk into the house, and the first thing Chariot does is get me a huge glass of water. She then sits me down on my couch, asking me how I am feeling, and if there was anything she could do to help me feel better. I obviously say no, because how do you tell someone everything might be a little bit better if they kissed you?

"So..." Chariot says, sitting down on the couch across from the one I am sitting on currently, "What made you think you were a failure? You really can say anything, I won't judge,"

"You..." I whisper, "You were always there for me, and I fucked it all up with the Dream Fuel Spirit and with the Emotion Refresh, even with the Sorcery Solution System..."

"Wha-" She begins to say but I cut her off.

"I failed you! I failed Luna Nova! I don't deserve all this niceness you are giving me!" I grumble, then I start to yell, "I don't deserve all the chances I had to make things right and I didn't!"

Chariot sighs loudly, "You know I forgave you for all of that-"

"I don't deserve your forgiveness!" I yell, breaking down into tears once again.

I lie in a fetal position on the couch and bawl my eyes out. With no tears coming out because I had yet to drink my water, I sounded like a beached whale gasping for air more then I was crying. I hear Chariot shift in her seat, but I didn't expect her to crouch down next to me,  brushing the hair out of my face.

"You just need to calm down a bit," She says, "Sit upright and drink some water, please,"

I do as I am told. As I am slowly sipping my water Chariot wraps her arm around me and gives me a warm supportive smile. 

"I'm here for you Croix, no matter what," She says softly, "I still love you...."

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