Late Nights

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Chariot's POV

I toss and turn in my bed, trying to find a comfortable position to no avail. My brain is on a road trip, going from thought to thought, keeping my brain awake with a surplus of memories. Some are hard to re-experience, like when Croix left me, but some are soothing, like Croix's first time cuddling with me. I can't get the thought of her out of my head. She plagues me night and day, and I hate her for it! I hate her so god damn much! She left me again! Not a word, left jail without a word to me!

I had told her that I cared about her immensely, and yet she still left me. I told her that I wanted to visit her every single moment of every single visiting hour, even if I only have time to visit her for an hour once a week. I told her that once she gets out of jail, she would have a chance to prove herself to the world. And now the damn bastard has left me once again!

I hear a soft knock on the door. I groan and turn on my light. Making sure that I have all my clothing on and nothing is too revealing, I head to the door. Maybe it's Akko coming to talk to me about another nightmare, or maybe it's Sucy and Lotte coming to tell me that Akko's crying in her sleep due to nightmares. I open the door to find my soulmate leaning against the doorframe, eyes bloodshot and barely open, with dark bags under them. 

"Croix?! What the hell?" I exclaim, but she just looks at the floor. 

"Can I crash here tonight?" She asks me, her voice quiet and hoarse like she has a bad cold. 

She stumbles and I catch her in my arms, maneuvering my arms around her waist to support her. 

"Come on, let's get you to bed, you need it," I whisper to her, as I practically drag her weak body to my bed. 

It's fine she's using my bed. I won't be needing it tonight, it's not like I'll be able to sleep anyway. She collapses onto my mattress, making the springs creak and shake beneath her. I watch as she wraps my singular blanket around herself and leans her head on my pillow. Her teeth start to chatter, oh gods she cold. I grab some extra blankets out of my closet, and some extra pillows too. I then tuck her in with all of the pillows supporting her head, and all of the blankets covering her body many times over. Yet her teeth still chatter. 

I crawl into the bed with her, wrapping the blankets around us both. I pull her to me, as she is already asleep. Her teeth stop chattering as I feel my warmth influence her body temperature. I may not know what happened to her or why she's here, I may not know why she came to me or why she immediately passed out in my bed, but one thing I know for sure is that I am going to take care of her all night long.

~Time Skip to morning brought to you by Alcor! Not talked about enough, but my favorite avain creature of the fandom!~

I awaken to the sound of a soft groan. Upon opening my eyes, I see Croix at the foot of my bed, looking at her bruised up arms. What the heck?! Why didn't I notice them at night? She forgot to tell me she was hurt! I sit up and move to sit next to her, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

She doesn't meet my eyes, instead, she fidgets with a loose piece of string on her pants. I look into her eyes to find them glassy and her face tearstained. A tear slips down her face and I cup my hands around her face, wiping the tear away. 

"Croix, tell me everything," I whisper. 

She nods her head, "I thought that you hated me. And at that moment I wanted to stay away from you so I delved into finding the cure for Wagandea. While doing that I often forgot meals for entire weeks at a time. I gave up after not eating for three weeks and came to you for help because I realize your so kind that you would help me even if you did hate me,"

I gasp loudly, "Croix you should've come to me sooner! I could of helped take care of you! You wouldn't have been a burden at all! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

Another tear slips down her cheek, "I-uh-don't know,"

I shake my head, "From now on I'm going to be taking good care of you, you hear?"

(Five votes for part two! sorry for the short fic, I'm tired and need to go to sleep.)

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