Maybe Dreams Really Do Come True

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(Croix be in jail for this one btw. Also sorry for not posting as often, but I have Creative Writing class this semester so I will probably have time to write some fanfiction in class. Also I'm just adding my OC into this one and they won't show up much in the other chapters, but if you like her I might put her in more. Also this whole thing is like so out of character for Chariot and is prob the worst thing I have ever written)

Croix's POV

Chariot has her arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace, her head resting softly on my chest. She's crying against my chest, holding me as if she is afraid that if she lets go, I might just disappear. I hold her back tightly, taking a deep breath of her scent and smile. I softly caress her hair as she cries against me, feeling each and every soft individual strand around my fingers.

She then looks up at me, her eyes sparkling and wavering with tears still clinging to them. I want to stop her sadness, I want to stop all of her pain. Seeing her suffer makes me feel deeply hurt like someone had stabbed me in the gut. I hold her hand in mine and push her up against the wall, kissing her softly. She practically melts into my arms and moans softly against our lips embrace. I want us to stay like this forever, in this position, loving each other till the day we die.

Fuck. The ringing of the alarm is starting again, I can't hold her much longer even if I want to hold her forever.

I wake to the sound of a loud alarm. Ugh, why does the breakfast bell have to ring so early? Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I grumpily get up to spend another day in a lovely correctional facility. It's technically a jail, except your allowed to have stuff like electronics. Well, I'm not allowed to have electronics due to my history of being good at hacking and programming them, but everyone else is allowed to have them.

We are only allowed to bring three personal items to the correctional facility, so I chose my three favorite things. My poster of ramen noodles (don't judge), my poster of Shiny Chariot (don't judge) and my journal (complete with a built-in pen because I realized I already had two things I wanted to bring).

As I walk to the breakfast tables and get my morning slop that they call food, I look around for the guards. Not because I'm planning on sneaking out (this place is hell but I deserve to be here), but because I need to schmooze one of them to let me get a private room with Chariot. Private rooms are where they let you and your visitor talk alone for a set amount of time, and most of them end up in make-out sessions until they are forcefully pulled away from each other because their time is up.

I don't see any in the vicinity that isn't being schmoozed by other inmates. I lazily throw my slop covered tray onto a nearby table and sit down to eat. A young girl, who looks to not even be older than sixteen walks toward the table. She sits down across from me, looking bored as fuck, with her arms crossed over her chest.

Out of curiosity, I ask her, "What did you do to end up here?"

She looks up at me, her hazel eyes glittering, "Got banished by a powerful witch until I am eighteen in exchange for telekinesis magic without needing any actual magic, what about you?"

"My magic beast possessed a missile and almost destroyed a small country," I say nonchalantly because I know there are people here who have done far worse.

"Woah," She says, nodding, "A very very noble cause, let me guess, you're just misunderstood?"

"How are you so young yet so wise?" I ask her.

"Been here for four years," She shrugs while I gape.

"You were put here when you were twelve?!"

"Thirteen, but yes I was young and naive," She responds, picking at her slop.

"Woah," I say, "That's super cool that you have telekinesis,"

She looks up at me, eyes sparkling like Chariot's did at her shows.

"It's everything I thought it would be and more," She whispers, as if in a trance, "It's amazing and fun, and I love to play pranks on others, but it's keeping me stuck in here till I'm eighteen. Every day is just another closer to my freedom,"

"I kinda know how you feel about that," I say, "I just want to get out of here so I can make a difference, do something good for once, you know?"

She raises an eyebrow at me, "You look like you would rather get back to making nuclear missiles then try to make a change to the world for good instead of evil,"

I roll my eyes, "I know right, I just look so evil, don't I?"

"Kinda," She nods, spooning a large spoonful of slop into her mouth, "But you looked less threatening than all the other thugs in here,"

"I know right? So many people here have so many tattoos I can't tell where their skin begins and their tattoo starts!"

We laugh quietly, as not to disturb the beasts (other inmates) surrounding us.

"So what's your name?" She asks me.

"Croix Meridies, what about you?"

"Ray, Ray Risen,"

Chariot's POV

I pace the floor of my room quickly, trying to decide what to do about my massive need to see Croix. Seeing her once every month is maddening, it's as if the universe only lets us see each other just to pull us apart. Plus when I do see her, it's always behind a plate of glass, talking through a telephone. I never get to touch her or have enough time to tell her all the things I want too. If I ever get to talk to her for as long as I want I would tell her everything. I would tell her all the gossip at Luna Nova, my extreme desire to touch her again (not in a weird way you pervs), and what's happening in general in the outside world.

It's maddening pacing around my room looking for answers that don't exist. I don't just want Croix, I think I need her.

For those ten years, we were separated and I was able to bottle up my emotions. I was able to keep my love for her in check and to make sure to stay far away from her as possible. She had broken my heart many times, and although that final time she said goodbye during my show hurt the worst. It felt as if I had been stabbed savagely, and every single time I think about her now I feel the same way.

I just need her back in my arms, safe and away from any harm.

Then that's when I began to plan the biggest heist in history. One that would get Croix out of jail so I could have her for my very own, but have no one even notice. For my plan, I would need an extravagantly big animation potion and a mannequin the same height, weight, and look as Croix. The mannequin I can find myself, and the animation potion would only work if you have a lock of there hair. Good thing I stole a lock of Croix's hair while trying to trim the edges of it in the first year.

I know all of this is completely and utterly insane, but no one understands how much I miss her. When she came back, she shattered my heart all over again. When she was put in jail, I cried. She reawakened the emotions I had for her by coming back and reopened the wound she gave me by leaving again.

I knew for a fact that I couldn't make such a potion by my own hand. My powers are too weak because of the Wagandea pollen. But I know someone who could make such a potion...

I walk down to red teams dorm and carefully knock on the door.

Sucy opens it and looks at me, her face devoid of emotion, "Akko's in Diana's room right now,"

I straighten my posture, "I wasn't looking for her, I actually need a favor from you,"

Now this she raises an eyebrow at, "What kind of favor?"

"I need a potion," I whisper, "But not the kind your supposed to make in school,"

"Is this about Croix?" She asks and I gasp and cover my mouth.

"How did you know?" I whisper to her and she rolls her eyes.

"Akko said she saw your doodles of Croix in a notebook with hearts around it when she came to see you yesterday afternoon,"

I remember that Akko had come to see me early for extra practice yesterday, and I was writing in my diary all about Croix. Doodling her name, doodling hearts around her name, trying to get the thought of her out of my brain. Akko was actually early for practice for once, so she had caught me unawares when she walked in. I tried my best to cover up the notebook, but I guess she has been there for longer then I thought.

"Whatever, do you think you could make an immensely strong animation potion for me?" I ask her.

"Maybe," She considers, "But you have to buy both my silence and potion,"

"Ugh," I groan, "What's the damage?"

She smirks savagely, "I know you've heard about the golden mushroom that Professor Holbrooke uses to make herself look older then she actually is, I want one of those and three ultra poisonous potions from the potion making teacher,"

I sigh, "Fine, how long will it take you?"

"How long do you need the potion to last?" She asks.

"A couple of weeks at the most," I say, suddenly realizing how weird this all sounds.

"Then two days, and if you don't give me those mushrooms by then, then I will turn it into another one to add to my collection,"

"Deal," I say, even though I realize I could get fired for acquiring these mushrooms from the staff.

As those two lonely days passed I worked on my plan and getting Sucy her vile mushrooms. Both of these things took an exorbitant amount of time, planning, and effort, but it was worth it for Croix.

Then the day of my plan arrived and I was on top of the world. I had four potions in my bag, the animation potion, and another potion to make the mannequin life sized again (since I shrunk it so I wouldn't get caught carrying it into the jail). The two other potions were another shrinking potion (to shrink Croix) and another life sized potion to make her fully grown again. I also had the mannequin in my bag as well, ready and waiting to get the potions poured on them.

The first part of my plan was the easiest, since I always brought in Croix cake. I was able to get a private room to talk to her today, so that no one could see me carrying out the plan. I put my bag in a Tupperware container that was so foggy and not transparent so that my bag looked like a cake and then headed off towards the jail.

The thought that Croix would be in my arms in a couple of minutes elated me beyond compare. So I went through security at the provision saying that I had a cake for Croix and they all believed me since I had brung her many cakes before. We would eat them in unison on ether sides of the glass, knowing that we were tasting the exact same thing.

After that I stepped inside the small room they had for the private rooms and there she was, standing there in all her glory. I put down my "cake" quickly and without thinking run up to her and kiss her lips fondly. She kisses me back and for a full minute we are both on top of the world. It felt good to have her lips pressed against mine once again, to have her be in my arms. Then the reality of the moment sank in and I pulled myself away from her.

She stands there, dumbfounded, as I grab the Tupperware and open it. I get to work quickly setting everything up. Croix gives me a calculating look when she sees the items I brought with me, but then she has a moment of realization.

"Chariot, no, I deserve to be here," She vents, "I don't want you to have any more pain because of me!"

I continue my work and say, "Being away from you is painful enough, let me do this and we can have a couple weeks of just the two of us!"

"Chariot... I can't let you do this..." She whines softly, "Plus I met this young girl here, and she's my friend, she has the same amount of sentence time as I do, I want to be there for her,"

"We can just take her with us, I'm sure they won't notice," I say, resizing the mannequin and pouring the animation potion on it.

Croix (the real one, not the mannequin) sits down next to me and takes me by the shoulders, "Chariot you are insane!!"

I bare my teeth, "Insanely in love with you!"

She sighs loudly, "Chariot this choice is going to impact the rest of your life very negatively, I don't want you to do do this just for me,"

But I did it anyway. And we got to take her friend too. I didn't realize how young her friend was, but she was very enthusiastic about our escape and being able to go to Luna Nova. Our plan was to go to Luna Nova and let her stay there, and hide Croix in my room. I got Akko and some of her friends to get the girl clothing and a room, while Croix went through her huge containers of stuff she left with me when she went away.

I now sit next to my desk, grinning at Croix. Just being in the same room as her makes me feel more stable, more secure, more loved. Croix's just happy to be able to have her electronics and laughs happily looking at all of them within the boxes.

She pulls out her old outfit and quickly rips off her shirt to put it on. I didn't want to look but I couldn't help myself. Half way through her getting dressed (right when she was about to take off her pants) she realized I was watching her.

"Chariot, really?" She says, "Just because you haven't seen me in awhile does not mean you have permission to see me get changed,"

I pout and turn around to look at my picture of the two of us as Luna Nova students. So young back then, so innocent. I wish I could go back to those days of late night studying and sneaking out to catch a movie on a Friday night. They days were me and Croix would cuddle and talk and.... do other things the entire day. It was full of lust and late nights, talking in a sleep-induced half drunken state. Holding each other as we quaked with nightmares and running our hands through each other's hands. I miss those days, but looking back at Croix, I realize those days don't have to be in the past. We could do them all again...

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