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Chariot's POV

Croix is standing over me, an intense hunger in her eyes as she looks over every inch of me. I thought it was lust in her eyes, I truly wanted to believe that lie. But her face, it was red, and her hands were molded into fists. She grits her teeth, looking over me as I lay on the dank floor. My clothing is torn, from what I don't know. The ground is moist, like it had just rained, and it was concrete. The cold, hard, concrete beneath me made me shiver as Croix looked over me.

She took a step forward, so I scooted backward. Another step, and another scoot, leaves me against a concrete corner. Oh lord, what the hell is happening? Where am I? What is Croix doing? Why the hell are my clothes ripped?

"Croix! What are you...?" I ask, but she bends down toward me.

At first I thought it was for a kiss, so I parted my lips awaiting hers. But instead she stabs me in the back, literally. Dagger in hand she has wrapped her hands around my waist in a faux loving embrace. Then she plunged the dagger into my lower back, right above my last rib. I howl in pain, making Croix smile manically. Why the hell is she doing this to me? I thought we were on good terms when she left for jail...but now... it seems like she wants to kill me.

Croix them climbs on top of me (another faux loving gesture) and gently slides the blade of  dagger down my face, while pinning me against the wall with her body.

"Poor Chariot," She coos, "I admit the thrill of getting to kill you will be fun, but could I have one last kiss?"

Since she literally just stabbed me in the back, I craned my neck so that it would be hard for her to properly kiss me. But then she took the dagger and held it against my throat, barely breaking skin.

"Hold still darling," She smirks macheviouly, "Or your last memory might be pain instead of pleasure,"

My back throbs with the pain of my wound as Croix puts pressure against it by slamming me against the wall. She then slowly leans forward, giving me the sweet taste of her lips pressed against my own. I shouldn't enjoy this torture. The only thing I enjoy about this is the chance to kiss her. It's been eleven years, how could our reunion kiss not bring me at least a smidgen of joy? Except for the stab wound and the imminent threat of death, the kiss was very blissful. But as quickly as the kiss started, it ended abruptly.

A stinging, aching, dull pain began in my chest, and when Croix pulled away I could finally know the source of it. She stabbed me in the heart. Great, love that. Then Croix throws herself on me, while I'm left frozen in terror and realization. She takes my arms and forceablelay  wraps them around her while she leans into her faux embrace. She giggles and it sounds like she's enjoying my torment.

"Wh-wha-why?" I mumble as my vision begins to swim around me.

The pain has increased tenfold. I'm paralyzed from pure fear, and the fact I think she broke my spine by sitting on me. I can't do anything as I watch the waves of the world around me crash into my shore. Nothing feels quite real anymore. Croix's face is in front of mine, with a mocking grin.

"I never loved you," She whispers.

And then I woke up.

(Five votes and I'll do a part two!!!)

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