Ridiculing Reunion Rendezvous

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(Some very sensitive topics such as sexual harassment and rape, and no, the ship will not do that to each other. That is just plain wrong and I do not approve of that. This is purely for fictional purposes and I intend not to offend anyone when writing this. Also some cursing but that's kinda expected.)

Chariot's POV

I am out in the town, at night, taking in the beautiful scenery. All the tiny shops are lit up and the streets and sidewalks are full of the hustle and bustle of life. Sometimes when I'm happy like this, genuinely happy, an intrusive thought will creep into my mind. What if everyone here knew I was Shiny Chariot? They would all hate me, just like I feel as if everyone who knows does. As I think about this, I try to take a shortcut through a back alley. 

Probably not my brightest decision. 

Two burly men are leaning against the brick wall, taking deep drags of there cigarettes. I try to walk past them quickly, knowing there is no way in well they wouldn't notice me. 

"Hey, pretty lady!" One of the dude's catcalls, "Get your pretty ass back here!"

I keep moving, trying to avoid the harassment. I don't want to be in this situation, I just want to go back to Luna Nova. I want to go back into the streets of the city and go to little coffee shops and pretend to be a hipster. Anything but this...

"Hey, my friend was talkin to you! He's going to give you a bad punishment even if you don't get back here!"

I walk faster, but one of the dudes grabs my wrists and yanks me towards him. I have a confession. Most of my strength wasn't really something I got naturally, it was magically enhanced, and since I have no magic, I am weaker than ever. My mind blanks of every single instructional video I have ever watched about what to do in this sort of situation. 

The guy pins me against him by wrapping his arm around my waist. The only thing I could think of doing is screaming, so that's what I did. I screamed bloody murder at the top of my lungs. The guy looked angry and had his friend punch me in the face a few times to shut me up. But I didn't. I persisted trying to make noise and get someone to help me. Then, the assult got even worse. 

The man turned around and pinned me against the wall, while his friend started tearing off my clothes. The two men looked even more frightening now, their faces concentrated like they had done this many times before, and wanted to get it right. There was an intense hunger in their eyes like they were wolves, not humans. I kept screaming, so the man pinning me against the wall held my jaw together with his hairy burly hands. All my screams came out muffled as the other guy tore off my top and then started to rip away my pants. 

I was crying, bawling my eyes out. These men were so much stronger than me, bigger than me, and I was defenseless against them. I was just prey to them, just something to be used and then tossed away. 

"What the hell are you doing to that girl?!" I hear a voice yell from beyond the prison of the body of muscle my captors have held me in. 

The guy who tore off my clothing goes to fight the person, while the one holding me down started to more forcefully tear off my pants. Because he had to remove his hands from my mouth to do that, I was able to scream and cry as loud as I could. I did so. 

From behind the guy pinning me down, his touch so revolting, I saw a blast of magic hit my other abuser in the face. Wait, so the person saving me has magic? My lucks for them being able to save me, but what if it's my boss? Or one of my students? How the hell will I be able to explain this to them?

My captor now gets worried and picks me up, crushing me against his ribs as he starts to run from my savior. Just the prospect of what might happen tonight terrifies me beyond compare. I have always heard women tell their stories, but it's never been more real than right now. A blast of purple light hits the back of my captor, but he doesn't even flinch. But then he lifts me high into the air and chucks me into a brick wall. 

"Your hoe ass isn't worth this shit," He spits at me as he runs away from his crime. 

Everything aches, my back feels like it's on fire and my legs sting like they have been stung by thousands of wasps. My head swims and the world around seems to shake and crumble around me. 

Then my savior runs over to me. 

"Are you okay? Wait....Chariot?!" I hear my ex gasp, then let out a choked sob. 

And then I black out. 

Croix's POV

The moment I realized that it was Chariot those two motherfuckers had tried to rape, I was ready to beat their asses. They weren't in sight since they have probably run away from there crime. Lucky fuckers, I would've almost killed them if I could.  What bastards! How dare they do such a thing to my poor innocent showgirl!

Oh...my poor Chariot. Maybe if I had actually come to visit her a few times, let her know I'm okay, after getting out jail then this wouldn't have happened. I should have been here earlier, walking with her, to protect her. 

To make sure she doesn't look to...incdecent while I carry her back to my place so I can heal her, I put my sweatshirt over her and pull up her pants. At least those assholes didn't completely tear it, though you can tell they tried. I still can't believe this even happened! I can't believe I feel responsible for not protecting her!

I carry her back to my apartment, and I could tell people were staring. Maybe they will just think she got a little overexcited and drunk to much wine. Hopefully. And hopefully, no one thinks I did this too her...because I would never commit such a heinous crime! I would never hurt my Char-bear like that!

Once I get her inside my apartment, I set her down on my couch, prop her head up with a pillow, then go find my first aid kit. She has been passed out, unconscious but breathing, the entire way here. I hurry up just in case she begins to wake. When I go back to the living room I find she hasn't woken up yet. Good. Then I can use modern medicine and magic to help heal her!

I assess her wounds, a bunch of scratches and bruises on her arms and legs, a possibly broken femur, and maybe a concussion. I couldn't bring myself to check Chariot's chest for injuries, not because I don't care, I care a lot, it would be very inappropriate of me to do so. It would just feel wrong, you know?

I kiss Chariot on the forehead and then began my process of cleaning her wounds with water, wrapping them up, then use a bit of healing magic. I only have a bit of magic on me, but I still need enough to take Chariot back to Luna Nova tomorrow, so I can't just use all of it now. When she wakes up I'll get her some Advil to help with the pain. 

I move quickly, trying to get her all cleaned. When I am almost done cleaning her right arm (after cleaning everything else that I felt I had the right to reach), she groans softly as I dab the cold water-filled towel over her wounds to clean them. Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me tentatively. 

"Croix?" She asks me like she doesn't quite know if that's my name or not.

I give her my warmest smile, "That's me,"

She must have just then realized her wounds and moans in pain. I wish I could get her to moan like that, but not out of hurt, out of lust. Another time, another time, Chariot! You need to save her life and help her or before you could ever the chance to do that!

I go back to tending her wounds while she just stares at me, eyes slightly glazed over. I don't want to look at her face, it does things to me, bad things. It makes me melt into a puddle of emotion every time I look at it. Now thinking about it, her face is bruised up a bit. I bring my wand up to her face and utter a small healing spell, making the bruises less blue than before. 

"Croix..." Chariot groans, "My back hurts so badly..."

"I didn't want to take off your shirt to tend the wound," I admit, "For obvious reasons,"

Even with all her wounds, she blushes at that comment. 

"I give you permission to take off my shirt, Croix," She groans, and then forces a laugh, "That's probably something you've been waiting to hear me say,"

I roll my eyes, "You'll have to sit up for me to treat your back,"

I give her my hand and help her sit up. It seems to be taking all of her energy to do such a task as she is putting so much of her weight on me. I take off her shirt carefully and realize the startling revelation that she is not wearing a bra. I mean good for me, but also terrible for me. I won't be able to take my eyes off...

"Croix, could you stop ogling and treat the bruise on my back?" Croix takes more energy and forces it into a laugh.

"Char-bear stop exerting yourself too far by laughing," I say, "We can laugh and have fun when you are healed, my only priority right now is that,"

I start to tend her wound and she is silent. I hope this isn't uncomfortable for her, though it probably is. I mean I am literally taking a cold water-soaked towel and running it down her bareback. Oh, gods, I don't what I am going to do when I have to clean her stomach and her...

"Croix, are you not comfortable with doing this? I completely understand if you just want me to heal naturally because this is all too uncomfortable," Chariot says.

"No, no," I say, "I just keep getting lost in thought,"

I can feel Chariot smirking even if I can't see her face, "Lost in thought about me?"

"You wish, I was actually thinking about ramen,"


"Maybe, but maybe I was thinking about you, it's hard not too when you're practically half naked sitting on the couch in front of me,"

Man.. this is going to be a hard night...

(And I'll let you decide what happens after that  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

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