The Whole Truth

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(I don't know if I've actually posted a story like this or not, or if it's just one of my drafts. Whatever it is, I hope you like it. Also strong themes of suicide, mental disorders, etc. Prob some cursing but idk I haven't written it yet.)

Croix's POV

I'm a mistake. I wasn't supposed to lust after all the things I have. From Chariot to the Cloimah Solais, I've tried to achieve things beyond my reach. Chariot will never see me the same way she did when we were both interwoven on hotels beds during her world tours. I know now that the Cloimah Solaris is not something that I can use for my selfish desires or use in general. I mean, come on, bubbles and stage lights? It felt like I was on the stage of Chariot's shows.

I don't deserve all the kindness Chariot has given me. I don't deserve her. I've betrayed her trust on so many occasions I cannot name them all, I used her affections for me against her, I used her trust as a weapon! She could never love me again... never. It's impossible, so there's no use to think about it.

There's no use of thinking in general. Or living. So I won't.

Chariot's POV

I can't wait to surprise Croix! I'm going over to her place right now to surprise her with a bunch of ramen noodles! I bought her a bunch of different flavors and kinds because I know when I'm not around to make her food, it's the only thing she eats. I just want to make sure she's eating well when I'm working, because I know that she's not capable of simple cooking herself. She may be smart, but damn, she does not know how to use a stove.

I knock on her door. No response. I knock again just to find no welcome yet again. Odd, Croix never goes out of her apartment without me. Maybe she's just asleep. I could surprise her with the food when she wakes up! I try the doorknob to find it unlocked. Yes! Just my luck!

I walk into her apartment to find it immaculate, not a single empty ramen cup in sight. She must have cleaned the place before she took a nap. Though I do remember that Croix snores in her sleep, so why can't I hear her at all? I move towards her bedroom and open the door ajar, just in case she's not wearing much clothing. I'm surprised to not see her passed out on her bed, so I look around the apartment in hopes of finding out where she went. There's really only one other room, the bathroom.

I knock on the bathroom door quietly, "Croix, you in there?"

I hear a sharp groan. Holy shit, is she alright? That does not sound like the regular noise of just a bad case of diarrhea. I open the door to see the most horrifying scene I've ever seen.

Croix's in the bathtub, covered in blood. Her wrists are the source of blood loss. She seems to be swimming in and out of consciousness. I stifle a scream and rush to find bandages. I search through the cabinet above Croix's sink and find a first aid kit. I open it to find what I'm looking for. Off to a good start. I rush to find some paper towels and end up only finding regular towels instead. I get the towels wet and go over to clean off her wounds.

I don't want to think about why she did this to herself, or how. Though I do suspect the bloody blades next to the sink to be the culprits.

I gently touch her wrist with the wet towel and she hisses in pain.

"Shhhhh...." I whisper, "Everything's going to be alright,"

I touch her wrist again, and then wipe the blood off from around her arm. I then bandage the wound and do the same to her other arm and wrist. The rest of her is still covered in blood, so I need to change her out of the current pair of baggy sweatpants and sweatpants she's wearing to another pair. I run over to her bedroom, grab a pair and then start the most difficult part of this thing. I'm going to have to see her naked, and clean the blood off of her.

Sure, I've been wanting to see her naked since the day she showed up with delicious curves and delectable body to Luna Nova, but not like this. I start to remove her bloody t-shirt. Thank god she's wearing a cami underneath. I wipe the blood away from her shoulders and then move onto removing her pants. She's wearing boxer shorts which is good at least. I wipe the blood off of her legs and feet, then put the clean pair of pants on her.

Now, what do I do? I should probably move her to her bed so she can rest, then make her some healthy food so she can get better. I pick her up bridal style, making sure her head is rested on my shoulder. Then I move her slowly over to her bedroom while maneuvering around everything. As soon as I position her on her bed, I make sure her head is supported by pillows and that she is tucked in all her blankets.

I then get to work quickly making her a healthy breakfast. Bacon and eggs with a side salad will do just perfectly! She has all the ingredients because I cook for her every time I come over, so I get to work making her the perfect meal. I don't stop to think about why she did this to herself. I don't want to believe she did this to herself. God damn it now I'm thinking about it!

I finish the food, put it on plates, and then put it all on her bedside table. Now we wait. And while waiting, we ponder. Why did Croix do this to herself? If something was going on, she would have told me, right? Right? Why didn't she tell me? Did someone frame her? Ohh......Croix. I'm so glad I saved you. 

I hear Croix cough, then say meekly, "Am I in heaven?"

I giggle and get in her line of slight, "I'm not letting you get there,"

Her eyes widen in surprise, "Chariot?! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Saving your ass from killing yourself!" I cry out and she falls silent, "Why.....?"

Tears sting in both of our eyes. I can tell. She bites her lip and looks to her bedside table.

"I never thought I would tell you this," She whispers, "There are a lot of things wrong with me. I'm not perfect in any way,"

"Nobodies perfect, Croix," I whisper through tears, "And that's alright,"

She shakes her head, "No, I almost bombed a country, Chariot. That's not alright..."

"You've learned your lesson," I whisper, "Everyone has forgiven you,"

"No!" She cries, "Chariot that's not what's going on! I never told you this, but I have anxiety, depression, and ADHD! You should hate me! Like everyone else does!"

I shake my head, "No matter what's going on in your brain, I care about you! I don't care if you have anxiety and depression or even ADHD, all I care about is you! I love you, you stupid fool! I love you!"

(Ethier GayForDianaCavendish messages me on discord or ten votes for a part two! Idk peoples, it's anyone's game. Both have their extreme impossibilities.)

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