Chapter 12 Field Trip

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"Guys! Guys!!" I shout at them and they turn their heads to see me,i stop in front of them and began to dig into my backpack "Whats up,Emily?" Gerard speaks "You won't imagine what i got for us." "Really for us?" Frank questions and Mikey nods..

"Bam!! Take a look at these." I wave at them a couple of tickets and Frank grabs them and he attacks me with a hug "You got these?!" "Yep.The last tickets to see Slipknot." "No fucking way!" Ray grabs one ticket and Bob does too and the rest.

"How did you get these i thoht they sold out?!" I smiled and replied "I have a few contacts who got them for me." I grin and all the guys hug me tight.I heard the stupid cheerleaders and jocks talking about us but as usual we ignore them "You guys can go right?" I ask all of them "Well mom always lets me so thats a yes." Frank says and Ray also says his parents are okay and so is Bob the problem here is Mikey and Gerard.

"You think our parents will let us,Gerard?" Mikey asks his older brother and Gerard shrugs his shoulder "Yeah Mikes if not i'll just go without thei permission.Its not like they'll kill me." Mikey only nodded "I guess we can."

"Ah.We can convince them that you'll be safe with us." "Safe? Come on,Emily.Im wayy older than you shortie." "Hey im not short! Besides of the group im the smarter one cause you are the sassiest peson ive ever met and Frank here is a kid and...uh yeah thats its so you two are the only immature ones." Gerard and Frank stayed silent knowing that what i said was right.

"Alright well lets to our house then." So we all started following Gerard and Mikey to their place hopefully we'll convince their parents of letting them go.


"So you see Miss Way thats why Gerard and Mikey must go." I smiled at them hopefully my charm works "No." "What?!" Everyone shouted "You just heard me i said NO." "Argh come on Donna your sons are excited for this." Frank says and sits down on the couch.

"Is your mother aware that your going?" Donna asks him "Fuck yeah,she knows.Everyone knows.' He waves his hand away and smirks "Please,Donna." Ray and Bob start begging and Mikey was about to cry well he was faking it anyways.

"Don't you guys have that field trio anyway tomorrow?" Donald asks as he walks in "Oh yeah i forgot about that stupid thing." Gerard laughs but his mom scolds him for "cursing" we all begin to complain about the stupid field trip cause non of us are going.

Then a brilliant idea pops into my mind "Hold on..How about we make a deal.If we go to the field trip than you guys can let Mikey and Gerard go." Both Donna and Donald stare at each other and begin to whisper "Alright.If you boys go to the field trip tomorrow you can go to the concert "Yay!" We all yell and Gerard tackles me in a hug and starts kissing my cheek "Gerard Arthur Way.Take your hands out of the poor girl." Donna says and shes trying her best to laugh.

******Next day*******

We all got inside the bus and it was horrible it was small and some kids were even sitting on top of other kids for example the cheerleaders as usual with their boyfriends which are the dumb jocks "Hey,Frank.Wanna listen to Nirvana?" I ask him while i take out my phone and he shakes his head not meeting my eyes.I look to my right and see Mikey who shrugs his shoulder,weird ever since Gerard hugged me and kissed me he seems off.

"Alright you jerks! Its time to build your tent." I raise and eyebrow and stare at the teacher "Can th teachers call us that?" Bob asks Ray and we all just ignored what she said and i started to laugh "Why are you laughing?' Gerard says as we all grabbed the end of the tent and began to build it "Cause the gym teacher reminds me that...uhh..whats the name of teacher?" "Trunchbull." Mikey speaks up and we start laughing.

About an hour later we all finished the tents and finished other chores "God damnit i hate nature." I mutter "Who doesnt?" Gerard agrees "Yeah but remember we're doing this for the tickets." Ray reminds us.

"Guys look this lake reminds me of that lake Jason drowned in." Frank laughs but he still doesnt meet my eyes which saddens me.I watch the boys walk away and Mikey stops "Emily arent you coming?" I shake my head and smile at him "You go ahead,Mikey." He replied with a nod and races to his brother "Why is he avoiding me and why am i feeling like this?" I whisper to myself and felt someone throw me something "Hey stupid!"

I glare back at Marcus who is the captain of the football team "What do you want asshole?" He gives me an angry glare and starts waking towards me and was about to slap me but i stood up and my fist was ready to punch that face.

"I swear to god,Marcus.If you fucking touch me i will make your life a living fucking hell and i'll kill you when you go to sleep tonight.So if you wanna slap me do it." I smirk and see him staring at me with fear in his eyes "Come on Marcus you can do it." His friends start to rant.

"Just this time you punk." He grits his teeth and stomps away,i cross my arms and smirk "I really can scare jocks.Now time to get everything ready." I start by placing the blankets inside the small tent and pillows.Thats when i grab my backpack and open the front pocket and the tickets arent there.I start to panic on the inside and i started to dig inside my bag and no luck.

"Holy shit! I swear i left the tickets here." I run out of the tent and start looking for the boys.I start to run around trying to find them and passed the group of goths i stopped "Hey,Chelsea.Do you know where Gerard left?" I ask her.Her bright green eyes meet mine and she nods "Yes he just over there." She points out i thank her leave to find him.

I shout their names and they stop walking "The tickets are gone." I gasp for air and the guys begin to shout at each other so they begin to follow me once i said to them i know who probably took it.We all raced and met with Marcus again who held the tickets in his hand "Looking for these." "Give em back you idiot." Mikey said.Thats when Marcus threw the tickets in the fire and i did end up beating him..and he paid us the money we lost....

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