Chapter 19 An Unexpected Surprise

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Emily's pov

Meanwhile making my way to the park where Mikey and I decided we should talk i was listening to Reprobate Romance by Blacklisted Me which is a very catchy song.I looked ahead and saw Mikey reading a book sitting on a bench near a tree "What the fuck should i tell him?" I began to get nervous what if we aren't friends anymore i don't think i'll be able to live without him as a friend you know.I paused the music and saved the mp3 player on my cardigan pocket.

"Hello Mikey." Good job Emily keep on going "Emily you arrived! Take a seat." He pushed closed the book and made moved so i could sit down "Thanks." I looked over to him and saw that he dyed his hair a shade darker and "Mikey? Where's you glasses." I ask him as i stare into his beautiful eyes wait no don't say that! "Oh i left them at home and forgot them."Yeah right i believe you Mikey "O-okay well i decided we should talk."

"You know there's going to another even in a few days and i wanted you to come." I look down at my lap "Thats sweet Mikey really but i don't feel too comfortable with you giving me things." I was now looking back at him "Why?" I looked around and back and i could clearly see Frank over the distance watching me but he quickly hid behind a bush.I shake my head and started to talk "Because with Frank and i love him very much." "But he cant g-give you the things i can." "I know and i know he might be a bit childish..most of the time but i really really do like him."

"Is this because he's better than me then? Thats what everyone says does my brother or any body else in the band said that.I can assure you that you two already had se-"'"Why do you say that Michael? This isnt you! Please Mikey listen to me i like you but as a friend so please hear me out.I want you to be happy with someone who's not me-" Mikey pressed his lips with mine so i moved away and just stared at him with angry eyes and i ran away from him.


"He just won't listen!" I walk down the road back home with Frank "Can't believe that he kissed you." "I know and im sorry you had to see that." "Well at least you didnt kiss him back and i was there so you were telling the truth." I sigh and Frank walks ahead and stops me "How about we watch a couple of movies so you you aren't upset?" I smile at him "Sure why not." He takes my hand and we arrived to my place like always.

"Alright Pansy,Bender you two stay here while we watch a couple of movies." I look over to my shoulder and see Frank talking to the dogs "Im sure they'll talk to you back." I begin to make my way up to my room and began to find a good horror movie on my shelf but thats when i felt arms wrap around my waist and Frank started to kiss my neck "Frankie? W-what are you doing?" I whisper and he gently pushed me so i was laying on the bed and i felt his hands lifting my skirt.

"Im making you forget about what happened earlier." He kissed my lips and began to touch me and i let out a moan,oh god oh god "Your mom is gonna kill you if she finds out you know." I close my eyes and stare down at him and his face was now in between my legs and i held onto the sheets once i felt him "Frank! please s-stop." "You really want me to stop." He teased.He continued like this until i was done but that's when i heard someone "Emily honey you in here?!" We both stopped what we were doing and sat up on the bed "Shit! its my aunt." "Emily." She opened the door and stared at us "Hi Emily! Hey Frank." She smiled at us and i was just blushing "H-hey how was the trip." 

"It was exhausting,im sure you felt lonely all these days in your own"  I smiled a little trying to hide my blush which was failing "Yeah i was.." "Well as rewards we're going to dinner you're also invited Frank." She said closing the door behind her.All i did was face palm to try and hide my shame "I am a horrible human being." 


"So....Frank! How's your mother?" My aunt finally asks after and awkward silence "She'a good you know doing the same thing everyday." "Mhm so how's your father." I looked up at him then at her.Since we started dating well even before ive never heard him mentioning his old man "Just working as usual."

"Oh Emily now that i remember my Dad asked mw if i could go and visit him for a week..He told me i could being you!" I looked over to my aunt who raised an eyebrow "Can i?" "...Oh alright but no funny business you two are going through that teenage phase and you know it." She warned both of us "Yes mam i promise i'll do no funny business." I tried not to laugh at the unbroken promise ive done already hmm i wonder where his dad lives though....

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