Chapter 25 She's The Prettiest Girl At The Party

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Sorry I havent updated so for that I wrote a longer chapter for you to enjoy btw please listen to the sing while reading.Please remember to vote or comment...

Its felt like months that I've been living with this woman and she's been driving me crazy.Hannah and I are still planning to run away and we have a few amount of money for it as for Frank and I we haven't spoken very much nor with the rest of MCR they have all been busy with the band and writing songs which isnt that easy. Right now I'm taking my lunch break with Hannah and we'll be heading to the Dvd store to pick up a few movies. 

"So what movie will we be buying?" 

"I've been wanting to see Silence Of The Lambs so a while,so I guess i'll buy it." 

I told he as we finished our food and headed to the store and started looking for other movies she wanted while I had mine in hand. I looked over the corner of my eye and saw a guy with black hair and a purple streak on it and he was dressed in all black with a BVB t-shirt.

"Tony?! I haven't seen you in a while." 

Hannah went over and said hello to the guy...wait so she knows him?! Oh damn I hate getting to know more people.Suddenly I felt her grab my wrist and she dragged me over to where she was standing. "Emily this is an old friend of mine his name is Tony."

"Tony this is Emily."

The guy gave me a small smile and I could see that he was blue eyes and he's very pale like me."Um hello there." I awkwardly answer and Hannah nudged me making me look at her.

"Stop blushing,Emily."

 "Hey i like your shirt." He smiles once he saw my BVB shirt,why are we wearing matching shirts?! After a while of talking he left.I frowned and looked over by a mirror to see if I was blushing and I wasn't. We talked for a bit and Hannah told Tony that we would meet him up later tonight.Before He left he hugged me and kissed my cheek for some fucking reason..

"Why did you say that?!" I tell her once we exited the store and headed to Hot Topic. She smiled again which was quite annoying now "Come on its obvious that he likes you and you like him."

"No I don't besides I have a boyfriend and I love him very much and I won't ever leave him..." She laughed a bit and spoke again "Yeah but I don't see him here besides maybe He has a girlfriend already." "Frank isn't that kind of guy believe me now will you stop."

I walked up ahead leaving her behind "Hey kid,Everything alright?" I stopped and nodded my head feeling sad again "Yeah im fine.Rose how do you know if someone really is your friend?" "Well they'll be there for you no matter what and they won't judge you or anything."

Why would Hannah say something like that its like she's changed little by little she has and Rose is a much more quiet and nice person than Hannah is.Rose is 22 years old and she has long brown hair with bangs and has her hair dyed blue at the ends so you can always say she's a tomboy like me.

I was about to grab the last box of merch when Rose stopped me "No no not today i'll do the job." "But I really need the money Rose." She ignored me and walked over behind the register and handed me a bag. "Happy birthday Emily." She smiled down at me and I hugged her "Thanks...Rose." Whoa I can't believe she remembered my birthday and Hannah didn't.


I looked myself in the mirror and I decided to wear my new t-shirt Rose bought me which is a Nirvana one and she designed one which read MCR guess she did it cause I told her everything that happened in Jersey. I wore my leather jacket she also brought for me...maybe I should consider Rose as my turn friend than Hannah.

I began to walk outside when someone stopped me "What do you want Ben?" I growl at him "Where are you going?" "For a walk."

I began to walk past him when he grabbed my hair and yanked it "Hey lets me go!!" I began to throw punches and started kicking him but he wouldn't let go "You're not going anywhere bitch!" He hissed and began to drag me to the kitchen. He threw me to the table and I hissed in pain once my head hit the table "Let me go!!" I screamed once he began to try and take my jeans off. I looked for the closet object, which was scissors . I grabbed them and did the once thing I had to do.

Since he wouldn't let go of my hair I had to cut it then I stabbed the scissors in his hand "You'll regret doing that." I didn't care so I started kicking him and I stole his wallet and ran towards the door.I got into the car which finally I got my license and drive off to Hannah's. Im lucky that all of my bags were already in the car. 

"Emily? What happened." Hannah walked outside and saw how messy my hair was.

"Ben happened that bastard tried to you know,But I beat him up." I smiled.

"Well thank god nothing happened to you,Come inside." 

I followed her inside and saw the inside of the house neatly done "Come here i'll cut your hair." I nodded and followed her into the kitchen "You have an awful bruise on your cheek." I gently touched my cheek and winced a little "I'll be alright." "You really are a strong girl.How do you want your hair?" She asked.

I looked at my reflection and saw that my hair was a mess "Just leave it short i've had my hair long for a while so a change will be nice." She nodded her head and began to cut it,she left my fringe cause I told her.(Just imagine Emily having really short hair like Billie Joe's hairstyle in 21 Guns) 

"There all done." I smiled at how she left it.

"I love it even though I guess Frank wouldn't like it that much." I chuckle and she patted my back.

"So ready for the party?"


An hour has gone by since we arrived at the party and everything has been cool and everyone sang me Happy Birthday that's when Tony saw me.I was silently singing to Face Down which was playing inside the house and I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Emily Hi! Oh what happened to your hair?" 

He touched my hair and stood next to me while drinking something. "Nothing happened I just decided to have a new look." "Alright then,it suits you.Emily I can't hide it anymore so I do have to tell you that You are the prettiest girl at this party and I've never met someone like you."

"Oh okay."

"No really what I mean is that I really like you,so will you be my girlfriend?" 

This is getting too uncomfortable for me should I just run outside and drive away in my car or should I tell him that I already have a boyfriend.I was about to answer him when Hannah grabbed my hand and his and dragged us to a room that was filled with older people but they were doing drugs. "Come in Emily try it." Hannah insisted as she handed me a cigarette.

"Umm no thanks I don't smoke.'

"Okay have this then." She handed me a beer which she got from Tony who was beginning to drink "I don't drink either." "Come in Emily your eighteen now.Its time for you to drink." "Its up to each person to decided they should drink or not besides I don't wanna be an alcoholic."

 "Emily drink." 

The next song started which was Scars by Papa Roach and I started to remember how this whole drama happened to me which was my mother first heavily drinking and she didn't wanted anyone to help her with drugs so she just drank and drank and she self destroyed herself not to mention my Dad his final days he had been drinking too.

"No let me to!" I started to kick whoever was getting near me and Hannah three herself at me and started to punch me "Hey leave her alone!" I looked who came and it was Rose. "Rose!" "Oh great she came to spoil the fun." 

"Im glad you didn't trusted in this guy Emily.He's the one who sells all the drugs and Hannah here used to work for him." "I always hated you." Hannah glared at Rose."How about we leave this dump for good." She smiled and offered me her hand which I took and I ran outside with her.

I walked outside and saw three bags outside of my car "I'm going with you Emily,besides your friends sound like they are cool." "Alright then!" I helped her the bags and soon we drive away and exited this place and i'll never see my mother again.

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