Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Frank

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I ran down down the school halls as usual but this time trying to find Frank Iero cause you know what day it is? Its his birthday!! I guess i was more excited than him cause he kept complaining yesterday that he doesnr wanna get old and be an adult i spotted him through out the crowd and smiled like an idiot. I jumped onto his shoulder and yelled "Happy Birthday Frankie!!" "Emily you scared the hell outta me!!" I hugged him and stepped back "Happy B-Day Frank,Here!" "Thanks Emily.What is it?" he asked once i gave him a  box wrapped in paper...

Oh im sure he'll love it i watched him open the box and his mouth fell open "Holy shit Emily!" "You like it." i laughed and holding my hands together "I love it! Is it their real autographs?!" "Yep my uncle asked them to sign it so they did." I got him a Misfits vinyl cd and he loves it now "Fuck! This is sick i could kiss you right now!" He smiled "Well why dont yo-" and my eyes widen cause he did kiss me but quick.

I blushed like a really dark pink and placed my fingers on my lips and looked down at the floor embarrassed by what happened i just had my first kiss!! I was freaking out on the inside "S-so wheres your costume." I asked trying to act normal again which was failing "I got too lazy so i just wore my skeleton gloves and is skeleton shirt." He was dressed in black like always and i was wearing my Alice costume but not with the wig i just decided to dye my hair black now which made my eye color pop out to a light brown color.

"Thats cool..i guess." Frank was still looking at the vinyl in his hands and wouldnt let go of it,We were walking outside of school and i was greeted by claps and cheers "Hey Emily's here!" "Its the girl who finally made Mandy pay." Everyone greeted me one by one and told me that it was a clever idea of mine to do that to Mandy but i told them that it wasnt my entire plan that it was Frank's also.Oh and i was talking to a girl now who's also an outcast and invited Frank and I to her party and asked me to be her friend.


It was around 7 at night and Mrs Iero made Frank a cake and we ate it and thankfully she let us hang out and join the party,we got to my new friend's house and a lot of people were their i looked around and spotted the familiar short blonde hair which belongs to my friend Ash.I walked up to her and thanked her for inviting us.

A few minutes pass by and Ash came out with a big black and purple cake of the movie Corpse Bride and she told me that she brought it for Frank and she even got him an acoustic guitar! How awesome is that and we just met her i have a feeling that were definetly gonna be close friends.Everyone joined in and sang the happy birthday song and i glance over to see Frank talking with four guys,i smiled.Finally he's opening up to everyone else.

"This has gotta be the best Halloween birthday party ever." Frank spoke while drinking a few beers and we decided to sit outside and enjoy the Halloween decorations and music form the inside my favorite song came up Give Me Novacaine by the talented band Green Day "Thanks for making this day better,Emily." He said finally looking at my eyes.I quickly looked away and heard him laugh.

"Why are you so shy all of the sudden." "I-its nothing." i lied and i was about to get up but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist "Whats the matter?" "Im just shy cause of what happened earlier." I finally said and meeting his eyes he remembered "Was it your first kiss?" I nodded my head and he looked away a bir taken back "Im sorry i did it okay.It was your first and you deserved to have it with someone special." Now it was my time to stop him from getting up.

"C-can i give you my other gift?" I stuttered and over the corner of my eye saw kids trick or treating with their parents and these teenagers singing to the song "What's the other gift?" He whispered "Ou gotta close your eyes first if you want it." He responded with an okay and closed his eyes,i ran my fingers through his soft black hair and closed my eyes slowly and connected our lips together.

Whooo this has been a long long day of me updating like 5 chapters in a row butnit was worth it oh and today's Halloween!!!! Im sure you all know that by now XD And today's my favorite guitarists birthday too so Happy Birthday Frankie!!!  🎂  Love you very much and stay being the  crazy yet cute guy weve all known oh and also a Happy B-Day to Ben Bruce also Gabe Barham!! Please vote and comment for more!! and Happy Ieroween everyone!!!!!!!

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