Sneak Peak

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"I'm all packed and ready, now we just have to wait for dad to get home so we can leave," Kristina said as she came down the stairs dragging her suitcase behind her.

I had finished packing about half an hour ago and Ezra and I were sitting in the living room playing war. Sonia and Kristina sat on the couch and cuddled together, talking quietly while we waited for my dad to get home with my younger sister, Madi, and Ezra's younger sister, Nira. Suddenly my phone rang and I pulled it from my pocket, it was my dad calling.

"Hey Dad, you on your way?" I asked after answering the call.

"Andy, traffic is absolutely awful getting home from the hospital. I need you or your sister to go pick Madi and Nira up from aftercare because I'll barely make it home in time to pack so we can leave." Dad said as I heard the sounds of traffic in the background.

"Ok, I'll tell Kristina to go get them," I responded. "Do you want me to start packing for you?"

"Sure son, that'd be great," Dad answered as I heard sirens wailing in the background.

I guess there was a really bad accident or something.

"Ok, I'll do that while Kristina gets the girls," I replied. "And dad, be careful out in all that traffic."

"I will be, don't worry. I'll see y'all soon." He said before hanging up.

I placed my phone in my pocket and looked over at the couch to tell Kristina she needed to pick Madi and Nira up. As I looked up I glanced out the window and saw someone fly through a window of the house across the street, the Thompson's place.

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself as I saw Mr. Thompson move towards the broken window holding his upper right arm as blood flowed from under his hand.

"Kristina... Dad needs you to go get Madi and Nira from aftercare," I said as I moved toward the door.

I have to go check on Mr. Thompson.

"Where are you going so fast?!" Ezra asked as he followed me out the door. "Oh shit." He said as he saw what I was running towards.

I made it across the street and saw the person that had flown through the window bleeding all over thanks to broken glass. I saw it was a young man, but something was off about him, his eyes were milky white and he had a bite mark on his neck.

Is that a human bite mark? What the fuck happened? And what's up wi-

My thoughts were interrupted by the man standing up and coming straight at me.

"Woah back the hell up!" I shouted as I took a step back.

The man didn't listen, and instead, tackled me in the middle of the road. I heard Ezra, Kristina, and Sonia yelling my name as I tried to push the man off of me. He smelled like what I would imagine death smelled like and he was clawing at my arms as he tried to get his mouth close enough to my face to bite.

"Get off!" I shouted as I continued trying to throw him off me.

Suddenly the weight of the person on top of me was dragged away as Mr. Thompson grabbed his shoulders and pulled him away from me. I immediately scooted as far away from the crazy guy as I could get, eventually running into the curb and watching as Mr. Thompson and the crazy guy struggled.

"Are you ok Andy?!" Ezra asked as he knelt down beside me.

Unable to say anything, I nodded quickly as I caught my breath. I could feel my entire body shaking after the terrifying event.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine Ez," I said quietly. "I'm... I'm just... s-scared." I said once I was able to speak again.

There was a sudden scream of agony and I switched my gaze back to the struggle across the street and saw the crazy guy biting Mr. Thompson's left wrist. Out of nowhere, Kristina ran by me holding a baseball bat, she swung it at the crazy guy's head, and as the bat connected, the crazy guy let go of Mr. Thompson and fell to the ground, not moving or making a sound afterword.

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