Chapter 2

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Lucy P.O.V.

" Hello I am Amber, queen of the wolfs. I want to thank you for saving me in my desperate time." I just nod my head in understanding. Amber is a light blue wolf with a crescent moon on her forehead. She has blue eyes. Her eyes flash to a green color and then she says " Child, your soul is the purest soul I've ever seen. How would you like to become a wolf slayer." I respond with " I would love to." She smiled and opened a portal. She took me in and in an instant we were at the front of a great castle. We went inside, went upstairs, and walked down a hallway till we arrived at a big wooden door. When queen Amber opened the door I saw a table with eleven wolves sitting down on chairs. "These are the wolves you will be training with Ned the fire wolf, Melvin the iron wolf, Jake the lightning wolf, Temari the wind wolf, Calie the poison wolf , Buz the light wolf,  Lesley the shadow wolf, Care the time wolf, Celesta the celestial wolf, Angel the heavens wolf, Diabolo the hell wolf, Atlantis the water wolf and me the ice wolf." I look at all the wolves. Their fur is matching their element. " We will train you for 17 years here which is 7 on earth land. Oh also you will not age at all." I nod my he'd go tell her I am ready to start training.

Meanwhile at Fairy Tail

Every one has gone back to their normal selfs. Team natsu walks in the guild and suddenly they hear a slapping sound. Wendy was crying and Natsu had a slap mark on his face. "This is for Lucy-nee. Wind dragon roar." She screamed as she aimed for natsu  she then collapsed on the ground crying. "I want (hic) my Lucy-nee! I  ( hic ) want my Lucy- neeeeee!" Wendy screamed as she cried. Natsu said " how dare she make poor little Wendy cry. I will get her for this. That stupid weakling." Wendy stood up with an angry look on her face and screamed " This is not Lucy-nee 's falt . It's all your falt Natsu. You and this guild made her leave. Hey Lisanna how bout I go kill the family you have left. Let's see how you feel about that, huh. Then you would feel what Lucy-nee feels. The pain of losing all her family and then to top it of her fairy tail family ignoring  her. She would often stare up at the stars and ask herself  what did she do wrong to make them hate her like this. Lucy-nee has the kindest heart in the world. When she went on solo missions she would keep enough jewel for her rent and necessities and give the rest to the needy people. Natsu don't talk to me ever again. That goes for Lisanna and Erza too." She then left to go to Lucy's old apartment. As she was leaving Gray walked in. He shouted " Hey I'm back from my mission what did I miss." Master Makerov then walks out and says in a sad tone "Oh nothing really, just that Lucy left the gild for being ignored by her fairy tail family, kicked off team natsu, and them insulting her and her family." Gray looked shocked at this information " What! Flame-brain come  over hear so I can teach you a lesson." "What's done is done Gray , no need for further violence" master said as he wiped away a tear that was streaming down his face.

With Wendy ( Wendy P.O.V.)

I arrived at Lucy-nee 's apartment and went inside I found a letter for me on the table. I it read

My Dear Wendy,

I am sorry I left you with those.....things. Anyway I love you my little sister. You stood by me this whole time while others just abandoned me like an unwanted child. Thank you for being there for me. I got you a present go and look inside my closet. I hope you like them.  Say bye to Grey for me, ok.Ohh and tell me when your wedding with Romeo ; )

With love,

From your big sis , Lucy

I put the letter in the pocket of my dress and walk tward the closest. I open the closet door to find a  gold music box  with Wendy carved into it. I open it and see a picture of me and Lucy. There was also a necklace with a silver chain and a Safire shaped like a dragon. I immediately put it on and I felt a surge of power run through my body. There was a note under the  music box. I pick the music box up with care because didn't want it to break. I read the note.

Wendy, the music box is for the memory of you and I. The necklace increases your power and protects you from attack. Stay safe my child.

I broke down in her apartment? I cried for an hour or so then left her apartment and headed twards Fairy hills.

~~~~~~ Time Skip ( 7 years )~~~~~~

Lucy P.O.V.

I am done with my training. I will miss everyone here. I open a portal then shout " Bye Ned, Melvin, Jake, Temari, Calie, Buz, Amber, Angel, Celesta, Lesley, Care, and Diabolo. Amber steped forward and said " Bye and stay safe my child" I smile at them before I walk through the portal. When I get there I am in a forest.  Look at my self. Though I haven't aged my hair reaches my feet and I am in a blue dress.  (A.N: this is what her face, hair and dress look like but with big you-know-whats .)

I have a pair of blonde wolf ears an a wolf tail. I say " Open gate of the crab, Cancer." When Cancer appears I ask him to cut my hair up to my butt. When he leaves I turn into my wolf  form, curl up into a ball and let sleep wash over me.

Rogue P.O.V.

When we were walking through the forest back to Sabertooth I saw something with light yellow fur. I elbowed Sting and pointed to the strange creature. When we got to where it was I took a good look at it. It had light yellow fur with a  big white patch of fur in the shape of a star on its chest . It was still small, about the size of an exceed. I pick it up. It looked like a wolf pup. I decided to bring it back to the guild for further examination. I picked it up and it immediately got closer to me searching for warmth. She reminds me of that celestial mage me and Sting had a crush on. Her name was Lucy. She was last seen in Magnolia seven years ago. I wonder what happened to her. Oh well off to the guild we go.

~~~~~~ Time Skip ( Sabertooth guild)

When we arrived, Sting kicked the door open an we walked in. All chatter stopped when we got over to one of the tables and placed the pup down. Everyone crowded around the table to take a look at wolf. It started to stir so I took a few steps back. When it awoke it looked around before it was engulfed in a bright white light. I covered my eyes because of the intense brightness. When it stopped glowing what I saw made my breath get stuck in my throat. In front of me was ~~~


Sorry Yukino does not exist in this story

Who should Lucy be pared with? Tell me in the comments below

If you think this is a horrible story and I should discontinue it pls tell me

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