Chapter 3

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Rogue P.O.V.

In front of me was the lost fairy, Lucy Heartfilia

Lucy P.O.V

When I woke up I was surrounded by people so I transformed into my human form. They had their eyes as wide as saucers when they saw me transformation into a human. I say " Ummmm, good morning ?" A girl with long black hair steps forward and asks me in a harsh tone " What are you doing here? Did the fairy get lost in the sabers den?" I respond " I'm not a fairy I'm a wolf . Is it that not obvious?" I say pointing to my ears and swishing my tail. Before she could say anything I say "Wait a minute, I'm not in a den I'm in a forest." I look around to see no trees. " Why am I here. I recalled falling asleep in a forest. This is a guild hall not a forest." Before anyone could speak I jumped off the table and asked " Can I join this guild?" The girl with the black hair answers " Only if you are a strong mage. Your just a WEAK, PATHETIC, FAIRY." She spat at me. I reply in a voice dripping with venom " Don't you dare call me weak or face my wrath." She then had the courage to call me weak one more time. " Wrong move . Devil wolf wings." I shout. I grew raven colored wins with pointy horns on both ends.

I flew up to the ceiling and saw an exceed with a frog costume shaking in a corner. I didn't want to further scare it. I chant under my breath " Angel wolf wings." I grew white feathered wings.

I flew over and picked up the shaking exceed and returned to my previous spot. " The exceed asked in a shaky voice " What do you want with Fro?" I replied in a soft voice " Please don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. She just made me angry. Your to cute and your nice so I have no reason to harm you." Fro stopped shaking and said "Fro's name is Frosh but you can call Fro, Fro." Frosh said with a big smile. I smiled back and held him closer to my chest. I hear a male voice scream " Shadow dragon roar." I open my mouth waiting for it to come to me. I ate most of the shadows but some hit Frosh. I scream Frosh but he already fell unconscious. I flew down and placed Frosh on a table. I chant "Shadow wolf shadow extract " then " Sky wolf heal ." After I am don healing Frosh " One second later and he would be dead. Who sent the shadows. Answer or I'll destroy your guild." I say in a menacing tone. A boy around my age with black hair and red eyes steps forward. He asks in a worried tone " Is Frosh going to be okay." I nod my head. I ask him " Why did you try to shoot me?" He answered in a monotone voice " I was worried. Frosh is my partner and I didn't want you harming Frosh." I nod my head and ask " By the way may I talk to the guild master." He points upstairs. I fly upstairs and make my wings dissapear. I knock on the door and I hear a muffled come in. I walk in and see a big man with tan skin and a white beard. He looks me over and says " Your that fairy, Lucy Heartfilia if I am not mistaken." I respond " I am not a fairy anymore and I would like to join your guild." He said "First you have to fight someone in this guild. Oh and tell me how Layla is doing." When he said my mothers name a tear made its way down my cheek. I responded in a hush tone     " She's dead." He looked shocked and said "You can join the guild Lucy. Please leave me alone for awhile." I nod and leave the room.I decided to sit on the railing on the top floor. " Hello I am Lucy Heartfilia. Well if you're smart you should of already figured out part of my magic. I want to fight fancy blonde over there or shadow dude ." I point to a blond boy wearing a hat and then the guy from earlier. The whole guild starts to laugh and the said boys blush . " If instead of laughing would you introduce yourselfs I don't know your names." The girl from earlier steps up and says " I'm Minerva, the big guy with green hair is Orga, 'fancy blonde' as you called him is Rufus, 'shadow dude' is Rogue , the other blonde boy is Sting, Maka the bartender , ect. " I smirk as I say " Well hello Min-chan, Green-kun, Fancy-kun, Shadow-kun, Bee-kun and Ma-chan." When I say the nicknames their faces turn a shade of red could put a tomato to shame Then jump off the railin. I go to Ma-chan and say " Ma-chan may I please have my guild stamp after I fight someone?" She answers "Sure Lulu-chan" I give her a smile and walk over to Rufus. I tap him on the shoulder and when he turns around his face flushed red. I get worried and and put my hand on his forehead and ask "Are you ok? Do you have a fever?" He shakes his head no. " I wanted to ask if you wanted to fight me so I can be allowed to join." He straightens up and leads me outside. The rest of the guild followed us to watch us fight. He says " Let's make a bet. If you win I'll treat you to dinner and if I win you have to treat me to dinner, ok." I smile brightly and say 
" Sounds good to me. "

~~~~ Time Skip ( after battle )~~~~

And the winner is ~~

If battles are unimportant then they will be skipped. Who should Lucy be pared with









Please comment on who she should be pared with

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