Chapter 4

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Normal P.O.V.
In the end Lucy won the fight. She then started healing him. Of corse most people were stunned because she was acting like it was nothing. While everyone is staring at the blonde, the Master asked Minerva to bring him the stamp. She complied and she was back minute. "Lucy" he called " exellent performance, I knew you would have no problem beating him. So I won't kick him out the guild. I know how mad you would be if that happened." He tried to avoid eye contact when he said that. She just looked at Minerva and asked " May I please have it on my right shoulder in gold." After she stamped Lucy she scratched behind Lucy's wolf ears. Lucy groaned and got the attention of everyone in the guild. She blushed, buried her head in her hands and mumbled " Ears are a sensitive spot for wolfs. Instead of purring like cats, we wolves groan or moan." The whole guild was quiet so they herd what she said.  They swear they saw steam coming out of her ears. Trying to calm the awkward atmosphere, Orga asks " Why did you leave Fairytail?" She signed and said "Long story. If you want to hear it please take a seat. If not then please leave." No one left, they all wanted to hear her story.  
"Ok, where do I begin. So one day this girl Lisanna comes back from the 'dead'. They party for her for a long time and eventualy forgot about me exept for Gray, Wendy and Mas- I mean Makarov. One day they kicked me off team natsu and called me a weakling and a bunch of other names. Then Lisanna crossed the line when she talked about my parents, especially my mom. So I punished her. Erza tried to slap me but I just twisted her arm. Then I asked Makarov to leave. I found a creature in the forest being attacked so I saved it. It was the wolf queen. I trained in the wolf realm and stayed there for seven years. I am technically 23 but because I didn't age I am still 16." After she was done everyone was boiling with anger. Fairytail ranted on about family when they did this Lucy . While they were talking she just leaned on Minerva's shoulder and fell asleep.Three boys looked at her and thought ' CUTE!!!!'.

Lucy P.O.V.
When I woke up I was in a blue room. I felt a heavy weight around my waist. I look to my side to see Sting sleeping. When I turn to my left I see Rogue, sleeping of course. I'm in a dragon slayer sandwich. How I suppose to get out their arms are heavy and muscular. I telepathically send out a cry for help. Min-chan and Rufus come in to the room and notice my predicament. Min-chan is smirking while Rufus looks like he is about to explode. I moth the words ' help me' and point to the dragon slayers. Rufus comes and puts his hands under my armpits and  try's to pulls me out while
Min-chan try's detaching their arms. No anvil. They try again and manage to pull me out. Rufus looses his balance and he falls with me on top of him. I close my eyes. When I open them again I see that my chest is on his face. I feel heat rush towards my cheeks. I get off him and help him up. He looks dazed, like someone put him under a spell. I hear
Min-chan snickering but I just ignore it. When I manage to snap him out of his daze he looks at me and his face turns red. I really don't know why. Is he sick? Maybe it is because of the incident earlier. I look at him in the eye and say
" Sorry " but it comes out as a whisper. He manages to sputter out " Y-you shouldn't b-b-be a-apologizing l-l-l-lady
L-Lucy. I-It is c-clearly m-m-my fa-fa-fault." He then bows and I just shake my head and put my hand on his shoulder.
"It's ok it happens to the best of us" I say with a smile. He just smiles and leaves with Min-chan. Ugg, now I have to get the loaf heads up. I give them each a ' Lucy kick ' and they go flying into the wall. They are now both groaning with pain. I smirk in triumph and say "That'll teach ya a lesson." They groan as a response. I sigh. I help Sting up and put his arm around my shoulder. I do the same with Rogue and teleport us to the Sabertooth guild. When we arrive I see Master up on the second floor. He was about to make an announcement, I can tell. His lips are open half way and he has his pointer finger in the air. The whole guild turns to us. I drop Sting and Rogue and turn my head to look at Master. He fake coughs and says "As you know, last year in the GMG, the Fairy scum beat us. But this year we have an ace up are sleeve. Our light Lucy. She is also the most powerful in this guild. This year we will win the GMG and have the perfect team. The participants will be Lucy, Sting, Rogue, Rufus and Minerva. You will have to leave in a few hours. Good luck. Remember, if you lose you will" he glances at me as I glare at him " have to train harder." I said " Good choice, uncle."
Then I left to pack. I packed some clothes, my sound pod, toothbrush and some shoes.  I realizes I didn't take a shower or change out of my pajamas. I went to the restroom, turned the shower on and striped. After my shower I put on...

When I was ready I walked towards the train station. Everyone was already there. We boarded the train and it stared to move. Sting and Rogue turned green. I put Rogue he'd on my lap and Stings head on my shoulder. I felt them relax as I plugged my sound pod in and listened to music. At some point I fell asleep.

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