Chapter 6

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Lucy P.O.V.
I woke up to the bright sun shining in my room. How did I get here? I fell asleep in the arena. Someone must of carried me here. I have to thank them for this kind act. I get dressed in

and put my cloak on. I walk down to the hotels cafe and grab my STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE...and a cupcake. I sit down to eat when I was rudely pushed by some guy with his gang behind him.

"This our seat man. Get out. Oh, and go kill your ugly self while your at it" he says. All of the other people run out of the cafe and now it's just me, him and his gang." If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ" I retort in a deep voice. His face becomes red in anger and embarrassment. He says "You me outside. We fight." I sigh and shake my head. I walk over to a table and start sipping my milkshake. I can see his veins pop out. Hahaha he is super angry. He sits down next to me and says "  The only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's butt and wait."
(A/N: G will stand for gang leader. L will stand for Lucy. We are going to have a comeback showdown!! Sorry for curses.)
L: Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you?
G: What language are you speaking? Cause it sounds like bullshit
L: Hey, you have something on your chin... no, the 3rd one down.
G: I'm jealous of all the people that haven't met you!
L: You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
G: Karma takes too long, I'd rather beat the shit out of you just now.
He reaches out and knocks my milkshake down. MY. BEAUTIFUL. MILKSHAKE. RUINED!!! I get up and say in my deep voice " You me outside buddy. I'm going to make you wish you were never born." We walk outside. He turns to me and says " I'm a Mage so your going to go down. Ether way let's make a deal. If I win you have to be my slave for 10 days." "Ok and if I win you have to buy me strawberry milkshakes in a maid costume, that I chose, for 10 days." "Deal" he says. I unbutton my cloak and release 1% of my magic. All the gang members gawk at me. The leader says " I didn't you were some hot chick! Makes this better for me." " Ice God slayer roar."  I release 10% of my magic and eat the ice. I say " Fire wolf slayer form." I look like this now

(A/N: with clothes of course)
I get in my battle position and say " Bring it on." He charges at me and we fight. I win, of course. I walk up to him and heal him. I pick up my cloak and put it on. I change into my normal form. I write a note and walk away. I walk into a ally and chant " Portal to GMG stadium, Sabertooth contestants." I appear in the air above my friends. I fall down and land on Sting. I hear him grunt under me. The whole stadium erupts in laughter. I get up and brush of my cloak. While looking around I see Wendy. I squeal and run to her. I embrace her and whisper in her ear " I'm back. Little sis." She gasps and hugs me back. She stars crying and I comfort her. "Hey what have you done to Wendy?!?!?" I release Wendy and say in a manly (A/N: darn you Elfman what have you done with Lucy?!? Tell me!*shaking Elfman* Elfman: this is a manly way to die! MANLY!!!!) voice "Hi pinky, this is my sis. Have a problem, or do I have to beat it into ya?" while tilting my head. Some one in the crowd shouts " You just got burned." I say " Oh, Natsu. Igneel is quite disappointed with you. Such a shame. Random person in the crowd, he can't be burned, he is a fire dragon slayer, or are you just to dumb to research it. Stop looking in porn magazine for once and read the news." The whole crowd ooooohs and Mato says " Wow, that's harsh. Ok so let's get to our first battle. Our fist event is Hidden. If you are not participating please leave the arena." Rufus is fighting this battle. He will win. I'm sure of it. I watch his battle and, as expected, he won. He comes up the stairs and I pat him on the back. He smiles at me and I smile back. "Next event is Smartarific. Choose your participant wisely" Sting was about to suggest something when I said " This events mine." They nod and I walk into the arena. "First competitors are Lisanna and cloaked person. Who will win." I walk up to Lisanna and say "Sup Lasagna" with my hand in the air. She shouts "I'm going to win this you stupid saber."" If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid compared to me." I say to her as I open a bag of chips. She gasps and start insulting me. I could really care less. Mato clears his throat and says "Ok, so to win this event you have to answer questions that I ask. If you get it wrong your floating chair will drop. If you get 6 questions wrong, you will drop into the pit of cockroaches." I see Lisanna cringe. We are helped into the chair and we are raised. I see the trap door below me open and a pit of gigantic cockroaches crawling everywhere. " First question. Are ghosts real?" Mato says."Yes!" Lisanna screams. I say " No." "Cloaked person is correct is correct! Ghosts don't exist." Mato says as Lisanna's chair drops one."Ok onto the next question. Why was Fairy Tail gone for seven years?" "Well ummmm" Lisanna said while looking around. " They went to Tenrou island for the S-class trials and were attacked by Grimoire Heart. The Grimoire Heart members were looking for Zeref who was on the island. They defeated Grimoire Heart and then were attacked by Acnologia. The spirit of the First Master, Mavis Vermillion, protected them from Acnologia's blast." I said in a bored tone, while eating my chips, of course. "Corectamungo! How can a saber know what happened better than a fairy?! Why, this is incredible." Mato says while Lisanna's chair gets closer to the pit of cockroaches. I hear a beeping noise and Mato sighs and says "Change of plan. We are going to have a comeback war between you and Lisa-" I cut him off by saying " You mean lasagna over there, right?" He nods his head and continues " If the comeback war becomes a tie. You two will fight. Ok and start." We sit down on the ground and start.
(A/N: sorry for cussing. Lucy will be Lu and Lisanna will be Li)
Li: Your so ugly that your family abandoned you
Lu: Ever since I saw you in your family tree I've wanted to cut it down.
Li:Do you wanna lose ten pounds of ugly fat? Cut off your head.
Lu:Which sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mother.
Li:I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.
Lu:There's only one problem with your face, I can see it.
Li:I would ask you how old you are but I know you can't count that high.
Lu:You do realize makeup isn't going to fix your stupidity?
Li:I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up your ass.
Lu:You're so fake, Barbie is jealous.
Li:So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey.
Lu:Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all stupid people.
Li:Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.
Lu:Aha, I see the Fuck-Up Fairy has visited us again!
Li:Two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents as an example.
I stand up and walk over to Mato. I glare at him and say" Let me fight her. Or else." Mato just nods, too scared to talk. He runs out and goes to the announcers. He says " Cloaked girl and Lisanna are going to fight. Let them begin!" The stadium cheers and I take off my cloak. "I can't believe it. It's Lucy Heartfilia!" Mato says clearly astonished. " You are probably just as weak as before" Lisanna says smirking. I chant " Hell wolf slayer form" Now I look like this

She chants " Animal soul cat." I start laughing like crazy when the smoke clears. Haahahaha she looks like a cosplaying freak. She tries to scratch me but I say " Hell wolf slayer secret art: Everlasting Nightmare!" A dark black beam shoots out of my hand and knocks Lisanna out. I transform back and see that Lisanna is crying and screaming in pain. " Make it stop! Please help! Make it stop!" She manages to choke out between screams. Fairy Tail comes down to help Lisanna. "What did you do to her you b****!" I glare at Natsu and say "I'm putting her through her worst nightmare. It will last up to a year. The earliest it will stop is in one month. Only Heavens wolf slayers can stop this." I put my cloak on and walk to my friends. I look over my shoulder and wave to Wendy and Gray. I then sit next to Min-chan and put my head in her lap. She pats my head and I eventually drift off to sleep.

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