Chapter 8

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??? P.O.V.
'Lucy. My sweet, sweet Lucy. Just wait for me. I need to first get rid of this white haired pest. Oh and if you try to run, I'll find you, wherever you are. You'll be mine soon, my precious.' I think while looking over at Lucy. She looks like a goddess, one pure and untouched by sin. I'll taint her pretty little self, she will be mine. A grin spreads across my face. "Are you okay honey?" I snap back into reality when her 'sweet' voice asks me. I retain a growl I look over to the white haired pest. "Yes" I manage to say in a normal tone. Grrrr I really want to strangle her right now. She presses her chest on my arm and says " Why don't we have a little fun~" Disgusting. She gets up and walks over to her bed. She motions me over but I just go to my makeshift bed and sleep. 'Lucy~ You are mine~ ' I thought before falling asleep.

Lucy P.O.V.
I wake up and stretch. I go to my window and open the curtains. It is such a beautiful day! Is what I wish would happen. Instead I remain trapped in bed by two, excuse my language, dumbass dragon-slayers. "Rufus! Min-chan! Help!" I shout. I hear a thump and loud footsteps walking towards me. Soon enough Min-chan and Rufus arrived. Min-chan took a photo of me in my displeasing condition. I wined " Min-chan! Your spose to help me!" Rufus was starting to look a bit irritated. I guess he is not a morning person.

" Hey Lucy, you know that place down the I think it was called Fred's Food Palace. They are having an all-you-can-eat competition... and wouldn't it be a shame if you couldn't go for food?" He emphasized the word food for effect. Just as expected Sting bolted right up. Now the other problem is Rogue. Min-chans expression changed into a grin and she bent over and whispered something in his ear.

He woke up immediately with a grim look on his face he sat up and pulled me closer to him, growling. "Umm Rogue, are you ok?" I ask him. He snaps out of it and looks around in a daze. He then realizes something and his face becomes red. He turns into a shadow and leaves. Now I'm curious to what in tarnations Min-chan said.

"I think somehow he will get himself to the GMG, so let's go now." I say in a logical tone of voice. Min-chan said she had to be there now, so I offered to teleport her there with the others. Sting said no so I was left with Sting all by myself. I pointed at Sting and hesitated. Should I really ask him this? It's a bit embarrassing. I hear mini versions of me cheering " Go Lucy! Tell him! Tell him". I'm literally feeling butterflies in my stomach, I'm so nervous. I don't want him to say no, then it would be awkward between us. Uggg I'm just going to do it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I, for some reason, just imagined some constipated dude screaming " JUST DO IT!" and then giving this whole speech about it. Wow, scarring.

I decided to so it and jumped on Sings back. He held onto my legs so I wouldn't fall off. He turned around and asked me " What are you d-doing." I suddenly felt all the butterflies coming back. My face flushed red and I asked " Am I heavy?" He said " No, your as light as a feather." I got close to his ear so I could ask him 'the question'. (A/N: StingLu fans your wish is coming true!) " Sting" I whispered into his ear. " Yes, Lucy" he gulped and asked. This is my moment, come on Lucy, you can do it. Even Mr.Constipation says so.

"W-Will you cary me to the GMG? My legs fell asleep." I ask shyly. He sighs and says "Sure, but you have to buy me some nachos." I hug him and say "Thank you so much." So I got him some nachos and he carried me all the way to the GMG. On the way we met Rogue, who offered to carry me, but Sting said no. I'd say he wants more nachos.

As soon as I got in the arena, my name was called. I have to beat Natsu, and I have a hell of an ace up my sleeve. We both face each other before he spits on the ground western style. I straighten up my posture and step back. " Are you a llama?" I ask him. His face goes red from embarrassment and the crowd bursts into laughter.

"Come on, I wanna fight you already! Get over it, I'm all fired up!" He shouts in my face.  Mato signals the start of the match. I smirk and say in a teasing tone " Sweetie, It's not me who your going to fight. Open the gate of the Fire Dragon: Igneel!" A circle that looks like this appears on the ground between us.

"Hello again Princess Lucy" Igneel said in a loud voice. I telepathically ask him if he can fight for me, this match. Natsu screams " Igneel! I've been looking everywhere for you! I thought you had died or left me for good! Where were you?" You see dear readers, the dragons left on the same day my mother fell ill. She tried using her life force to keep them in this word but fate had other plans. You know the shop keeper back there, in Chapter 5? Her name is Sakura and she was the head maid of the Heartfillia and my mothers close friend. Being a maid was only her part time job, she also ran a shop.

When my mother passed away, she took all the keys that my mom hadn't given me too keep them safe. She told me to come find her in Crocus when the time comes. She said that she will retire soon. Sadly, it's almost her time. Well I got to get back to the fight so bye readers!


Sorry if this Chapter was no good.
I ( As said in my other book) have no excuse for not updating. I'm just going to say sorry for the long wait.
The voting is still ongoing:
Zeref: 0
Gray: 0
Sting: 2
Natsu: 3
Rogue: 7

(Please do not vote if you have already voted.)

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