Chapter 9

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Normal P.O.V.

*Battle scene*
Lucy looks at Igneel, and the battle starts. Natsu rushes forward and tries to attack Lucy, failing to do so because of Igneels interference. He growls like a dog and attacks with "Fire Dragon: Iron Fist!" Igneel blocks it. "Why are you doing this Igneel?!" Natsu screams, frustrated. Igneel roars out " You hurt the princess, I thought I'd taught you better, but you betrayed and abandoned the princess!" Igneel roared ad flames came shooting out from his mouth, headed strong towards Natsu. Natsu actually gets burned by the flames and staggers backwards, not anticipating the outcome of Igneel's attack. He groans and falls to his knees. "Lucy wins!" Mato announces and the crowd goes wild.

Lucy P.O.V.

Well, that was boring. I yawn and start to walk towards my team. I think I used a bit to much magic power. A cold hand grabs my wrist, and I prepare to flip the son of a gun. Wait...this hand seems familiar. "Lucy, can we talk?" "Gray?" He takes my hand and leads me to the door of the infirmary. "What's wrong Gray?" "Lucy, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was not there for you, when you were in so much pain. I'm sorry I didn't help. I-I-I" He cries out. I can hear the pain and anger in his voice. He falls to his knees, and before he starts talking again, I pull him in and place his head on my chest and stoke his hair. "Lucy. Wha-" "It's okay, it over. The past is in the past, let it go.(Frozen anyone?) It wasn't your fault anyway, so you have nothing to apologize over. It's okay, your innocent, the culprit was Lasagna." "L-Lucy, one question. Why did you put my head near" "Listen, what can you hear?" "Your heartbeat?" "Correct. Whenever I was upset, my mother would place my head on her chest. She said that hearing someone else's heartbeat is calming. You looked so sad and angry, but it seems like my method works, and you've calmed down."

Gray P.O.V.

I ask her if we can stay like this for just a bit longer, and she complies to my request. I can't help but stare at It's so soft. I wish we could stay like this forever. I listen to her heartbeat, it's slow steady beats. Ba-dump...Ba-dump...Ba-dump. It's true, this is really calming. I could just fall asleep. I close my eyes, but don't fall asleep. "Gray? Are you sleeping?"  She pokes me and sighs "He's asleep. I could put him in one of the infirmary beds, but that would hinder the injured. I'll bring him with me to Sabertooth's gallery. Open portal to GMG, Sabertooth's gallery." I hear talking, as we teleport from the quiet hallway to the loud arena. I try to keep my body relaxed, as the sudden change of volume startles me. I hear footsteps as two people approach Lucy.

"Lucy~ What are you doing with this Fairy Trash!?" "Calm down Sting, he is Gray, the one I told you about." "I don't remember." Lucy sighs as she strokes my hair. I hear a 'tch' sound come from behind Lucy. "Pardon me Lady Lucy, but why is this weakling here?" "Gray isn't weak." "Excuse my rudeness, but he was barely a challenge! Haha." I clench my fists, while still maintaining the sleeping act. It's true that I lost but I don't believe that I'm weak! Oh...This must have been how Lucy felt. I let out a sigh and get off Lucy's lap. "Huh? Gray, did I wake you?" I shake my head no and get up. "Where are you going?" "Back to Fairy Tail's gallery." "Ok." Lucy responded. The look in her eyes changed. She had a look of regret that she seldom held. I walk without looking back and open the door to exit the gallery. As soon as I close the door I hear Lucy sigh. I hide behind the wall so I listen to them converse. "Ice make: drill." I whispered. I make a small hole in the wall with the drill and then say. "Ice make: magnify." I touched the hole I made and it filled with ice. As I look through it, I can see Lucy get up and turn towards Rufus.

"Rufus, can you do me a favour. No matter who you beat, never call them weak. Because if you taunt them to much about it...they may go astray. They may use forbidden methods to get power, methods so evil, that the devil himself fears them. So don't call people least not out loud..." her voice trails off as she looks at the wall, and her eyes widen as she steps back. She suddenly clutches her stomach and curls into a ball on the floor. I hear violent coughing as that deadly color of crimson covers the floor. But the blood, her blood, is darker than any I've ever seen. I rush to the door and barge in. I see Rufus, Rouge and Sting all crouched around her. I cal hear her wheezing breath and see her clammy face. "Ice make: road!" I pick her up as the others gawk at me.  I sling her arms around my neck and wrap her legs around my torso. I hold her leg in place as I pit my right hand out to make and ice road, so I can get to the infirmary faster. I skate forward as I make the road in front of me. I make a sharp turn to the right then go down the hallway. I see the infirmary sign and I slow down. I kick the door down and place her on the bed farthest from Natsu. "Porlyusica! Porlyusica!" I call. "What do you want, stupid human!" She opens the curtain with an irritated look on her face. "Lucy's injured!" Her eye twitches, and she quickly walks to Lucy. She puts her hand on Lucy's forehead, but retracts it immediately. She goes over to her desks and grabs a pair of reusable gloves. She looks over at me and says "What are you still doing here? Get out!" I ran out before she was able to pick up her broom.

I sigh. 'I hope Lucy will be alright...'

??? P.O.V.

I exit the infirmary after my check up. Man, I hate that nurse, she's always annoying me with he stupid rants. I go back to my 'room'. "Hehehehe. Welcome back sugar~" Her voice rings out throughout the room. "Tch, stupid lovebirds." I look over to the one eyed dragon slayer and say "Shut up..." The white haired bitch comes over to me and says "Did she hurt you honey? It's ok, I'll beat her up sooner or later." She giggles and hangs onto my arm. We sit down together and she starts blabbering like s dying fish. Ugh. I let my thoughts drift to Lucy. What is she doing right now. Does she have...a boyfriend? It doesn't matter ether way. If she does I'll just make them break up because Lucy's mine. Mine! Mine! Mine! Hahahahah! I chuckle to myself. "Hey are you even listening to me! How dare you!" She gets up and stomps to the other side of the room. Finally! This is the best thing that's happened to me all day! I can't wait! Lucy...your can't escape...ever.

Lucy P.O.V.

I open my eyes to a white ceiling and close my eyes at the brightness of the room. I sit up and hold my head. What happened to me? My heads killing me. I have a slight taste of iron in my mouth. Oh... so it's that. I sigh as I lay down. I look out the window to see that it's almost night time. I guess I'll just sleep a little more.

12:01 P.M.

I can't sleep anymore. I walk over to the sink and cup my hands together. I splash my face with the water, then grab the cup next to the sink to wash the blood out of my mouth. I wash it out a few more times but the foul taste of my blood lingers. Quietly closing the infirmary door behind me, I walk down the dark corridor. As I'm approaching the GMG arena, some one grabs me from behind and covers my mouth with their hand, so I can't scream. I squirm before elbowing the guy in the gut. He starts coughing like a madman and I distance myself from him. "Who are you?!" He doesn't respond, so I pull the mask off his face. "Jellal- I mean blueberry! What are you doing here?" "I came here to find you." As he starts pulling an unidentified object out of his cape, I jump back into en garde position. "I mean no harm. Look." When he pulls it out fully, I can see that it's a basket. But what's in the basket. A severed head?Maybe a poison gas? Cockroaches? "A picnic." He says as he opens the basket. "A picnic?" I inquire. "A picnic." He responds. He takes out the blanket and spreads it out on the floor. He puts the picnic basket on the center of the blanket. I sit down and then hear him say " I'm going to get some cups for the drink. I'll be right back."  He walks down the hallway, then turns to the right. Not before waving bye to me.

I wonder what I'm supposed to do now. Why would he decide to 'invite' me to this picnic. He normally doesn't do things without an ulterior motive I should stay on guard. He may be working for Fairy Tail. I probably shouldn't eat anything, it might be drugged, but that would make it obvious that I suspect him. Ugh, what should I do! This is such a pain... maybe I should just say that I'm not that hungry? Then you can guess what happens... my stupid stomach grumbles. I am starving! I haven't eaten since yesterday, so it will be more than obvious if I don't eat. I wonder if the drink is safe. I cross my legs and look up at the ceiling. "You know, stress is bad for your skin." I hear someone say. Startled, I fall backwards. I feel a had on my mid back, preventing me from hitting the floor. "Hey" "H-Hey." "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckles, he's making fun of me! I pout and look in the opposite direction. "Aw come on Lucy. I said I'm sorry~." He comes closer till our faces are just inches apart. I blush as I look at his confident, smirking face. He blows on my ear and then steps back. "Hahaha! Look how flustered you are! I was just joking. Here, I'll pour you a drink to help you cool off." He gives me a glass of apple juice. I take a small sip, to test it. "It's really good!" I exclaim, he slightly smiles at me and takes out a container full of chocolate chip cookies. I immediately grab one and stuff it I'm my mouth. It's so good! "How'd you make these! They're delicious!" I ask. I've gotta make these some time! I listen and take mental notes as he gives me a detailed explanation on how to make them. I just nod, taking in the information. "There is one special ingredient that makes them taste this you want to know?" "Of corse!" I nod vigorously as he smirks.

"A small dose of chocolate flavored sedatives~." Shit! I let my guard down. I glare at him, furious at the discovery. "Honey, stop glaring. It doesn't look good on your cute face~." I ignore the complement and try to stand up, but I feel extremely dizzy. I sit back down, the glare never leaving my face. I close my eyes for a quick second, just to open them and realize that Jellal is gone. My breathing gets heavier as I struggle to stay awake. "Lucy, just give in." Jellal says. He is right in front of me. " Maybe I should just keep you for myself."    
He tilts my chin up and his eyes go to my cheek. "You have a crumb on your face, do you want me to get it for you?" He gets even closer and licks the crumb off my face. He moves his mouth to my ear and asks "Hey, Lucy you didn't tell them did you? You didn't tell them that your going to die in one year." That was the final thing I herd before everything faded away.

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