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Lucy P.O.V.
When I woke up I saw that we had arrived at Crocus. I can't wait for my revenge. When the train stopped I gently shook Rogue and Sting so that I could get up. They looked so cu- wait what was I about to say?!?! BAD LUCY! I can't think like that. When we got off the train I saw a beautiful black cloak.

I rushed off into the store. I grabbed the cloak and anxiously asked "How much for this magnificent cloak?" The cashier said "Well it costs 1 mill jewel, but since you are such a lovely young woman will give it to you for half the price if you buy these keys. I'll even give them to you for free." I vigorously nodded m head yes ad she gave me a smile. I got out my money and gave it to her. She gave me a box and the cloak and says"Bye and good luck at the GMG." I waved and ran over to my friends. Min-chan, Sting, Rogue and Rufus looked worried. Min-chan came and gave me a hug. She then said "Please don't scare me like that Lulu." I hugged her back and when we parted I showed her what we got from the store. We then headed off towards the inn. We have to be awake at midnight because that's when the elimination round starts. In the meantime I looked in the box and found the legendary element keys plus a portal key. There is fire, wind, iron, lightning, poison, light, shadow, celestial, ice, hell, water, time and heavens. The portal key is a key that can transport you anywhere you want with little magic power. Normally it takes 1/10 of my power but with this key it takes about 1/100. After I put that key away I chant " Open gate of the elements, fire, wind, iron, lightning, poison, light, shadow, celestial, ice, hell, water, time and heavens." A bright light glows. I see 12 people in front of me. The one with golden hair steppes up and says "Hi I'm Star the celestial dragon. The man with red hair is Igneel, fire dragon. The one with long black hair is Metalicana, iron dragon. The man with white hair is Wesnalogia, light dragon. The one with the short emo hair is Skydrum, shadow dragon. The blonde man is Bolt, lightning dragon. The woman with the long maroon hair is Venom, poison dragon. The woman with blue hair is Grandena, wind dragon. The woman with ice for hair is Frostina, ice dragon. The woman with purple hair is Misa, time dragon. The woman with light blue hair is Aqua, water dragon. Then there is Hope and Doom, the dragons of the heavens and hell. We are the elemental." I just stared blankly at them not uttering a word. Then after a long wait I said "Hi I am Lucy Heartfilia. I know some of your children. I know Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting and Rogue. I would like to make contracts with you." After me made contracts, they bombarded me with questions. After a nice chat I closed their gates, set my alarm for 11:30 pm and fell asleep.

------- TIME SKIP-------
When I woke up I put on my black cloak . The elimination rounds were about to start so we went to the balcony and waited. I look at my teammates and nod my head.  There are 2 minutes to midnight ( A.N: this is for Iron Maden fans) and I can't wait. I can't wait to kick some fairy butt, with the exception of Wendy and Gray. A guy in a pumpkin sute appears in the sky and says " Hello everyone it's Mato and welcome to the eighth annual grand magic games! As you may know, only eight teams are allowed to participate. For the elimination rounds, we see who can get to the stadium first. We are not responsible for any deaths.Ready. Set. GO!"  When everything started moving we fell down. As soon it stopped my team and I stood up. I then stepped forward and chant " Open portal to GMG stadium, Crocus." Then a big portal formed in front of us.

Then I stepped halfway through and questioned " Are you coming or not?" They nodded and stepped through with me. We arrived at the stadium one second after. We appeared behind Mato so I decided to play a joke on him. I snuck up behind him and said " Boo~" he jumped and spun around. He then heaved a sigh of relief. He then said " Well done Sabers, you are the first to arrive. With the time of 48 seconds! New record! You may now go and rest at your inns. Oh and remem-." I was still very tiered from opening all those gates at once so I leaned again the wall and fell asleep while he was talking.

Nobody's  P.O.V.
When Mato was finished talking he saw that the cloacked woman had fallen asleep. The rest of her team followed his gase and their features softened. Rogue went over to her and picked her up bridal style. He was in the lead and the others followed close behind. When they arrived Rouge went to Lucy's room and gently set her down on the bed. He caressed her cheek as he said " Goodnight my sweet princess." He then turned into a shadow and left Lucy's room.

There was a bit of Rolu at the end. Because no one commented on who Lucy should be paired with I am making this story a harem. The people included are

If you want me to add somebody please comment. Lucy will be very dense.

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