Another mision?

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Osuuu mina sama! How are you? Yes Rou is back. Yes I am entering this story for Wattys 2018 yes both of the story of this book. So with out further ado or is it adeu? What ever here is the story enjoy.

Armin had called me the wrong time. Why every single time I am doing something that pleases myself and Mikasa I get inturupted by the survey corps things!? I picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I asked
"Hey Eren, I just wanted to let you know there is a meeting in the afternoon."
"Wait. Did you really just called me at 7:00 am to let know that there is a meeting at 2:00 pm!?"
"Well yeah."
"What the heck Armin!? Its says that you're calling on the emergancy line!"
"Well I'm just lazy to put in the number in." How the hell is this idiot so calm!?
"Ughhhhh Whatever."
"Next time just text me k?"
"Well knowing you, You Never answered my text."
"Since when?!"
"First of all you need to calm down buddy. And second of all, remember that time in Junior High?"
"What time?"
"When you said that you will be participating in the amusement Park trip?''
"Well I texted you the time and adress but you never saw it."
"So? I was on time."
"Uhhh no, You were late 2 hours."
"Well I'm gonna go make breakfast for Chrita now."
"Yeah... Bye."
I put the phone down and went back on the bed with Mikasa.
"Eren..." She said
"Hmm?" I asked her.
"I'm going to go make breakfast." Deep down inside, I never want to get out of this posision, But I Knew she has paper work so I let her go to make breakfast and finished the paper work. While she is doing that I went to get ready for the day. Brushed my teeth and shower. I walked down and saw mikasa still making breakfast. I snuk up and hugged her from behind.

I heard Eren sneaking up behind me and hugged me.
"Hey Eren. You mind doing the laundry?" I asked. He nodded and walked away to the laundry room. I really missed the companion, when Armin moved out I was lonely in the house. when Eren came back It was fun but he left shortly after so I became lonley again. We ate breakfast and Eren helped me do some of the paper work. After that we changed into our Uniform and left. Please no weird things anymore...

Yoooooo mina sama rou is back. Later I maybe or maybe not be writing another story but for now Bye.

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