Chapter 1: The Past Will Haunt Us

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×Angelo's POV×

"Well, first of all, I should probably tell you a couple basics about me. I already know some things about you, but you don't even know my name." I nodded. It might be a good start. "My name is Zahra, but most people call me Zero. I'm seventeen. Ummm... Well, I was adopted by a single mother named Lindy, but she kicked me out, so I found you."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about everything. I didn't want to put you in a situation like that, with a bad family. It hurts me that I put you through that."

"It wasn't a bad family. Lindy was great. It was my own fault. I'm a bad kid, and she couldn't handle it. It was either I found my own way out of the hole myself, or I go to a juvenile center." She got quiet and looked at her feet.

"We can talk about that later. Right now we need to plan what we're going to do with you. I have a guest bedroom in my house that we can paint and renovate a bit. It should work fine." I smiled and reached across to pat her shoulder.

"Woah... What do you mean?" She gasped. "I can't stay with you. I'm not going to be a burden like that. I've got a bit of money, so I'm going to find my own apartment and get a job so I can pay rent. I don't need your help."

I smirked and raised an eyebrow, "then why are you here?"

"Well, I guess I just wanted to meet my parents. On that note, where's my mom? Will I get to meet her?"

I cringed a bit at the topic that I knew would come up. How do I explain? "Umm... Your mother..." I trailed off when I was interrupted by someone shouting my name. I looked over to see an old friend. Good timing, Nikki.

"Ange! How are you? It's been ages!" He said and walked over to give me a hug. He looked over at Zahra and asked who she was.

"A friend. We were just out for coffee. It's nice to see you, by the way." I replied, getting a confused look from both of them.

Nikki leaned over in my ear, "Don't you think she's a bit young for you? I didn't know you were into the young ones." Zahra and I sprouted disgusted looks. I cringed a bit before slapping his arm.

"No, dude! It's nothing like that!" I shook my head, "anyways, what brings you to Scranton?"

"Well, New Years Day is on tour right now, and we had a date here. We're staying in the hotel down the street."

I nodded. Where's Ashley? I haven't seen her in a long time. I missed her a lot. Yes, I was kind of mad at her for what happened. I guess more jealous than anything. It wasn't her fault. She didn't want to hurt me. I asked Nikki, and he answered that she was in Scranton with Chris. Of course, I should've guessed that.

I missed Ashley a lot. Sure, i was extremely jealous of her, but I didn't hate her. It wasn't her fault it happened. Nikki and I talked for a bit longer and promised to catch up sometime after they're done with their tour. I sat back down next to Zahra and asked her if she wanted anything else.

"Well, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Maybe a chocolate muffin?"

"Oh, sure." I said, then reached into my pocket, pulling out some bills. I handed her a few bucks so she could go up and order it.

"Y-you want m-me to go up there?"she looked really nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm s-sorry, its fine. I just get t-terrible anxiety. I don't like talking to new people." she explained. How was she so calm talking to me? I guess maybe its because I'm her dad. I looked down as she set the money in my hand. "Here, I'm not going to get anything."

"No, no, I'll order it for you." She shook her head violently and then rested it in her hands, her face hidden from me.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

I sighed and stood up, grabbing my jacket. Patting her shoulder, I helped her to stand up since she was still a bit shaky. After I thought she was stable, I let go. I shouldn't have though, because a second later she was falling. I caught her before she hit the ground. Maybe it's not the best idea for her to walk. Instead, I lifted her into my arms and carried her out the door, setting me in the front seat of my car. I went back inside and got a chocolate muffin and a plastic cup full of water to give to her.

She ate a bit hesitantly as we drove across town, stopping at a brick, tudor style apartment building. She looked at me with a confused expression, but followed me inside.

"Okay, this is your room." I showed her inside. It was an old room that had been used by a friend of mine that was staying with me. It had all white walls, a hand-made bunk bed that was overhanging a white couch, and a small desk. It wasn't nesicarily large, but I don't think she cared. She was smiling a lot, and seemed to like it.

"Do you think you'd be able to drive me back to the tattoo shop? I have my things in my car."


Zahra's POV

In a little less than two hours, I had my room set up. All my posters were hung on the wall, I had my bed made, some throw pillows on my couch, fairy lights all over the place, and even my recording equipment set up on the desk. In the corner I set my guitar. I plopped down on the couch and sighed. I need to get a job and get out of here. I can't just mooch off of Angel- Dad. He's my dad. Yes, yes, I know fathers' jobs are to take care of their kids, but he doesn't need to. He gave me up for a reason.

Angelo's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. What do I do? Do I tell him? Do I wait? Should I hide it forever? Should I enroll her in the school here? What about earlier, it seemed like she may have some medical problems. All these thoughts ran through my head, and my anxiety grew and grew. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I picked up my phone and called the number I haven't dialed for almost a year.

The line was a bit fuzzy, and it rang for a while, before someone finally answered. "Hey... Ange? What's up? I haven't talked to you in a while. How's it going.?"

"You know how you said that we'd always be there for each other, even after everything that happened? I need you to come visit me. Something came up, and I can't handle it on my own. I need you back."

A/N: I don't have much to add here, I just want to wish my friend BandGirl007 a Happy Birthday! It'll be the day after by the time this is published, but anyways, you should go check out her stories, because they are amazing! She has a Ghorror one, and then another with MIW and BVB too. They great, so go do that.


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