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His words were hurtful they stung hard and she could only cry.

He released her and she fell on the floor.

"Get out" he said giving her one last chance she picked herself up and ran away. She was becoming too confident.


Beatrice ended up not eating breakfast or lunch or dinner she was locked away in her room all day and was drained out from all the crying.

Soon she felt his presence and her face she forgot he was going to come she looked like a fool she won't let him see her.

"Beatrice? " pharian called walking over to the bed. But received no reply.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting on the bed petting her head.

"Nothing I'm fine I am just tired" she lied and he laughed.

"Beatrice" she heard another voice it was coming from outside it was her father.

"Shawn go" Beatrice said without looking up.

Pharian could guess some thing was wrong.

"No" he replied.

"Please" she pleaded but he ignored her but stood up.

"Beatrice I'm coming in" her father said and stepped into the room.

"Beatrice?"He called sitting beside her on the bed.

"Don't you want to become a great princess?"He asked.

"No" she replied anger clear in her tone.

"We will discuss this tomorrow at least eat something" he said and a maid brought in her food. Her head was still buried in the bed she knew Shawn was there but her father couldn't see him.

"Father leave please"she pleaded and he sighed and left.

Immediately he left the room was dead silent she almost felt that Shawn wasn't there.

"Shawn?" She called but there was no reply she turned and saw him standing above her he seemed to be angry and her face right now was pale and had dried tears.

"Eat your food"he said.

"I don't desire to"she said.

"I'm not asking you"he said with gritted teeth as if compelled by his anger she rushed over and began eating. She felt like crying again he said nothing and watched her till he finished then he lead her to have  a bath.

"You have a few minutes I will be back soon"he said closing the door behind him.

She drowned herself in the cold water and began to think of ways to not marry Eason. She laid in the water forgetting that pharian was around till he walked in.

He stopped at the door and didn't go any further.

"Come out already" he simply said closing the door.

Soon she was out and dressed in a night robe.

"So because things didn't go your way you cry and starve yourself? " he asked and she only looked down.

"I'm sorry " she apologized and he stopped being angry.

"Come"he urged her and she buried herself into his embrace.

"Shawn?" She called and he hummed a little.

"Can....can.." she found it hard to say the words it was embarrassing.

"Can you sleep with me?"she said withdrawing herself from his embrace he smiled a little and nodded.

"You need to be warm again" he gave a mischevious smile.

"Not that I mean....."She looked away.

"I want you to make me your woman" she said and pharian froze he looked at her carefully.

"I would never take advantage of you" he simply replied.

"No please if you do my father would have no choice but to call of the marriage between Eason and I" she said which only made him frown.

"I'm not doing that" he said firmly.

"Please Shawn please this is the only way I can be saved" she pleaded.

"No we'll find another way okay"he said grabbing her face.

"I don't want to marry him" tears welled up in her eyes and he kissed her. She climbed unto him tying herself around him and reciprocating the kiss.


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