Chapter 14: Sorry

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FUCK MY LIFE!!!! My internet crashed and erased the chapter i just spent nearly 2 hours fucking typing!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH I JUST WANT TO KICK SOMETHING!!!!!!!! Anyway, here's all i could type in remembering. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to bang my head against a wall for 5 minutes.

[Kellin's POV]

Weeks passed and soon it was almost August. 

Copeland is adored by Cyan, and made her her best friend. I find it cute.

Cyan has been awfully quiet for the past two of them.

Just before that, she's kept having nightmares, and woke up screaming.

I wish i can just take her pain away.

We've been kind of quiet around each other. I guess her mind is processing her thoughts after that surprise kiss. 

The guys went out with Memphis May Fire while me, Copeland, and Cyan were curled up on the couch watching Despicable Me when i noticed something on Cyan's face.

It looked like it was blistered. The entire part of her lips, from cheek to cheek, was almost an angry red on her porceln skin.

"Cyan?? What happened there??" i asked, reaching over.

Before i can even touch her, she backed away, cupping her cheek with her hand.

"Umm, its nothing. Uhh, i'm tired. Good night Kellin. Good night Copeland," she said, almost panicky as she walked up.

"Bai!!" Copeland said, waving as if not knowing what was going on. (Then again, she is nearly 1 year old).

I didn't realize we both fell asleep until Jack woke me up, being careful not to wake Copeland.


It was 3 am when i had to go to the bathroom. Everyone was asleep lready as i went and did my business.

It was as i was walking out i hear a muffled scream and then a thud.

It came from Cyan's room.

"Cyan?!" i said, runnign up and seeing the door was locked.

I quickly looked for the key at the top of the door frame and then unlocked it, rushing inside. 

Cyan's bed was epty, but all windows were locked tight.

I checked everything until i spotted something on the ground- Cyan's secret box.

I looked at the contents inside- a bag of razors, a roll of duct tape, lyric sheets, and pages with poems written in... Dear God, please don't tell me that's Cyan's blood!!

I then hear a muffled cry from the bathroom.

"Cyan!!" i shouted, and rushed in.

She was dragging the blade down her arm, and had duct tape over her mouth.

"Stop!!!" I shouted, running towards her and pulling the blade out of her hands to the ground.

She tried to reach over it but i quickly wrap my arms around her waist and pull her out the bathroom as she struggled to break free, tears streaming down her face, her screams muffled from the tape.

I lied her down as she thrashed around and ended up having to pin her arms down on the bed so she'd stop hitting me.

I help her sat up and out of nowhere, she rips the tape off her mouth in one rip, a scream of pain erupting from her now more redded lips.

Soon everyone, even poor Copeland, was awake and alert.

Gabe tried to get Copeland to stop crying. Justin went to get the first aid kit, Jack and i trying to calm Cyan, and Jesse getting ice for Cyan's face.

Soon, Cyan's wrists were patched up in gauze and i gently pressed an ice pack to the blistered parts on her face.

Copeland had gotten back to sleep, thankfully.

Cyan wouldn't speak. She looked ashamed, afraid, and disappointed.

"Why did you do it, Butterfly?" Jack asked, using her old nickname from when they knew each other.

"I'm just a fuck up worthless piece of shit," she sobbed quietly. "I'm sorry, Jack, Kellin, guys."

"Cyan, no you're not," Jesse said.

"We'll always be here for you," Justin added.

She didn't respond, just continued looking down. I had a feeling why.

"Guys, give me a moment with Cyan real quick?" i asked them.


So, this is all i got for now. I'll continue tomorrow.


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