Chapter 31: Shocked

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[Cyan's POV]

As soon as she said those words, I froze.

"Wait, what??" I asked, confused and shocked.

"I need time to explain it to you, but you are Katelynne's sister," the woman said.

Katelynne looked at each other with confused eyes and nodded.

"Alright, please, come in," I said. "I'll make you some tea."

"Oh. no, I'm fine. Besides, i don't want to have you waking around too much with that cast, sweetheart. Please, come sit with me, please."

I just nodded, feeling like I shouldn't argue, and limped behind and sat next to Katelynne in the couch while her mom took the arm chair, Kellin next to me, and Jesse and Jack with the kids outside, since they knew something was gonna happen.

"Mom, what's going on??" Katelynne asked. "What do you mean me and Cyan are sisters??"

Her mom sighed sadly, as if trying to find the right words.

"Katelynne was only 2 years old when Cyan was born. We were at the park, and Katelynne tripped and hurt her knee a few 2 or 3 feet away from me," she explained. 

"I got up from the bench, Cyan in her stroller fast asleep, to get Katelynne to the benches and look at her knee, and when I turned around..." she continued, bursting into tears.

Instinct had me put my hand over her's. "What happened??"

She then sucking a small breath. "I-I turned around... A-And a man was grabbing Cyan from her stroller," she sobbed. "H-He ran off before I can stop him, or anyone else can stop him!!"

I looked at her shocked. "I-I was taken??"

She nodded as she sobbed, Kellin givign her a tissue box from nearby.

"Y-Yes. I ran after him, but wasn;t fast enough, a-and i tried yelling for help, calling police, but he got away. I couldn't see his face or anything, and there was never anything found," she sobbed.

I then realized soemthing, tears beginnning to fall down my cheeks.

"Randal... It must have been him," I said. "But he said he found me at tehir doorstep."

"I would never give you up, Cyan," Katelynne's mom sobbed.

"Wait, you're ex-foster mother had said that Randal and his friends were into human trafficking. They were going to sell you at age 10," Kellin said. "She came by here during the days you were kidnapped saying even though she didn't like you, she hated what Randal did and was doing."

I covered my mouth and looked at Katelynne, who was in a verge of tears.

"That explains why I always have had dreams of me as a child with a baby," she cried in shock.

"Cyan," her mom said, calmign down a little bit.

"Y-Yes??" I asked.

"I understand if you don't believe me, but a mother knows her daughter when she sees her, and I only know one person anywhere with eyes as blue and big as your eyes," she said. "A-And I couldn't tell Katelynne, because I didn't want to tell her that she had a little 5 month old sister that was kidnapped. I couldn't let her live with that sadness. Katelynne, I'm sorry."

"Mom, its okay," Katelynne said through tears.

I burst into tears and realized I felt connected to this woman, in a mother-daughter sort of way.

But... This was a lot to take in... 

"I-its not that i don't believe you or not, but... Its a lot to take in, think about," I said, trying not to break down as Katelynne cried, Kellin comforting her. 

Her mother nodded "I understand, sweetheart. Take all teh time you need, and you can call me whenever you want," she said as we got up and she gripped my arms gently but firmly.

I nodded and couldn't help but hug her.

She hugged me back, and held me like she never wanted to let me go.

A motherly hug, I suppose?

"I should probably go," she said.

"Oh, but its no bother for you to stay," I protested.

"No, no, I have to get going to an appointment i have in a few minutes. I just wanted to use some spare time to see if you were actually who i thought you'd be."

"Oh," I said. "W-Will i see you again?"

"Of course. I'll come by tomorrow after work, alright??" she said.

I nodded. "Okay," i said as she wiped my ters.

She hugged Katelynne tightly, kissing her cheek, and then said bye to Kellin.

She didn't say by to her grandkids, knowing they would get suspicious of her crying.

Soon she left and I lost it, Kellin holding me, as well as Katelynne.

"Sshhh, it'll be okay," Katelynne said, sounding a bit calm.

"I'll get her something," Kellin said, kissing my cheek and going to the kitchen as Katelynne held me.

"Oh god," I cried.

"Its gonna be okay, Cyan," she said. "I'm as shocked as you are."

We stayed there for a while, Kellin getting me some water, until we calmed down.

After thinking it quietly, I decided to do something crazy.

"Only Gina would know about this," I said. "I need to talk with my ex-foster mom."


Don't worry, guys!

This book is far from being over. :)

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