№5|Eyes Of Prophecy

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№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“Kirkland, I don't know if your deaf, stupid, or both, but when I said to befriend Medusa, what part did you not understand?!” The cloaked woman in the hologram hollered.

“You try befriending a snake girl! She’s weird!” Kirkland scolded, sitting in the broom closet. 

“I don't care! We need her. She has what we’re looking for! Just get your job done.” the hooded woman scolded, ending the call.

“Damn her and her stupid cult.” Kirkland growled, coming out of the broom closet. 

“Everything alright?” Vanessa questioned, looking at him suspiciously. 

“Perfect. Have you seen Medusa?” He asked.

“Yes, but I’m not telling you. After yesterday she doesn’t want to talk to you.” Vanessa replied. Kirkland rolled his eyes. 

“I saw her fawning over that stupid alpha of yours. I don't know why, though. I’m better than him.” Kirkland scoffed.

“Wow,” Vanessa nodded slowly, “what will it take for you to see that my brother belongs with Medusa?”

“What will it take for you to stop seeing that human boy?” Kirkland smirked slyly. 

“Wh-what?” Vanessa stuttered.

“Don't act dumb, Vanessa, I know all about Malakai. How dare you sink as low to date a human.” Kirkland hissed.

“He’s not like the other humans, Kirkland.” Vanessa sighed, shaking her head, “he’s understanding and caring, and-”

“A liar, a cheater, and a baker! Should I go on? I can list other horrible qualities of your mortal if you want.” Kirkland chuckled darkly, “get in my way, and the mortal gets it. Alright?”

Vanessa clenched her fist as Kirkland walked off. One he was far enough away, Vanessa punched the wall, leaving a noticeable indentation in it.

Barron entered Medusa’s room to see she was typing her notes onto her computer. It had been a couple of months since Medusa began her study, and she couldn't be happier. Barron came up behind her, attempting to scare her, but Medusa noticed his presence. “You can't scare me, Barron.” Medusa chuckled, looking at his reflection in the computer screen.

Barron laid his head on her shoulder, looking over it to read the notes, “...wolves have differentiating hunting patterns. Depending on the pack, the pattern arranges from extreme to mild.”

“Sounds good?” Medusa asked. 

“Perfect.” Barron smiled, “now let's go walk around some. I heard Lawrence can make a mean chocolate cake-” he stopped when Medusa let out a belting scream.

“Get out! Get out! Get out of my head!” Medusa fell to the floor, curling herself up into a ball.

Give us what we want!

“I don't know what you want!”

You know, Medusa. Deep down you know what we desire…

“No I don't! Please! It hurts! Make it stop!”

You will keep suffering till we get what’s rightfully ours!

“Stop it!!!”

Everyone will die in vain.

“No! Please! Leave them alone!”

Nobody can protect you!

“Get out! I can't take it! Leave me alone!!!”

Your death will help us succeed!

“I don't wanna die!”

“MEDUSA!” Barron’s voice broke through the mysterious voice, he cradled her in his arms, “shh… it’s alright…” Medusa sobbed into his chest. 

“It hurts… it hurts so much, Barron! Make it stop,” she clenched his shirt, “please… end it.”

Barron stroked her hair, the snakes hissing in relief at Barron’s touch, “we’ll figure out what’s wrong with you, Medusa, I promise you that.”

“Barron… I don't want to be the reason your pack burns down like the others did! Just take me back home…” Medusa sulked, looking down in shame.

 “Take you back?! Are you insane?!” Barron shouted, “you’re not leaving, especially not now, when somebody is trying to kill you!” 

“No,” he shook his head, “you’re gonna stay here where there’s protection if you need any.”

“But if I stay you’ll end up dying!”

“Says who? The voices?” Barron scoffed, “tell them to suck it cause my pack ain't going down without a fight!”

Medusa chuckled. ”You hear that voices?! We ain’t afraid of you! So do your worst!” Medusa cheered. Barron held Medusa’s hand. 

“You’re under the protection of the Whiteclad Pack. Nobody will dare touch you.” Barron kissed her forehead, gaining a blush from Medusa.

“Alpha,” Chelia’s voice acknowledged her presence in the room, “I need to talk to you and Medusa about my finding in the cult.”

“Of course, Chelia. Come in.” Barron nodded. He chuckled, knowing Montego was standing on the other side of the wall. “You can come in too, Montego.”

“Oki doki, Barron!” Montego cheered. 

Barron laughed. “Stronger than an ox, brain of a bird.” 

Montego sat on the couch next to Chelia, holding her hand. “It’s okay… you can tell them.” He encouraged.

“He won't get mad… right?” Chelia asked. Montego shook his head.

“Of course not. He’s not Julius.”

“Julius got mad when you briefed him?” Medusa questioned, pulling out her notebook and flipping to the page that said, ‘Julius Whiteclad notes’

“Does not like getting briefed.” Medusa wrote down. 

“No it’s not that. Julius didn’t like fairies. He said that we were the flies of the magical world.” Chelia sighed, frowning.

“Did not like fairies.” Medusa wrote, “but Barron isn't like that. I’ve learned that he likes all creatures, big and small.” Chelia nodded.

“The cult I was in was named The Black Rose Society. A lot of women in their society are of high rank. The men seem to be nothing more than lackeys for the women’s business.”

Medusa was now intrigued. “Tell me everything!!”

“Um, okay…” Chelia sighed, “when I was there, they were using women and children as sacrifices for their rituals, some were small while others caused plagues… they’re sending spies into different wolf packs searching for The Eyes of Prophecy, which they’re using on their biggest ritual yet.”

Chelia pulled out a book, flipping to through the pages to stop at the page labeled, The Eyes of Prophecy. “The Eyes of Prophecy allows people to see into the future and grant them certain abilities depending on the person. However, if the eyes were used in a summoning ritual, they could summon a virus that would infect all that the summoner commands it to.”

“What will the virus do?” Barron asked. 

“The virus will feed on the hosts’ minds, forcing them to become feral until their only mindset is to kill anything that stands in the summoners way.” Chelia explained.

“Shit…” Barron cursed, raking his hands through his hair, “Thank you Chelia for the information. Do we have any guesses as to who holds the eyes as of now?”

Chelia looked up at Medusa. “She’s standing beside you, Barron.”

“Me?” Medusa gaped.

“Yes. You said that the reason you're blind and you have snakes is because a witch cursed your mother, right?”

“Yeah,” Medusa replied.

“I don't think you were cursed. You were bequeathed with the eyes while your mother was pregnant with you. The last user was Lillian Barclay. She must have bequeathed it onto you before she died.” Chelia explained, Medusa looked into the mirror.

“So you’re telling me, what I thought was curse is really a bequeathing of eyes that can quite possibly destroy the world?”

“Yes, but if used correctly-”

“No! Because of my eyes wolf packs around the world are being destroyed! I just can't stay here and let that happen!” Medusa argued. 

“Medusa, we told you before, your one of us now and the pack protects their own.” Barron reminded her.

“They’re not gonna stop until these eyes are theirs, I don't want to put you in danger…” Medusa frowned.

 “It’s fine, wolves have been in danger before and we always get back on our feet.” Barron tapped her nose.

Medusa shook her head. “Why are you being so kind to me?”

“It’s hard to explain now, but you’re very important to me, Medusa.” Barron kissed her forehead. 

Chelia and Montego smiled. “She’s gonna be a great Luna.”

“Montego, Chelia, notify Vanessa, Alistair, Lawrence, Ayame, and Dr. Lycia of what we’ve learned. If there is a mole in our ranks, we’ll find it.”

Alistair bursted into the weapons room. “Sis! I have a problem!”

Ayame sighed. “Can we never make out in peace?!”

“Come on, we should listen to your brother’s problem.” Lawrence chuckled. “What’s wrong?” He placed Ayame on his lap. 

“You know when you meet someone and you have this instant connection?” Alistair laid on the metal table, “like you know you want to know everything about them? Every little kink and habit.”

“Yeah, I get it. It’s how I felt when I met your sister the first time.” Lawrence smiled, nuzzling her cheek.

 “A couple weeks ago, me and this girl Yvette, she’s beautiful, smart, fast, her wolf is blush pink like her hair! Oh and she says my name in the cutest way possible!” Alistair sighed in delight.

“She seems great. Why don't you ask her out?” Ayame suggested. 

“She’s an omega.”


“And part of the Wilson Pack.”

“Oh no.”

“Yep,” Alistair sighed, “is it bad that I don't want their Alpha to heal so I can stay with her more?”

“You shouldn’t wish that on an Alpha, even if it isn't our own,” Lawrence said, “but treasure these moments with her, Alistair.”

“But she’s an omega…”

“So? I’m a hunter and Lawrence is Beta, we’ve been dating for a year and the only time rank came up is when Lawrence thought even though he was beta he could boss me around.” Ayme smiled.

“What did you do?”

“Punched him in the throat,” Ayame giggled, kissing Lawrence, “He never brought up the subject again.”

“So you want her to punch me in the throat?” Alistair tilted his head.

Lawrence laughed. “No. We love each other no matter the rank, and if your love for Yvette is true, then she’ll love you too.”

Alistair smiled and nodded, walking out to find his blush pink wolf. He rummaged through the omega quarters. “Have you seen Yvette?”

The omegas muttered, ultimately shaking their heads. “Beautiful, soft mocha skin, rosey pink hair that flows like a waterfall, beautiful ocean blue eyes that you can stare into for eternity, lush pink lips that are just so damn kissable-” he rattled. He stopped when the omegas started giggling, “what’s so funny?”

“You like her~”

Alistair blushed. “Maybe I do… shut up. Do you know where she is?”

“Sadly we don't. I think Kirkland came in last night requesting Yvette assistance for something, and she hasn't come back since.”

“What?” Alistair clenched his fist “call me if she returns.” Alistair marched up to Kirkland’s room, banging on the door, “Opening up, you prick!”

Yvette creaked open the door, “Al-Alistair?”

“Yvette, where did you go last night? You said we would go for a run. We haven’t ran together in over a month.” Alistair sighed. 

“Please lower your voice, I don't want to wake him up. He’s cranky in the morning.” Yvette whimpered.

 “What? Why are you in his room anyways?” Alistair questioned.

“I have to be in his room, he pulled rank…. again.” Yvette sighed. 

“Again? What? Yvette you're not making any...” he noticed the clothes on the floor, “sense.”

“Yvette,” he looked up at her, “don't tell me…”

“Every night for the past 3 months, I can't stop it… I can't tell the alpha because Kirkland threatened to kill me… I told you nobody would listen to me…” tears streamed down her cheeks.

“Last time, running with you, was the most freedom I’ve had in months. Thank you,” Yvette smiled slady, “forget you ever knew me. It’s best for the both of us. I’m an omega and you're a hunter, it wouldn't work.”

Yvette tried to close the door but Alistair placed his foot in the way, “I don't care what your rank is. I want you.”

“No you don't,” Yvette sighed, “you should have someone higher or equal rank than you. Not someone who’ll drag you down.”

“Don't make me go. Don't block me out, my blush wolf.” Alistair rested his forehead on her’s, “why do you focus on rank? Last time we ran you didn’t care about rank. You ran like a beautiful, majestic, wolf, a free wolf.”

“This… this rank bullshit isn't you! It isn't the blush wolf I saw last time!” Alistair scolded. Kirkland growled, 

“Yvette, bed now!”

Yvette was about to walk back to bed, Alistair caught her wrist. “Don't do this. He doesn't deserve your love, your body, your touch…”

“Yvette! Don't make me call you again!” Kikrland got up and saw Alistair and Yvette at the doorway. “What are you doing here?!”

“Why are you doing this to her?” Alistair glared at her. 

“You told him?! What did I tell you about telling people?!” Kikrland pushed her into the wall. Alistair’s anger fumed. Letting his wolf come to the surface as he stood in the way of Kirkland.

Must… protect… mine…

“You mangy mutt!” Kirkland pulled Yvette away from Alistair but that only made the black wolf angrier. 

“Alistair stop it!” Yvette pleaded, but the wolf didn’t listen. He advanced on Kirkland.

Get away from her… she’s mine….

Kirkland grabbed a hold of Yvette, holding a knife to her neck, “I know how much this woman means to you. One step closer and she gets it!”

Alistair looked at Yvette, her ocean blue eyes swelling up with tears. Alistair smiled, trying to offer her some relief, but his smile soon faded when he locked eyes with Kirkland.

He nodded slightly at Yvette before charging at Kirkland with sudden speed, spearing him through the wall. “Get your paws off of me, you disgusting hunter!” Kirkland yelled, trying to push the wolf off, but the latter was not giving in.

“You’ll… pay…” Alistair dug his claws into Kirkland’s chest as screams erupting from the beta. A part of Alistair felt proud of the screams… he wanted him to scream bloody murder for all he’d done to Yvette.

Alistair grabbed Kirkland’s arm, pulling it out of its socket. “AGH!” Kirkland howled out in pain. 

“Alistair!” Barron’s booming voice stopped the hunter from pulling out the other arm.

Alistair looked at the Alpha, anger fuming in the leader’s eyes. “Office, now!” he demanded. Alistair whimpered slightly, walking back to the office with Barron. “Medusa, close the door.” Barron ordered as the two wolves entered.

Medus closed the door. “What happened out there? You ran out the room so fast I couldn't follow you.”

“Why don't you ask him?” Barron sat behind his desk, Alistair paced in a circle, his anger still prominent. Medusa looked at the black wolf for answers, but she could only sense anger.

“Shift,” Barron ordered. Alistair was hesitant but ultimately nodded, shifting back into his human self, still pacing back and forth in anger.

“I wanna kill him, Barron!” Alistair yelled.

“Don't we all,” Barron muttered, soon raising his voice to a more hearable level, “but we can't. Not when there’s a mole in our ranks.”

“I know, Chelia told me this morning.” Alistair nodded, his mind drifting back to Yvette, “but Alpha, he’s using his rank to rape Yvette!”

“I know,” Barron leaned back, sighing deeply. 

“You knew?! For how long?!” Alistair slammed his hands on the Alpha’s desk, “how long did you know this was going on?!”

“Don't take that tone with me, Alistair. I am you alpha and you will not raise your voice at me.” Barron stood from his chair, glaring daggers at him. Alistair mumbled something in Hindi before calming down some.

“How long have you known, Alpha?” Alistair asked more calmly. 

“Since the last time I visited their pack, I needed to talk to Kirkland about negotiations and I saw Yvette there. When I would keep visiting him she would always be there, she looked so scared.”

Alistair clenched the corner of the desk, breaking the corner and crushing the wood in his hand. “You visited the pack 3 months ago… I was supposed to go with you but stayed because I was training the other hunters… DAMMIT!” Alistair slammed his hand on the desk, breaking it more, “I should have gone! I would have known sooner! She wouldn't have had to suffer all this time!”

Barron pulled in Alistair for a hug. “She’s your mate, isn't she?”

Alistair shrugged in response, crying softly into his shoulder, “I think so. I can't control this anger… I don't know if it’s mine or the wolf but when I saw her crying, me and my wolf was crying… it was like her pain became mine.”

Barron patted his back, “I know… I know… and I think I might know a way to help. Just meet Dr. Lycia tonight.”

Alistair nodded. “Okay… thanks Alpha.”


Soooo! Who's loves updates?! I know I do! Honestly like how are we on 176 reads and we barely on chapter 5?! Like explain! Explain!

Idk how that's possible man! Non of my books skyrocketed up that fast!

Anyways! Sorry for the late update! Normally I update earlier in the day but I had school so yeah.

On Friday, updates will be late in the day because I have tests on Friday for English and my phone will be on do not disturb from 8:45 am -10:30 am because I'm putting all my energy into this test on Friday.

Beside my school work, how was this chapter? Good? Bad? Tell me in the comments!

Till Friday! Have a good day!

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