№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet

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№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Medusa sat in her bed, looking over the new notes in her notebook.

“Medusa…” an eternal voice whispered, causing the researcher to look up from her notes.

“Who’s there?” Medusa quickly shut her notes, looking around for the voice.

“Over here.” The woman giggled as Medusa’s eyes darted towards the desk to see a beautiful woman with peach toned skin and silky black hair.

“Who are you?” Medusa questioned, a ball of stone form in her hand, getting ready to attack.

She laughed, walking over to Medusa, “you know a lot about me,” she pointed to the pink notes, “I wrote that.”

Medusa looked up at the woman in shock as she extended her hand. “Hi, I’m Lillian Barclay… the woman who bequeathed to you your eyes.”


Lawrence sat atop of a cliff in his wolf form, howling at the full moon that shone high in the sky. The chocolate brown wolf sighed, lowering himself down onto the soft grass as he buried his head in his arms.

Ever since his father returned, Lawrence couldn’t help but be on high alert. His father caused him and his mother so much pain, he couldn’t let that happen to his friends… to Ayame.

“What are you still doing up?” Ayame yawned, rubbing her eyes as she sat beside Lawrence on the cliff.

“Can’t sleep.” Lawrence replied, resting his head on Ayame's lap as his mate stroked his fur.

“It’s more than that, isn’t it?” Ayame questioned, humming a small tune.

“I was talking to some of the dragons in the camp, asking them about their stories, and a lot of them were running from an abusive parent or lover. And I-”

“Couldn’t help but think of your dad?” Ayame finished for him, earning a nod from the brown wolf.

“He can't hurt you, Lawrence, you know that.” Ayame reminded him. “Lawrence, if I’m going to help you, I need to know what happened to you and your mother.”

Lawrence whimpered, shaking his head. Ayame sighed, lifting up the wolf’s chin. “I only want to help, Lawrence… please, just tell me what happened.”

Lawrence sat up, nuzzling his face against Ayame’s. “I wish I could keep this from you longer, Ayame… I don't want you thinking less of me.”

Ayame kissed the top of his head. “You know I could never think less of you.”

Lawrence morphed out of his wolf form, sitting beside her as his fingers intertwined with her fingers.

“My father has always been horrible to my mother, but it got worse when I was born.” Lawrence began to explain, thinking back to his early years.


“Just one more push, Robin.” The doctor said as Robin gripped onto the railings of the hospital bed, screaming at the top of her lungs as she pushed out the baby.

“How long does this take?” Xavier groaned, standing in the corner as he lit a cigar. “We’ve been here for almost a day now!”

“You try… pushing a baby… out of you – gods and goddesses get this thing out of me!!” Robin screeched, thrashing her head against the pillow.

“I don't remember it taking this long with our other sons.” A puff of smoke escaped his lips. “Hurry up, will ya, Robin? I want to get to the race tracks before they close the betting.”

“God forbid… you miss your races… because I’m helping with the miracle – AGH!!! Why does this hurt so much?! – of birth…”

“Whatever. Just tell me well you're done so I can inject this one like the others.” Xavier rolled his eyes, taking another puff of his cigar.

“No…” Robin shook her head, “you won’t make this one part robotic for your damn fighting rings!”

“You can’t tell me what to do. The only reason I haven’t killed you is because you give me strong children,” Xavier gripped her hair, pulling her towards him, “so you better make sure this one is strong as well.”

“You monster.” She spat in his face, earning a groan of disgust from the wolf.

“You’ll pay for that later.” Xavier harshly  let go of her hair before walking out the room.

“One final push, Robin.” The doctor smiled at the wolf.

“What did you say your name was again?” Robin asked breathlessly.

“Dr. Grant.” Dr. Grant winked at the soon to be mother. “Okay, almost there… one more big push and we’re done.”

With one final push, the sound of a baby's cries filled the delivery room. She sighed in relief, laying back on the hospital bed. Her eyes widened as she looked around for Xavier.

“Don't worry,” Dr. Grant stroked her hair. “I had my nurses lock the door once he left. He won't turn this baby like the others.”

“Thank you… Dr. Grant.” Robin smiled weakly, turning towards the nurse as she walked over with the baby in her arms. “Why hello, my little poppet.”

“What are you thinking of naming the little one?” Grant asked, pulling up a chair beside Robin’s bed.

“Lawrence, after my grandfather.” Robin replied, her heart filling with joy as Lawrence wrapped his hand around her finger. “Don't worry, Lawrence, he won't touch you.”

“You’ll let me in this instant, Robin!” Xavier's voice boomed from the other side of the door.

Robin held her Lawrence close, shaking her head. “Go away, Xavier! Let me have this one child!!”

Dr. Grant marched towards the door, and  opened it, but stood in Xavier’s way. “She just had a child, so I’d advise you to leave her alone before I call security to escort you out – matter of fact, I’ll kick your ass out of my hospital myself.”

Xavier scoffed, walking away. “She’ll eventually have to check out, and I’ll be waiting.”

Dr. Grant growled, slamming the door closed. “How can you be married, hell how can you father his children?!”

“It was arranged…” Robin sighed, looking down at Lawrence with a smile.

“Thank you for that, Dr. Grant, but the hospital will most likely discharge me tomorrow…” Robin glanced up at Dr. Grant with a sad smile. “Nobody’s done something like that before… normally the doctors are all too afraid of Xavier to do anything.”

“Well, I’m not afraid of him,” Grant sat on the edge of her bed, “had you tried talking to your alpha about this?”

“The alpha doesn't care… he’s worse than Xavier…” Robin muttered, rocking Lawrence in his arms.

“I can’t have Lawrence grow up to be like his brother… rude, arrogant, abusive to their mates… but the moment I leave this room… Xavier will turn him into another one of his fighting drones!” Tears streamed down Robin’s cheeks as she held the baby close to her chest. “I can’t lose him!”

“You won't.” Grant kissed the top of her head. “Now, I have no idea what may happen when you leave my hospital, but while you’re here, he won't touch you.”


Sadly, after a week, the hospital discharged Robin and Lawrence. Dr. Grant wheeled her out of the hospital in a wheelchair. “Promise me… you’ll find a way out of this horrible, horrible situation.”

Robin nodded, swaddling Lawrence in her arms. “Thank you, Dr. Grant… for everything you’ve done for me,” she glanced down at Lawrence before looking up at Dr. Grant, “for us.” 

“Of course,” Dr. Grant kissed her forehead, gazing into her beautiful brown eyes, “here’s my number, Robin.” Dr. Grant slipped her a piece of paper with his number on it. “Call me if he does anything, and I’ll come for you.”

“Sure you will…” Robin muttered, rolling her eyes.

Dr. Grant stroked her hand. “Those other men may have tried to rescue the fair maiden and the young prince,” he kneeled down in front of Robin, kissing her hand, “but I shall be the first.”

Robin giggled, a small blush appearing across her face. “Thank you, Dr. Grant.”

“Anything for you, my fair maiden.” Dr. Grant smiled, getting off the ground as he helped her into Xavier’s car.

Xavier growled at the Doctor. “I hope you didn’t fill her head with lies. Nobody is coming to save her anytime soon.”

With a final slam of the car door, Xavier and Robin drove off. Robin turned back to get one last look at the charming doctor, placing her hand on the window as the car drove away.


“So that’s how your mom and step dad meet… your step dad helped deliver you. That’s so sweet.” Ayame chuckled, pinching Lawrence’s cheeks.

“Life wasn’t always so sweet with Xavier, however, me and my mom had our little moments of laughter. Especially when Grant would visit.”


“Grant!” The 8 year old Lawrence cheered, running out to greet his mother’s ‘special friend’.

“Hey, kiddo, where’s your mama?” Grant questioned, crouching down in front of Lawrence.

The pup’s eyes saddened, whimpering slightly. “She’s with dad again…”

Grant’s eyes flashed a dim purple as anger flashed through him. However, he knew it was risky even being on the premises, so he would simply have to wait for Robin’s return.

He smiled, picking up Lawrence as they sneaked into the backyard. “So, your mom tells me you can shift now!”

“Yeah!” Lawrence cheered. “I had my first shift last full moon!”

“Mind showing me?” Grant asked. Lawrence hopped down from his arms.

The small pup took a deep breath in as his eyes glowed a bright green. Before long, Lawrence shifted into a chocolate brown wolf pup, running around Grant with excitement.

“Look at you, poppet! You’re shifting has gotten better.” Robin chuckled, walking into the backyard with an ice pack over her left eye.

Grant whimpered, stroking her cheek. “What’d he do this time?”

“It’s almost time for the Full Moon Festival… he’s planning on mating so we can have children by early spring.” Robin felt her heart break at her own words.

“I thought you stopped at Lawrence?” Grant questioned.

“For a while we did, but now he’s demanding another child for his fighting ring business… Grant, I can’t do it… I can barely keep him away from Lawrence… I can’t do this with another child!”

“Shh… shh…” Grant pulled her in for a hug, stroking her hair, “you won't have to... tonight we’ll be leaving. You can come to my pack.”

“Yo-Your pack?” Robin glanced up from his shoulder to gaze into Grant’s warm greyish eyes.

“Yes, the WhiteClad pack. We’ll leave tonight. I already discussed it with the alpha and luna, and they’ll be happy to welcome you.” Grant kissed her cheek. “And we’ll be just in time for the full moon. We’ve known each other for a while, and if you’re ready… maybe we can mate?”

Robin fell silent, her eyes widened slightly at Grant. “O-Only if you want!” Grant reminded her. “I don't want to pressure you!”

Robin chuckled, patting her hand on Grant’s chest. “I would love to mate with you, Grant, just not here.”

“Of course not, my fair maiden. A woman like you needs a place more proper for a mating.” Grant hooked his arms around her waist, pulling her in close. “Don’t you worry, my fair maiden, when we mate… I promise you, you’ll never forget it.” He whispered tenderly in her ear.

Robin blushed, her cheeks staining red at his words. “Grant, Lawrence is still here.”

Lawrence sat there confused, tilting his head at his mother and step father. “What are you two doing?”

“Oh nothing, Lawrence, you’ll know more when you’re older.” Robin smiled, ruffling his hair, holding his hand as they entered back into the home.

She turned back to see Grant sorrow filled eyes. “Grant, don't worry… tomorrow night, we’ll be here. We’ll leave.”

With one final kiss of her hand, Grant ran back into the forest, awaiting the magical night that is tomorrow.


Lawrence waited patiently for Grant’s arrival, gazing out the window longingly.

“Where is he, mom?” Lawrence muttered, turning towards his mother as she cooked dinner. “He’d promise he’d be here…”

“I know he did, poppet, he’ll be here soon… I hope.” Robin whimpered, shuddering slightly as Xavier and his three sons marched through the door.

“Woman! Where’s my food!” Xavier walked over to Robin to see the food wasn’t ready. “Didn't I say to have the food ready when I get home every day?”

“We-Well… what you wanted takes a lot of time… a-and I had to go hunt it!” A painful scream escaped her lips as Xavier pulled on her black locks roughly.

“You’re supposed to have it really when I return every day! Got it?!” Xavier growled, throwing her against the wall.

“Mom!!” Lawrence shouted, attempting to dart towards his mother, but his brothers held him back.

Xavier stood over Robin, grinning viciously. “I guess I’ll have to beat that fact into you again, huh?”

Before Xavier could lay a hand on Robin, a grey flash tackled Xavier to the ground. Bright purple eyes pierced into Xavier’s soul. “Back off! She’s mine!” The wolf snarled, his claws digging deeper into Xavier’s chest.

“Boys!!” Xavier ordered. Grant howled loudly, summoning a black wolf, a sable toned wolf, and a charcoal grey one to attack the sons.

Once the sons were eliminated, the sable toned one stalked towards Lawrence who shivered in the corner. The grey wolf stood in the sable wolf’s way, shaking his head. “Not him… he’s good.”

The sable wolf nodded, walking away from Lawrence. The grey wolf smiled at the small child, licking his cheeks rid of tears before morphing into his human form to reveal Dr. Grant.

“Grant!!” Lawrence cheered, wrapping his arms around Grant. “You came! You actually came!”

“Of course, pup. Didn’t I promise you I’d come back for you and your mama?” Grant chuckled, ruffling Lawrence’s hair. “Now,” Grant walked Lawrence over to the sabel wolf as he morphed into a man no older than Grant with caramel toned skin and scruffy dirty blonde hair.

“This is my friend, Epsilon. He’s a delta in my pack… you can trust him.” Grant introduced, ushering Lawrence towards Epsilon.

“Hey, kid.” Epsilon smiled brightly. “He can't be much older than Montego.”

“He isn’t,” the black wolf morphed into his human form to reveal Ulysses, “looks like him and Barron might be around the same age.”

“Another pup?” The charcoal grey wolf morphed into a beautiful woman, Enyo Whiteclad, and smiled down at Lawrence. “Aren’t you the cutest! Grant told me his mate had a pup, but I didn’t think you’d be this cute!” Enyo scooped him up in her arms, holding him close to her chest. “Ulysses, why can't we have another pup?”

“Cause we already have three.” Ulysses reminded her, but the fact seemed to be lost on Enyo as she continued to hug Lawrence.

“But look at this pup! Come on doesn't it make you want another pup?” Enyo cooed, looking towards her mate.

“I would give you 100 kids if that were possible, but for now, let’s manage the three we have.” Ulysses chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

Robin groaned softly as she came to, fluttering her eyes open to see Grant crouching down beside her, stroking her cheek. “You came…” Robin smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck as Grant carried her off the floor.

“Didn’t I promise you I’d be back for you?” Grant chuckled, tucking strands of her hair behind her ear. “I’ll always come back for you, my fair maiden.”

He turned towards Epsilon and Ulysses. “Can you help Lawrence get his stuff while Enyo and I help get Robin’s stuff?”

Ulysses ushered Lawrence upstairs as Lawrence, Ulysses, and Epsilon entered Lawrence’s room. “Mr. Ulysses, Mr. Epsilon,” Lawrence began as he pulled his chest out of his closet, “Grant won't hurt my mom like Xavier did, right?”

“Of course not, pup.” Ulysses smiled, helping Lawrence pack his clothes inside the trunk. “Grant is an amazing wolf, and an amazing hunter and doctor. I know he’ll love you and your mother with his entire heart.”

“How do I know that for sure… that’s what Xavier promised my mom when they met, but now look at her…” Lawrence whimpered, sitting on the trunk to close it.

“Grant isn’t like Xavier… he’s kind, strong, and loving…” Epsilon softly patted Lawrence’s head as he carried the chest down to the car where Enyo, Grant, and Robin stood.

Robin was still in Grant's arms, smiling as she rested her head on Grant's chest. “Never let me go…” she whispered. “Never let me go, Grant.”

“Never, my fair maiden. I will never let you go.” Grant whispered back, kissing the top of her head.

Lawrence watched with kind eyes as Grant entered the car with the others, patting the seat next to him. “Come on, pup, it’s time to see your new home.”

Lawrence couldn’t contain his happiness as his wolf sprung forwards. The chocolate brown pup leaped into the car, curling up next to Grant.

Snuggled up warm against his mom and step-dad, Lawrence purred. He knew… at this moment… his life was going to change for the better.



Who loves update? I know you do! This time we get to see Lawrence's past!! Isn't that cool??

Grant and Robin are so adorable! I love the two of them!

A quick update on A Sea Of Bloody Hearts. So far I'm 11 chapters and if I keep this schedule the last chapter of Wereology will be up by the 26th of February and the first chapter of A Sea Of Bloody Hearts will either be on the 16th or 23rd.


Because update will be every Tuesday and Thursday for ASOBH. And it gives me and my editor a little bit to look over the book and fix all the final stuff before posting.

Anyways! I'll see y'all on Monday! I can't wait till I post chapter 51!!

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