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At a quarter to eight, a soft knock on my door had me rushing over to open it.  Jimin's words from earlier had me worried, even though he said it was nothing bad.  Anytime the words 'we need to talk' come out of someone's mouth, my initial reaction is to worry.  Taking a deep breath, I pulled the door open.  Jimin was standing there, wearing his usual mask and beanie.  Without a word, he stepped into the flat, pushing the door shut behind him with his foot and tugging me into his arms as he pulled off his mask.  "Hello my Noona."  His eyes were soft and in an instant, his lips were on mine.

My worries from earlier fled my mind as he kissed me.  His incredibly soft lips moved against my own and when he pulled me flush against his hard chest, I couldn't stop the slight gasp that left my lips.  He took advantage of my parted lips to slip his tongue in my mouth, ravaging my lips with his own.  My hands went to his hair, yanking his beanie off in the process.  I carded my fingers through the dark strands, gently tugging and he moaned against my lips.  The sound went straight through me and I wanted nothing more than him, right then and there.

Still kissing me, Jimin tugged me towards the couch then pushed me down onto it before climbing on top of me, his leg settling in between mien.  He moved his lips to my neck and I dropped my head back, giving him better access.  "I love you.  I love you so much.  You're so beautiful."  Jimin's words were mumbled against my skin as he moved down my neck to my collarbone.  "I want to mark you so everyone knows your mine."  Trailing kisses down, he stopped right below above where my bra started and at first his lips were gentle against my skin, but turned harsh, leaving a sting behind that I knew would leave a mark.

Lifting his head, Jimin looked at the mark on my skin then pressed a gentle kiss to it.  His eyes met mine and I could see the look of pride in them, the pride at knowing he marked me, even if he couldn't show the world I was his, at least he knew it was there.  "I love you Jimin."  

Jimin's eyes turned soft at my words and he captured my lips again with his, this time sweet and gentle.  As he continued to kiss me, I let myself get lost in him, in the feel of his weight settled on me, his lips on mine, his scent surrounding me, a scent that smelled like beaches and clean laundry, something that was entirely intoxicating and a scent I loved.

Pulling back a little, I touched his cheek gently.  "Hi baby."

His cheeks turning red, Jimin slowly sat up, pulling me up to sit next to him.  "Sorry.  I want to kiss you so bad.  I did not mean to attack you like that."

Running a hand through his silky hair, I leaned over and kissed his plump cheek.  "Oh baby. It's perfectly okay.  I... I like it when you do that."

His smile turning smug, Jimin raised an eyebrow at me.  "Oh really?  That good to know."

Pointing towards the bag on the table, I gestured for him to open them.  "I ordered dinner."

Jimin checked the bags then turned to me, his eyes filled with happiness.  "You so good to me.  You order my favorite."

Nodding, I grinned.  "I did.  I know you had a busy schedule today so I wanted to do something nice for you."

His eyes turning dark, Jimin turned back to me and tugged me into his arms.  "You always do nice things for me.  Now I want to do nice things to you."  Knowing the look in his eyes, I pulled back a little.

"As much as I like that idea, I want you to eat first.  Please?"  I gave him what I hoped was a cute smile, but I knew I couldn't pull it off nearly as well as he could.

Jimin laughed, his eyes turning to slits.  "You're so cute my Noona so I will eat for you then do nice things to you."

Nodding in agreement, I stood to go get drinks.  I could hear Jimin digging into the bags and when I came back into the room, he had a dumpling between his teeth and was opening up the container of noodles.  He looked up at me, his eyes going wide in embarrassment and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at his cute expression.  "You're fine baby.  Eat."

Jimin shoved the rest of the dumpling in his mouth, his eyes closing in delight.  "Mmm... so good."

As we continued to eat, I couldn't help but watch Jimin's cute expressions.  Every time he took a bite, he would make the most adorable little sounds of happiness, especially when it was one of his favorites.  After a little while, Jimin set down his chopsticks then leaned back, patting his stomach.  I pinched his side and he squeaked in protest.  "Are you full now?"

Jimin nodded, closing his eyes.  "Mmm hmm.  So full.  It was so good."

I closed up the containers then brought the leftovers in the kitchen and disposed of the garbage.  Jimin followed me into the kitchen as I put everything away and refilled our wine glasses.  Setting them on the counter, he took my hands, distracting me from my task. 

"Come Noona.  Come sit with me."  Jimin's eyes were pleading.  I set the chopsticks in the sink then followed him back into the living room, grabbing my wine glass as I went.  Jimin sat on the sofa and took the glass from my hand, setting it on the table.  "Now I can do nice things to you."  His eyes were dark with need and I barely had time to think before his lips were on mine, his hands on my waist, pulling me close.

He kissed me for a moment then leaned back and tugged his shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor.  Knowing what was coming next, I stood up and pulled him to his feet.  Jimin grinned then led me up the stairs to my bedroom.


Jimin collapsed on the bed next to me, pushing his sweaty hair back from his face.  "O-oh wow."  His words were soft, his breaths still heavy as he lay next to me.  "Been too long."  Turning on his side, Jimin tugged me into his arms, his body damp against mine.

"Mmm hmmm, but it's okay.  I'm happy when you're here no matter what we do."  I ran a hand down Jimin's still flushed face then leaned forward to kiss him.  "We don't have to do anything when you're here.  Eating with you, snuggling with you, hugging you.  It's all perfect to me." 

Jimin grinned, the happiness clear on his face.  "Hmm... I like it too, but I like this also."  Jimin pulled me closer, running a hand down my bare back.  "I really like this."

Pinching his cheek gently, I kissed his nose.  "Well I do too, but I need a break first.  You wore me out.  It's all that dancing you do.  You're in such good shape and have way more stamina than me."

Jimin's chest puffed up in pride and I couldn't help but giggle.  "It's okay Noona.  I've got enough stamina for both of us." Yawning, Jimin then laughed.  "But maybe not right this second."

I hesitated before speaking again, wanting to ask him about what he wanted to talk about earlier.  It was something that had bothered me most of the day, the worry almost driving me crazy.  His sweet messages, however, had done wonders to drive some of the fear away but I still worried.  "What... what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

Jimin's face crinkled up for a moment in confusion then he grinned.  Suddenly he sat up, his earlier tiredness seemingly gone.  He pulled me up to sit beside him and took my hands.  "I want to ask you something.  Don't answer right away if you don't want to, but I need to ask you."

"Um... okay."  I couldn't help but feel nervous at his question, ranging from worst-case scenarios about him wondering about our relationship to him wanting to know if I want to break up.

"I want... I want to know if you will move in with me."  Jimin's words were soft and I stared at him in surprise for a moment.  "I... I have my own separate apartment away from the guys and since I have the place to myself, I would like you to move in with me." Jimin's words came out in a rush and I had to think about what he was saying.  "You don't have to answer me right away, but I like falling asleep with you at night and waking up next to you in the morning.  I want you to have all your stuff there and I want you to be there."

"Are you sure?"  Jimin's request stunned me and I couldn't help but wonder if this was really happening.

Jimin nodded, his eyes serious.  "Yes.  I want... want you to move in with me, to be there at night when I come home.  I want you to see my apartment and then live with me."

Not sure what to say, I just sat there in silence for a moment.  Was Jimin really asking me to move in with him?  To live with him?  I wanted to pinch myself, to make sure I wasn't living this fantasy life that I had dreamed up, that this wasn't some poorly written fan fiction where I was living in a world of my own messed up imagination.

Jimin's eyes turned worried and he chewed on the side of his fingernail.  "Um... can... can you say something?"

"I'm just... just surprised is all.  Never in my life would I have imagined this to be happening.  That I would be sitting here, naked in my bed, with the Park Jimin asking me to move in with him.  You... you just stunned me is all."  I reached over and squeezed his hand, smiling when he laced his fingers with mine.

"Well I like being naked in your bed with you.  I would love to have you naked in my bed as well.  To be able to climb into bed with you at night when I get home, to come home to you each night."  Jimin's voice was soft and sincere and the way he said home made my heart flutter in happiness.

I knew we would eventually have to have the conversation about me returning to the United States at the end of February, which was only five short months away, but I knew it wasn't a conversation I was ready to have.  More than anything I wanted to stay here in Korea with Jimin, but I wasn't even sure if that was what he wanted.  I knew he said he wanted to be with me forever, but what did that mean to him?  Did he want to just date me?  Was I a distraction until something better came along?  Ashamed at my thoughts, I pushed that one aside immediately.  Jimin never gave any indication that his feelings for me were anything less than real, anything less than sincere.  And knowing him like I did, he definitely didn't seem like the type to lie about being in love, to lie about wanting to be with someone.

Jimin's eyes grew worried and I realized I had been too quiet, too caught up in my own thoughts.  "Um... I want to but..."

Jimin cut me off, his voice excited.  "Whatever it is, we can figure it out.  I promise."

"Hold on Jimin.  The only thing I was going to say is that... that this apartment is walking distance to my school.  What... what would I do?" 

Furrowing his brows in thought, Jimin tapped his bottom lip.  "Hmm... well the driver who takes me to the company building could drop you off at work or if you don't want him to take you there, he could bring you somewhere that you could walk from."  Jimin continued to think, mumbling to himself.  "Wait... why don't I just buy you a car?  Then you don't have to worry about walking anywhere."

I held up a hand to stop him.  "Whoa.  Slow down baby.  You're not buying me a car!"

Jimin cocked his head to the side.  "But... why not?  It makes the most sense.  You would have a way to get to work and I wouldn't worry about you walking anywhere."

"You can't just buy me a car!  Cars are expensive."  I was stunned by Jimin's generosity, but I knew I couldn't let him do that.

Taking my hands, Jimin turned to face me.  "Listen to me Noona.  I want you to move in with me.  You worry about how to get to work.  This seems like best answer."  I went to protest again, but Jimin held up a hand.  "Please.  Please let me do this.  I want... I want to take care of you like you take care of me."

"Jimin!  I make you dinner.  You're talking about buying me a car."  I couldn't understand why he would be willing to spend so much money on something like that.

Jimin laughed then leaned forward and kissed my cheek.  "Noona I think you forget who I am.  I have a lot of money, money that I don't have time to really spend.  Please let me do this for you."

I hesitated, not wanting Jimin to think I was with him for his money, but knowing that I was fighting a losing battle.  "Are... are you sure?"

Jimin nodded.  "Yes.  If it means you will move in with me, I would buy you the world.  Are... are you saying yes?"  Jimin's eyes were so full of hope that I couldn't help but nod.  "Really?  You're going... going to move in with me?  What kind of car do you want?  Do you like mine?  Do you want one like that?"

"Baby you are not buying me a Porsche.  No way!"  Jimin went to protest, but I shook my head.  "No baby.  That's way too much."

Jimin pouted and I could see he wanted to argue with me, but I shook my head.  "Okay Noona.  I talk to Sejin-hyung and see what he says.  Will you trust his opinion?"  Jimin grinned at my nod then lay back down, pulling me down next to him.  Leaning over me and kissing my nose, his pretty eyes turned dark with need.  "I think my stamina is back.  How's yours?"

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him in close for a kiss.  "I'm ready anytime you are baby."

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