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Jimin POV:

Three hours.  It had been three hours since CEO Park and Sejin gave me the news that threatened to shatter me, news that made me feel like my whole world was ending.  Namjoon had tried to bring me lunch, convince me to eat something but even the idea of food made me feel sick.  The only thing I could do at the moment was either pace back and forth, wearing lines in the thick plush carpet or sit against the wall, my head in my hands.  I had thought by now that my tears would have run dry, but they were consistently streaming down my cheeks.  They only got worse when I received the email confirmation from my travel agent about the honeymoon I had planned.  Seeing that felt like a knife through my heart.

The private investigator that had arrived had asked me a ton of questions about Y/N, about her job, about friends she had made in Korea. I told him about the flower delivery that came with the note and CEO Park let him know about the threats they had already received.  He had left nearly an hour ago, letting me know he was heading to her school to speak with her coworkers.  Knowing that Y/N had kept our relationship quiet, I told him to speak to Min Aera, the only one outside of our family and friends that had been told.

Unsure of what to do, I thought about whether I should call Y/N's family, call her parents.  I knew this was something they would want to know, something they would need to hear about but I was afraid to call them, knowing they would probably hate me for this, blame me for her disappearing like this.  I felt responsible since this never would have happened if she weren't dating me.  I knew it had to be a sasaeng that did this, someone that was living in a delusional fantasy, someone who had everything to gain, but nothing to lose.   Someone who would stop at nothing to gain the attention of their idol.

I had hoped that as time passed, fans would become used to the idea of me dating and for the most part, it had seemed to work out that way.  There was still the occasional fan demanding I end the relationship, but the majority of fans were genuinely happy for me, something that meant so much.  I had been surprised by the support for the relationship with Y/N and me.  There had been many fans asking when the could "meet" her, when in was going to introduce her during a Live, when they could see a photo of the woman who had stolen my heart.

As I sat there, a thought suddenly crossed my mind.  Standing up from my position on the floor, I hurried over to Namjoon who was speaking with CEO Park.  "I want to do a VLive."

Namjoon and CEO Park both stared at me as though I was crazy.  "You want to do a what?"

"I want to go Live.  I want to tell my fans what is going on and see if there is anyone who has seen something funny, noticed something strange.  It's... it's not much, but right now it's all we've got."  I gave CEO Park a pleading look, knowing it might sound crazy, but not knowing what else to do.

CEO Park went to speak, but a man rushed into the room.  "Excuse me, but there is an officer downstairs.  He says he believes he has footage that shows Y/N."

"Send him up immediately."  CEO Park's tone was serious and he turned to me.  "Hang on for a little while longer, Jimin-ah.  Let's see the footage and we will go from there."

Within moments, two law enforcement officers stepped in the room.  The taller of the two spoke first.  "Good evening.  My name is Officer Geum Dae-Ho and this is Officer Roh Hyun-Ki.  We were assigned as part of a missing person's case for a Ms. Y/N, an American woman currently on a work visa in Seoul."

I nodded my head.  "Yes.  That's my fiancé.  I'm Park Jimin."

Officer Geum nodded.  "A private investigator, a man by the name of Jeom Mun-Hee, was able to get some information from the missing woman's coworker.  Shortly before noon, Ms. Y/N left her place of employment for coffee.  She frequents the same coffee shop, one that a Min Aera was able to direct us too.  About an hour and a half ago, Min Aera received a series of strange messages from an unknown number.  She notified law enforcement immediately and gave the information to the private investigator when he arrived."

"What kind of strange messages?"  I moved closer to Officer Geum, wanting any type of information on Y/N.

Officer Geum held out a silver phone, one I did not recognize.  "This phone belongs to Min Aera."  Officer Geum scrolled to the messages and my heart dropped as I read the words.  Each word was like a punch to my gut.  Relationship... mistake... don't want to be with you... going back to US... don't contact me.  I felt like my heart was going shatter into a million pieces, but when I looked closer, I realized the messages were directed to me, but sent to Min Aera.  I looked up at Officer Geum and he nodded.  "Yes.  It looks like Y/N was forced to send the messages, but sent them to Min Aera instead."

"Y/N knew Aera would figure out something was wrong."  I studied the messages again, reading the replies from the receiver.  "I never call Y/N baby.  That's her nickname for me.  Aera knew that these messages weren't really coming from Y/N, but she decided to play along."

"Yes.  That is the same conclusion we came to."  Officer Roh pulled another phone from his pocket.  "If we show you some security footage, would you be able to confirm that the woman in the video is Ms. Y/N?"

I nodded my head quickly.  "Yes of course."

Officer Roh pulled up a video on his phone.  It was grainy and black and white, but I was able to pick out Y/N right away.  She was wearing the black jacket she brought with her from the US and the white Burberry scarf I bought her for Christmas.  I could see the black bag she normally carried.  She was walking with a woman I didn't recognize, one I had never seen before.  They went into the coffee shop and came out a few moments later.  They continued to walk together before disappearing into an alley.

The footage ended and I looked up at Officer Roh.  "Who is that woman?  Where did they go?"

Officer Geum shook his head.  "I'm sorry but we are not sure.  There is no security camera at the other end of that alley."

Running a hand through my hair, I turned back to CEO Park.  "What if... what if I put the photo of the woman on Twitter?  Ask ARMY if they can identify her?"

CEO Park hesitated then turned to the officers.  "Would... would that be helpful?"

Officer Roh shrugged and I almost wanted to punch him.  "It couldn't hurt.  Knowing the fan base and the number of ARMY currently living here in Seoul, it might just work."

CEO Park turned to me.  "Set it up.  See if your fans would be willing to help.  Give them the number to the Security office and plead with them to make serious calls only.  Tell them to only call if they can identify the woman in the video."

Officer Roh held out his phone to me.  "Here.  Post this photo.  We will be waiting here for you.

Bowing quickly, I turned to Namjoon.  "Can... can you please come with me?"  Namjoon nodded his head and we hurried out of the conference room and down the hall to the room we usually used for Lives.  I sat in the chair, moving over as Namjoon pulled up a chair next to me.  While Namjoon posted the photo on our Twitter page, I set up the Live in record time, stunned as ARMY began to flood in.  Right away the comments began.  Lots of 'I love you' and 'hellos,' but then they almost immediately they switched to 'are you okay?' and 'what is happening?'

Namjoon turned to me, gesturing for me to pull myself together while he addressed ARMY.  "Good afternoon ARMY.  I am really happy to see everyone here, but Jimin-ah and I are not here for a happy reason.  As you all know, Jimin-ah is in a relationship with a woman he loves very much, one who loves him just as much.  A few hours ago, that woman went missing."

The comment section filled with comments depicting ARMY's horror at the situation.  There were so many comments asking 'how can we help?' and 'what can we do?' that it let me know that ARMY was on my side.  "Please ARMY.  We have a photo on our Twitter page of the woman who took... who took my girlfriend.  Please... please look at the photo and call the number on the Twitter page if you can... can identify her.  And please ARMY.  This is a very serious situation.  Please only call if you are able to identify her."  My voice began to break and Namjoon put an arm around my shoulder.

"We want to thank you all for your continued support for our Jimin-ah.  He is happy and in love, but right now his heart is breaking.  Please.  Please put yourself in his situation and help if you can."  Namjoon turned to me, a small smile on his face.  "We love our Jimin-ah just as much as you and we need to see him happy again.  Please help us."  Namjoon spoke for a few more minutes before ending the stream.  He leaned back in his chair, arms over his face.

"Do you... do you think it will work?"  I couldn't stop the tears that were once again streaming down my cheeks. 

Moving his arms away from his face, Namjoon nodded.  "Yes. I would like to believe so.  Most of ARMY wants to see you happy.  Seeing you like this hurts them and they want to help fix it.  I think this was the right thing to do."  Pulling out his phone, Namjoon connected to our Twitter account.  His eyes widened as he turned the phone to me.  The post already had over two million likes, over a hundred thousand comments, and thirty thousand retweets.  "Damn ARMY is fast!"  I could hear the amusement in his voice and we scrolled through some of the comments together.  Like Namjoon had said, ARMY was mainly supportive. 

Help find Jimin's girl. 

Who would do this? 

Can anyone identify her? 

Serious calls only.

Seeing the support from our fans touched my heart, making the tears start fresh.  I knew I would always remember this, remember the way they supported me, tried to help me, showed their love for me in the most remarkable way.

As I sat there, my phone rang and when I looked at the caller, I was surprised to see my bank.  I answered it, not sure what was going on.  "Mr. Park?  This is Ka Young-Mi.  A purchase was made on your account using a card that was not in your name for 3500000 won."

My eyes widened in surprise.  "What was the purchase for?"

There was the sound of tapping keys.  "It was an airline ticket from Asiana Airlines."

My mind raced back to the messages I saw on Min Aera's phone, the ones that were supposedly sent by Y/N.  "Can... can you give me the flight information?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Park, but that information is not included."  Young-Mi's voice sounded apologetic, but I knew she was only doing her job.  "Would you like me to cancel the purchase and place ahold on the card?"

"Yes.  Please." 

"Of course.  It will only take a moment."  There was the sound of tapping keys again.  "Alright Mr. Park.  I have canceled the purchase and placed a hold on the card.  If it is used again, the purchase will not go through, but we will also be flagged on our end."

"Thank you."  We spoke for a few more minutes then I disconnected the call and turned to Namjoon.  "Whoever... whoever has Y/N bought an airline ticket using the card I gave her.  Y/N refuses to use that card so I know it wasn't her."

"Yeah it doesn't sound like something Y/N-Noona would do."  Namjoon stood.  "Let's return Officer Roh's phone.  Hopefully... hopefully we will get something soon."

Running a hand through my hair, I wanted to tear it out from the roots.  I hated the waiting, hated the not knowing.  Nodding my head, I followed Namjoon from the studio and down the hall to the conference room.  When we entered, I was surprised to see the rest of the members seated around the table.  Taehyung jumped up immediately and hurried to my side, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.  "We... we heard about what happened.  What do you need me to do?"

Touched by his concern, I returned the hug, just needing someone to hold on to right now.  "I don't... I don't know."

Taehyung nodded then stroked my hair in a soothing gesture before releasing me.  The other members came and hugged me one by one, letting me know they were there for me, that they would support me in any way possible.  Sitting down at the table, I leaned back in my chair, trying to stop the fresh round of tears.

I could see the members wanted to ask questions, but they were reluctant.  Not wanting to talk at the moment, I threw an arm over my eyes, trying to keep positive, keep my mind on Y/N and our wedding, the honeymoon we were going to take.  The door slamming open caught my attention and in looked up to see our manager hurry in, followed by CEO Park. 

Manager Sejin rushed over to me and I could see the relief in his eyes, somethingthat made my heart race.  "Jimin-ah?  We got a phone call.  Someone was able to identify the woman in thephoto.  They know who she is, where she is. Officer Roh and Officer Geum are on their way to get Y/N!"

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