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Jimin POV:

Three weeks. It had been three weeks since the incident with Mi-suk and I couldn't help but worry about her every time she left the house to go to work. I knew I was acting like a panicked fiancé but I couldn't help it. Every time she was out of my sight, I would hear the replay of CEO Park's voice telling me that the love of my life had gone missing. The company had suggested I try therapy that it might be helpful for both of us, but when I met with the company therapist, I just couldn't open up about it.

Y/N had suggested I talk to Namjoon about it and when I thought about it, it made perfect sense. Namjoon had been there from the beginning, knew the relationship between Y/N and myself. He had been one of the first people I told outside of Taehyung and I trusted his opinion, his judgment. He had gotten us this far and when I thought of people I could confide in, he was always one of the first ones to come to mind. I knew he was busy since we were getting ready to prepare for our comeback, but I hoped he would be able to give me some time.

Dance practices had not yet resumed since the choreographer was still working out some kinks on a couple of songs and I hated to admit I was happy about it. I loved dancing and loved being on the stage, but I was glad for the extended break. It always looked so flawless in the videos and on the stage, but the hours of strenuous activity were hard on our bodies. We often went home with aching muscles and burning pains in our legs and feet from the amount of hours we spent on them.

We were just leaving the last meeting of the day, released a little earlier than expected due to CEO Park being called out to handle an issue with one of the groups getting ready to debut soon. Although I would have loved to rush home to Y/N and make sure she was safe, event though she texted me twenty minutes ago to let me know she was home, I was still worried, still on edge. It was why I needed to talk to Namjoon, to see if he could help me get past the insanity I was always feeling, the worry that wouldn't stop creeping through my mind.

The man I was looking for was walking right ahead of me and I hurried through the group to tap his shoulder. Namjoon turned with a smile on his face. "Hey Jimin-ah."

Hesitating, I sank my teeth into my bottom lip. "Um... do you... do you have a minute hyung?"

Namjoon looked worried for a second before he nodded and slung an arm around my shoulders. "Sure. Let's go in the practice room."

I nodded and followed him towards our practice room, thankful he chose this location since it would be empty. The last thing I needed or wanted was somewhere overhearing me freaking out about everything going on with Y/N and insisting I talk to the therapist. We walked into the room and when he sat down against the mirror, I sank down next to him, crossing my legs and resting my elbows on my knees. I was quiet for a moment, but I knew Namjoon would give me the time I needed to get my thoughts together, get my words in order.

Turning to Namjoon, I took a deep breath and began. "I... I know it's been three weeks since the kidnapping with Y/N, but... I can't seem to get it out of my mind. I'm constantly texting her to check up on her and when... when she's not with me, I worry. I feel like I'm losing my mind and that I'm being overprotective. Sometimes I feel like I'm being... too much and I don't want to push her away. If I text her and she doesn't get back to me right away, I start to worry that things are happening again. That another sasaeng has gotten to her. What do I do?"

Now that my fears were being released, it was like a flood. There was no way I could stop them even though I know I sounded like a crazy person. I was helpless to stop the tears that started rolling down my cheeks, ones that left hot salty trails and made me feel as though I were overreacting, as though I were worrying too much. I was almost afraid to look at Namjoon, worried that he was going to think I was being overdramatic, that there was really nothing to worry about, but I couldn't help it, couldn't push it aside no matter how hard I tried, no matter how many times I had tried to convince myself that everything was going to be okay, that no one was going to take the one love of my life away from me again.

Namjoon moved to sit in front of me, taking my hands and squeezing them tightly. "It's alright Jimin-ah. You are not being overprotective. You and Y/N have been through a harrowing ordeal, one that would be scary to anyone. You are going to feel nervous and worried and it is absolutely normal. Don't try and keep those worries in or let anyone tell you that what you are feeling isn't valid. Because it absolutely is." Namjoon rubbed his chin in thought for a moment. "Have you thought about seeing the company therapist?"

I shook my head in refusal. "I know it's what management recommended, but I... I don't really feel comfortable talking to someone I don't know, someone who doesn't know me, doesn't know Y/N. You... you know us both and you've been there with me since the beginning of my relationship with Y/N. I felt... I felt more comfortable talking to you, telling you all of this. I... I just feel more comfortable with you." I felt a little silly gushing over him like that, but it was true. I did feel more at ease with Namjoon rather than some doctor sitting in an office with a bunch of certifications pinned on the wall.

Namjoon laughed, his hands squeezing mine again. "Well I feel very honored that you would choose me. As the leader, I want to know that you all trust me in this manner and to hear you say you do makes me feel good. So thank you."

"So you don't think I am being overdramatic about the whole situation?" I chewed the side of my thumbnail, thinking about everything, wondering if I was being silly.

Namjoon shook his head. "No. I don't. Your fiancé, the woman you are going to marry was kidnapped and kept away from you. I don't think you are being overdramatic at all. I think anyone in that situation would feel that way, feel this need to constantly make sure everything is okay, make sure that she is safe."

I nodded my head and leaned my head back against the mirror. Even now, even though I knew she was home, safe, I was still worried, still concerned that something might happen, that something would take her away from me again.

Namjoon stood up and pulled a tissue out of the box on the table before crouching down in front of me again. He swiped it under my eyes, wiping away the tears I didn't even know were still spilling down my cheeks. Before wiping the rest of my face. "Also remember that you have all of us here with you. A whole group of people who can sympathize with you. We may not have been through the situation before, but we are always going to be there for you."

Giving him a grateful smile, I nodded. "I know." I hesitated, not sure if I should continue. "It's... it's also not just the worry about her getting taken again. I worry... I worry that she is going to decide that this is too much and leave me again, walk away from me and... decide she doesn't want to marry me anymore." The last words came out almost in a sob and Namjoon hurried to gather me in a hug.

"Oh no Jimin-ah. Don't... don't ever think that. Your Y/N loves you. She loves you so much and there is nothing that would convince her to leave you, to walk away from you." Namjoon's words were sincere and it made me feel better, feel as though my world was not going to come crashing down around me.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. I do. A few days after the kidnapping, I talked to Y/N. We talked about how she was feeling, about how she thought you were doing. She mentioned that you had asked if she was going to leave. That idea never even crossed her mind. She loves you and nothing is going to change that. She wants to marry you." Namjoon's smile was soft as he spoke and it helped to clear up some of the last of the fears that were picking at the back of my mind.

"She... she does?" Although Y/N had said the same to me, it was still a little difficult to believe. Difficult for me to believe that this woman, this amazing beautiful woman, still wanted to be with me even after everything that happened, even after the hell she had been through. It was... it was what I needed to hear, what I had been afraid to hear. I had been so worried that she would eventually change her mind, eventually walk away from me and leave me, leave me behind to grieve over a lost love. I knew it was something I would never get over, something I would never recover from.

Namjoon patted my head and I swatted his hand away, making him laugh. "Yes Jimin-ah." Standing up, he pulled me to my feet. "Now go home. Go reassure yourself that she is okay and enjoy your time with her, enjoy the love she so freely gives you."

I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks hyung. I... I appreciate it."

Namjoon nodded and we headed out of the practice room together, him heading to his studio to work on his new mixtape and me heading home to hug the love of my life and tell her just how much she means to me, how much she will always mean to me.


When I opened up the door to the apartment, I could hear the sounds of Y/N in the kitchen. I slipped off my shoes and set my bag down on the floor before making my way in there. She was standing at the stove, humming along to the music coming from her phone, our MOTS:7 album, and swinging her hips to the sound. I stood there, my arms crossed, leaning against the door, with a stupid smile on my face. This was what I wanted to see everyday, what I would always want to see.

Unseen, I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and laughing out loud when she let out a little squeak. She turned around, half-heartedly swatting at my shoulder. "Jimin! You scared me!"

Pouting at her words, I kissed her nose. "No. You're supposed to call me baby. Not Jimin. Just baby."

"Okay baby." Y/N giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, her eyes so soft and full of love that I couldn't stop the tears. "Oh baby. What's wrong?"

"I love you my Noona. So damn much. You're all I want in this world and all I will ever want. You are everything to me and I... I don't ever want to be without you." My words were almost desperate and I could see from the look on her face that she didn't know where it was coming from.

Y/N's hands were gentle as they ran through my hair before she cupped my cheeks. "I love you too." Leaning up, she pressed her lips to mine, the touch soft and gentle. My arms wound around her waist, pulling her closer to my body.

Reaching around her, I shut off the stove and she pulled back from the kiss to eye me in confusion, I shrugged. "Hard to love my fiancé right standing in the kitchen. I can do this so much better in our bedroom, in our bed."

A smile spread across Y/N's face and she nodded. "Sounds good to me baby."

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