Ch.12 The Aftermath

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Outside of Y/n's Mansion, 3rd Person Pov

Y/n: "Let me get this straight: You punched sona in the stomach, which she coughed up a bit of saliva and blood just because she didn't believe your story, correct?"

Joker: (sighs) "Yes and-"

Y/n: "You know I find it rude that you did punch a woman and thus for alastor shall decide your fate, but before we do that you said that you have two things to say."

Joker: "Yes, the virus that was injected into the subjects...well the virus had different effects on them."

Y/n: "Explain a little bit more."

Joker: "Well... lets start with rias and issei those two were acting like wild animals by biting that blonde swordsman, which left him dead, and team crimson were the same thing however I only saw two of them and they attacked normally."

Y/n (Interesting, I better ask wesker what was in that virus.)

Joker: "But I don't know where the other one was to tell if the virus had a different effect on her."

Joker: "The second thing is that don't get mad with deku and his three friends for not helping you in yunaittedo because all-might told them not to help or else they would end up in trouble by the headmasters." as y/n look towards all-might.

All-might: "Look I'm sorry I REALLY didn't want them in any kind of trouble and I know there was other ways to help, but what would of happened if the headmasters found out?"

Y/n stayed quiet.

All-might: "Like I said to the jester you can kill me instead of them." as y/n approached him.

Y/n: "....No, since you told the truth about those four and deku you can stop being nervous now." as deku is sweating bullets.

Deku (nervous): "Okay I-I-I-I tr-r-r-r-ry to."

As y/n mentally facepalms.

Y/n: "Seriously, you can stop being nervous the jester won't do anything to you or your three friends."

Then deku slowly stopped being nervous.

Deku: "Then are you not mad at me for what that jester said about me."

Y/n: "No, why?"

Deku: "Well, its just because-"

Y/n: "Look I know the story and I don't care."

Y/n: "However, joker your fate will be decided by alastor."

Then nabe put alastor down, but to see the sword floating and lightning struck it causing smoke to block .

Once the smoke cleared up and everyone saw alastor's true form

Alastor: "Joker, you will apologize and serve the woman, that you weren't suppose to hurt, until I say you can stop."

Joker: "But-"

Alastor: "But nothing!!! Got it?" as he said in a intimidating voice and lighting striking near joker's feet.

Joker: "Yes master." as he dodged the lightning and put his head down in shame and teleports away.

Alastor: "I'm sorry about that and I'll make sure it won't happen again."

Y/n: "Okay, now you return."

Then alastor transformed and teleported back on nabe's hip. 

Now everyone is shaking due to the fact that alastor's voice scared all-might, and the others (except for y/n, the maids, and ted.) 

Ted: "Ted like sparking dragon."

Y/n: "Okay you five may leave."

All-might, deku and his three friends left.

Y/n: "Ted did you have something to say?"

Y/n's Pov

Ted: "Yes, but please don't get mad master, promise?"

I mean who wouldn't say no to ted.

Me: "Alright...I promise not to get mad."

Ted: "Yay!" he said very cheerful

Then he went to the woods and brought-

Me: "Why is she here?!"

Ted (slightly sad): "Ted thought master wasn't going to mad."

But why ruby out of all people they bring back, however I did promise that I wouldn't get mad.

Me: (sighs) "Ruby, you better have a good reason on why your here."

Ruby (nervous): "W-w-w-well, y-y-y-you probably w-w-w-won't believe me f-f-f-for what I-I-I-I'm about to s-s-s-say." as she fiddles with her fingers.

Ruby (nervous): "I n-n-n-never wanted t-t-t-to hurt y-y-y-you. Yet the r-r-r-rest of m-m-m-my team somehow c-c-c-convinced me t-t-t-that by bullying y-y-y-you would b-b-b-boost my reputation a-a-a-as a good leader."

Hmm, I wouldn't believe her, but at this point I noticed every-time team RWBY would show up ruby would be last to bully and too shaky to lift up her scythe.

Ted: "Don't worry ted will give you a hug, if ted right with your name?" 

She nods at him.

Ted (VERY happy): "Yay!!! ted guessed right." as he proceeds to bear hug me & ruby.

Ted (VERY happy): "If ruby needs to be cheered up just ask ted, then ted will do anything to help ruby be happy." 

Ruby: "Yeah, I'll let ted know." as she hugs back.

I might as well hug back, since ted somehow makes people happy.

Me: "Ruby?"

Ruby: "Yeah?"

Me: "Do you want to prove yourself to me that your not with yunaiteddo?"

Ruby (slightly happy): "Yes, what do I do to prove myself?"

Me: "Help around the mansion with the other three maids." as she nodded.

Then we kept hugging for awhile, since ted is honestly the most good person to be around. (A/n: I mean he's not wrong with that last part.)

All while neraka celebrates for attacking yunatieddo and disrupting most of the citizens' lives.

Back in Yunaittedo High, 3rd Person Pov

Hanzo: "Does any anybody have any type of plan against another y/n's attacks, since we already have to deal with salem's grimm and her followers, rogue ninjas, villains, and etc."

Ozpin: "No"

Sirezch: "No, but I want to know what happened to my sister and why she and issei killed kiba."

Nezu: "I don't know what happened, but I might have a feeling that it might be from when we sent them to get y/n."

Kiriya: "So what your saying that umbrella experimented on the ones that we sent."

Nezu: "I just said it was a feeling and didn't say anything about anyone." he said in a calming manner.

Ozpin: "Whatever happened to them we need a plan-"

Azazel: "Or why don't we just give them a call to help us defend against y/n, whenever he attacks again."

The headmasters stayed quiet.

Azazel: "What...was it something I said?"

Hanzo: "Do you know how hard it is to convenience them to help us against y/n, who could be saving a secret plan against us and how to defeat our support and us."

Azazel: "Uh-"

Hanzo: "it's not that hard, but its y/n that might have something planned."

Azazel: "So, your somewhat taking my idea?"

Hanzo: "Eh, a little bit."

Ozpin: "Well, say I if you agree with azazel's idea."

The other headmasters: "I"

Ozpin: "That's says it all, we're go with your idea azazel."

A/n: And done. Quick question who do you think is most good person throughout this story so far?

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