Chapter 6: There's never enough gay

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(F/n)'s P.O.V

After Zoe walked away I was left confused. Why the hell did she want to talk to me? Also she seems nice? I'm not really sure what to think of her.

I kept on thinking like that until it was time for lunch. I walked into the cafateria and saw Jared and Evan at the table with their food. With a smile I walk up to them with my own tray and sit down in my spot. "Hey guys! Where's Connor?" I ask them as I put my bag and tray down. "Connor? Oh I think he said something about getting more people to come to our table. Didn't know he had more friends than us. They're probably potheads too." Jared stated. Oh yeaaaah we talked about Michael and his friend last night! Got it. "Alright thanks for the intel Jared!" I dig into my food afterwards and wait for something to happen.

A couple minutes after that Connor finally shows up with two other guys and they all sit down. The first guy has a red hoodie with patches on it, white headphones and glasses and the other looks very tall, awkward and has a striped shirt. Well they look like an awkward bunch.


They'll fit right in!

I lean on the table and face Connor. "Well look who finally decided to show up! Hey Edgelord!" Connor just roles his eyes at the nickname and snickers. "Yeah I went looking for these two. The one next to me is Michael and the other guy is Jeremy...right?" He looks back at the second guy and who nods at him to confirm his name. I smile at the two and wave at them. "Hey my name's (F/n)! The other two are Jared and Evan." I gesture to them and Evan waves shyly while Jared half heartedly raises his hand in a greeting. "Jared if I'm supposed to make a proper human being out if you then you need to be nicer." Jared just raises an eyebrow at me. "I don't recall ever agreeing to that." I just smirk and give him a noogie as he struggles against me. "Well too bad cuz we're doing it kinkmaster!" I let him go and Jared fixes his messed up hair. "Kinkmaster? Is that my new nickname? Cuz I like it." Jared states simply and snickers a bit. "Well I'm glad cuz it's staying that way!" I giggle and turn back to the two newbies in the group to see them sitting awkwardly with their food.

I should probably break the ice huh?

"So how long have y'all known each other?" I start a random conversation so it's not too awkward. Both of their eyes light up and they respond at the same time "Seven years!". I just stare wide eyed at them as they high five. "Damn that's a long time! Do you ever get sick of each other or something?" I ask with curiosity clear in my voice. Jeremy decides to answer this time. "No not really. I don't think I could ever get tired of Michael. We've just been together for so long that we can't be torn apart!" Jeremy honestly looked so happy to talk about this and I couldn't help but envy him. I looked back at Michael and saw him blushing while messing with his glasses.

Holy shit I think I have a new gay ship.

I smirk at Michael and his eyes widen as he notices. He then stands up and slams his hands in the table. "I'll be in the bathroom! Be right back guys." Michael had a very forced grin on as he said that and I saw him pull his hood up as he ran out the cafeteria. Fuck did I screw up? I look at Connor and give him a look that basically asks 'is he fine?'. He just shrugs at me and goes back to eating. I should apologize. I stand up and mutter a quick excuse about needing to use the bathroom as well before walking off into the direction of the restrooms. Once I get to the pink and blue doors I lean on the wall next to the blue door. I wait for about five minutes before I hear the door opens and Michael steps out. "Yo." I give a quick notice that I'm here and he staggers back. he's easy to scare...good to know. I get off the wall before addressing him again. "Okay look I just wanted to say sorry about making you uncomfortable. That's just how I am and I hope you don't have a bad first impression of me." I state this bluntly yet sincerely while rubbing my arm awkwardly. It's a habit I've had for quite a while now. Michael looks at me surprised before sighing and responding. "It's fine. I just don't like being reminded of how I feel about my best friend." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Why's that?" He looks at me briefly as if to read my mind if I'll be able to keep a secret.

After a while he leans on the wall next to me. "I've liked Jeremy for a pretty long time now. It sucks though because I know he's not over his ex girlfriend Christine yet. I'm also sure he only sees me as a friend. But hey, who could blame him? That's all we've been for these past seven years. That's probably all we'll ever be as well." Michael runs a hand through his hair as he pours out his feelings. I'm honestly surprised this guy is trusting me with this information. I look at him for a moment before I hug him. He seems surprised but hugs back even harder.

He probably really needed this...

I pull back and see Michael wiping his eyes to stop any liquid from rolling down his cheeks. "If you don't mind me asking, how long ago did Jeremy and Christine break up?" I tilt my head and wait patiently fir his answer. "About two months ago. Nothing bad happened between them but Christine just got a lot more busy with theatre and school and she just felt guilty because she couldn't spend much time with him. She really liked him but she didn't wanna hold him back. He's still pretty bummed out." Michael says this with a frown. I sigh and hug him again briefly. Now I feel like a jerk for earlier so I gotta make it up to him. I give the red hoodied guy a smile and try my best to sound positive. "I'm sure they'll be a chance for you to get together once the time is right. Love always finds a way, right?" He stares at me for a moment before smiling and nodding. "I guess you're right. Thanks a lot." I smile back and realise how long we've been here. "Alright we should get back to everyone before lunch ends, c'mon." I pat his back and lead the way. The rest of lunch goes normally and classes begin yet again.

I really hope it works out for Michael and Jeremy. They both deserve to be happy.

[Author's Note]


Also yay you got your Boyf Riends people! Next chapter will be at the ice cream place with Zoe don't you worry yourselves about that!

This chapter turned out to be more serious than I expected it to be but hey, I think it turned out pretty good! Alrighty I need sleep before I die and go as a zombie to school tomorrow. Bye y'all!

Kaja is finished here ^^

[Word count: 1283]

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