❤ Valentine's Day Special❤

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(Just so you guys know this is just a one shot and it has nothing to do with the story but I wanna do this for fun! Got it? Noice. Onto the chappie!

*Waves author wand*)

(F/n)'s P.O.V

...so today's Valentine's Day.


Fuck my life

Another Valentine's Day where everything is overpriced, couples try to be more cute just to annoy people and I have no plans because no one likes me.

Oh well

I walk into the school building listening to more musical sountracks with my headphones and I see a bunch of people crowded around a box by the wall. "What the fuck?" I ask myself as I turn off the music and put my headphones around my shoulders. "You really don't know?" I flinch and yelp as I notice that a wild Jared Has appeared out of nowhere. "Holy crap, don't scare my like that! Also yeah, I don't know what's happening. Care to explain?" The annoyence is very clear in my voice as I speak. Jared chuckles while fixing his glasses and then explains the situation. "Our school decided to do the whole Valentine's Day mail thing so now a bunch of people are trying to send Valentine's to their crushes and friends." ...Well damn. "Oh... that's cool I guess? Are you sending a Valentine to a special someone?" I nudge him and smirk. "You could say that. I also wrote one for all the rest of our small gang." He says this with a smile. "Awww thanks kink master. Imma send cards to all of you guys as well! Anyways I gotta get going, see ya!" I wave at him and he waves back as I walk over the lockers to grab my books.

Once I get to english class I write some Valentine's Day cards for Evan and Jared but once I get to writing a message on Connor's card a voice startles me. "Hey, what'cha doing?" I flinch for the second time today. What is it with people scaring me today!? I look to my right to see Connor right there next to me. "How did you sit down here without me noticing?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he just pokes my forehead while leaning on his hand. "You're not supposed to answer a question with another question. Now tell me what you're doing." He deadpans. "What's it look like? I'm making Valentine's Day cards for you and the guys since I have no one special in my life except for you three." I smile at him and he raises an eyebrow. "You really wanna write a card for me?" He asks curiously. "Umm yeah? You and the other guys are really important to me!" He snorts and looks at me with a smile. "Ya know this'll probably be my first Valentine's Day card from a girl ever." I just stare at him. "Really? You never got a card from a girl before?" I mean I think I know why but I still have to ask. "Nope not once. I mean what girl in her right mind would wanna give me something for Valentine's Day?" He says that as if it were the most obvious thing in the entire world. "Are you calling me crazy?" I ask him with a small laugh. His eyes widen as he realises what he just said. "I didn't mean it like tha-" "Well you'd be right!" I cut him off and laugh at his reaction. "Pffft you should have seen your face! That was priceless!" We both laugh about it but Connor's laugh is half awkward and half genuine, I don't blame him though. I start working on his card again. Once I'm finished I look back at him and see him staring at me.

This guy is basically just feeding me opportunities to tease him.

I smirk at him and lean on my hand as well. "See something ya like~? Take a picture, it lasts longer." (A/N: That's right I'm making you smooth, you're welcome!) As I say this his face turns completely red and he sits up while looking at me with wide eyes as if I were an alien. I laugh at his reaction and put the cards away into my backpack in a way that they won't tear or bend. Connor's face is still red as the class starts to fill up and the lesson begins.

Connor's P.O.V

Holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit what the fuck.

My heart is raising a million beats per minute and I can feel that my face is red as fuck. I never blush! Ok I really need to process this. So my friend basically just flirted with me. What is life? Also why can't I calm the fuck down!? It was just a joke, get over it!

I can't though...fuck!

I lay down and pretend to be asleep as I try to calm down. Why am I like this? This feels so weird... I don't know how long I lay there like that thinking about this but it seems to be long enough for me to fall asleep.

I wake up to someone poking me on my arm. I groan and look up to see (F/n) still sitting next to me with a small smile. I feel my face get warm again. Fuck why. "Nice to see you're back from dream land. Class is over so I'll see you later, bye Edgelord!" She ruffles my hair, grabs her bag and walks out. All I manage to do is weakly wave at her with my even redder face now still hidden in my arms.

Damnit I'm crushing on her. Fuck me.

I sigh and grab my stuff as I realise this. I head outside of the classroom and start walking to the back of the school. Fuck the next class, I need a smoke. I text Michael to skip the next class and he says he'll be behind the school in five minutes. I get to our spot first and wait for him to get there. Soon enough I see the familiar red hoodie and pair of white headphones. "Hey Connor, what's up?" He leans against the wall and puts his backpack next to my bag. "I'll tell ya in a second." I light a ciggaret and he lights a joint. I take one puff before I speak up. "Okay this will sound so fucking out of character but I just realised have a crush on my friend." I see Michael start chocking and coughing besides me from shock. I wait for him to calm down and when he does he just gives me the most astonished look I've ever seen. "Wait you're serious?" I sigh and nod. "Okay... who's your crush? Is it that girl from your english class?" Now it's my turn to start chocking, I feel my face heat up as well which makes Michael chuckle. "Looks like I hit the jackpot. So...are ya gonna tell her?" He asks with a small smirk.

Am I?

I think about that for a few seconds before answering. "I honestly don't fucking know...I mean I just realised my whole crush thing last period after all." We stay silent for a while until Michael decides to break it. "Hey you know you can send her a secret admirer thing in the Valentine's Day mail right? Just checking." He says in amusement. I snicker. "Never thought I'd see the day where I'd be doing this type of shit... I'll take your advice though." I take one last puff of my ciggaret and then I put it out. Might as well do this now I suppose. sit on the ground, take a piece of paper out of my bag and get to work.

(F/n)'s P.O.V

Alright it's the last period now which means we're all getting our Valentine's Day mail!

Two people from another class have brought the mail and are handing it out. I end up with three cards, a teddy bear, a chocolate bar and a heart lollipop. I check the first green one and it reads:

"Hey girl have a great Valentine's Day!

You don't need a man to have a good day so enjoy being single and stuff your face with chocolate. Happy Valentine's Day again!

- The insanely cool Jared Kleinman"

Awwww that was sweet! I'm making progress on getting him to be less of an asshole so that's great news! He also got me my favourite chocolate. Sweet! Anyway time to check my second blue and white card:

"Happy Valentine's Day (F/n)!

Thanks for being the best friend I could ever ask for and for treating me like I actually matter! Being your friend has made so happy and I just hope I can return the favor in the future. I hope you like the teddy bear!

-Evan H"

...How can Evan be such a pure bean? This teddy bear is adoroble!

I am going to treasure this for life. Alright onto my last card! This one is plain red and reads:

"Hey (F/n)

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day and second, I just needed to tell you this in a way that wouldn't be awkward so here goes: I have a really big fucking crush on you. You make me feel like I'm worth a damn and you never stop surprising me with how amazing you are. One day I'd like to say this to your face but I'm too much of a loser to actually do it right now. Hope you enjoy the lollipop (I know it's a cheap one but I needed to quickly buy you something).



Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw

I can feel the blood rush to my whole face. Wait is this a joke? I look around but everyone is focusing on their own gifts and talking to other people. I just stare at the card for a while until Jared sits down on the side of my desk, Evan sits down beside me and Connor just leans on the wall next to Evan. Before I can process what's happening Jared grabs the red card from my hands and starts reading through it. My face reddens as I frantically try to grab it from him but he holds me off and the guys don't do anything to stop him except laugh. "JARED WHAT THE FUCK!? GIVE THAT BACK!" I try to grab the card in whatever shape or form I can think of but he still manages to keep the card away. "Well, well, well, looks like someone has a secret admirer! Who would have thought?" Jared smirks at me as he holds the card above his head and I keep on trying to get it back. "Look whatever just give it back! Can you guys help!? You have arms, do you not??" I ask the other guys for help and Evan tries to get up but Connor stops him. "Nah Evan, let her suffer for a bit." He also smirks at me and I groan as I go back to getting my card back. After what seems like forever, I finally get it back and I claim victory!

I don't notice that Connor was staring at me the whole time with a blush on his face though.

[Author's Note]

Done! This chapter was so much fun to write my gosh. It also turned out way longer than I thought I'd be!

I hope you enjoyed it! Till next time peeps.

Kaja is finished here ^^

[Word count: 1936]

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