Okay, so here's how this is gonna work!

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I did it, I made a tumblr blog.

Now, don't worry, this doesn't mean you're not gonna get your regular doses of random crap that gets posted here. I'll still be posting stuff here.

The blog is for even more frequent random crap updates. Like, dare I say, daily random stuff? Just whatever random thoughts occur to me, whenever, I guess.

Also, for art. In addition to posting the normal drawings I do there as well as here, I might, in fact, be posting all the failed sketches I do on there. (Believe me, there are a lot of those.)

So don't worry, I'm not moving everything non-story related over there. It's just if you want more of my non-story-related stuff.

Anyway. You can find it at aninnymouse42.tumblr.com

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