Chapter 10

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Rogue and Lucy exchanged glances before turning back to Master Makarov as he spoke again, "The Mayor sent a request specifically asking for you Lucy. He didn't say why only that it had to be you. I have a feeling perhaps it has to do with your magic."

Lucy spoke, "Wait, why did you call Rogue for the mission too then?"

Makarov responded with a 'duh' look, "You didn't let me finish, child. I wanted him to accompany you because he is a dragon slayer."

Rogue spoke next, "Why not send Natsu with her or Laxus?"

Master stated somewhat sarcastically, "Because Natsu would go in all 'gung ho' when this dragon may not mean any harm. As far as the Mayor said the dragon hasn't done anything to harm anything or anyone, it's just been seen flying over head at night. I assume the Mayor will give you the major details when you meet with him. And not Laxus because he is a Master-in-training, so to speak, and has Master-in-training paperwork to do."

The blonde smirks at the old guild master and says smugly, "You mean YOU want to go down and drink in the guild while your grandson does all the guild paperwork that you don't want to do."

The old man gives a wrinkly grin behind his mustache and says, "You see right through me child. But anyway, I also assumed Rogue would be going with you anyways so why not just have him actually do it with you?"

Both mages thought before they nodded in agreement at the Master's argument. Rogue asked, "When do you want us to leave for this mission?"

Makarov responded with a thoughtful expression, "Would tomorrow be good for you Lucy? I heard what happened and want to make sure you are alright before I make the call to the Mayor and let him know when you're coming."

Lucy thought for a moment before she said, "I think I'll be good as new tomorrow so yes tomorrow is fine."

Master Makarov nodded and dismissed the two from his office. Lucy walked out of the office as Rogue transformed into a shadow. The blonde walked down the stairs and towards the guild doors before opening them and walking out towards her apartment.

Gajeel watched the blonde leave and waited a few minutes before getting up from the table and heading towards the guild doors.

After closing them he sniffed the air and caught the scent of the blonde. He followed it until he saw the celestial mage enter an apartment building, still alone. He decided he would stay a little longer and took a seat at the bench across from the building. He tried to look like he was resting on the bench as he closed his eyes, but really he was focusing and trying the enhance his scenes of smell and hearing. After a moment he suddenly caught the scent of dark chocolate and spearmint. It was isolated this time, not like how it blended with Lucy's strawberry and vanilla scent, which meant this was the person who holds the scent. He wondered why it was just now that he was able to smell it and not before.

Before he could think about it anymore he heard talking, "I wonder what's gonna happen on this mission. Gramps was super vague with his explanation, but it seemed like he didn't know anything else except what he told us."

He understood this voice as the blonde celestial mages voice. He listened closely when another voice responded to the blonde, this one deep, it sounded familiar to the iron dragon but he couldn't place it, "Your guess is as good as mine. I hope nothing goes wrong you just got better from the last mission we went on."

If his eyes were open they would have widened, he heard team Natsu talking about how Lucy got hurt on their mission. They had went separately to each defeat a monster. Lucy was blindsided and knocked out after defeating hers, apparently Virgo, the maid spirit, brought her into the infirmary. Now he's wondering what really happened out on that mission if he, whoever "he" was, was on the mission as well. He stopped his thoughts when he heard Lucy begin to speak again, "I'm fine Ro-."

He wondered what stopped the blonde from talking, it sounded like she was about to say the guy's name. Oh his luck was so cliché. He suddenly heard what he knew, was the maid spirit's stoic voice, "Princess I have already packed your things and stored them in the Celestial World. Punishment?"

The iron dragon smirked when he heard the man inside chuckle as Lucy screamed, "No! No punishment!"

At least it sounds like this guy has a sense of humor. Gajeel thought to himself. He finally figured it was time to leave before he was noticed. He had gotten enough information for today. He knows this guy's name starts with Ro and knows his scent is fairly familiar to him. He decided he would ask Laxus if he caught this scent in the guild at all. He also knows that this guy is a mage if he goes on missions with Lucy. But one thing that confused him is that it sounded like he was a Fairy Tail mage. If he was a new member why wasn't he introduced to everyone? Why does it seem like only Lucy, Gramps, and from what he could tell, Mira knew about him? Gajeel would figure this out in time. He still isn't going to say anything about this to anyone. He wanted to figure this out first before he went off telling someone and they blow it out of proportion and actually ask the blonde about it.

Lucy sighed as Virgo went back to the celestial world and decided she was going to make dinner tonight. Rogue followed her into the kitchen and leaned against the wall as he watched the blonde. Without turning around she asked, "What do you want to eat?"

The white shadow dragon shrugged, even though he knew she couldn't see him, and said, "Doesn't matter, whatever you want to eat I'll eat."

The blonde nodded and went to pick out some hamburger meat to make hamburgers. She made the patties and put them in the skillet after turning on the stove. She grabbed some potato chips from the pantry and onion dip from the fridge, as well as a small bowl. She grabbed a spoon and scooped out three scoops of dip into said bowl.

Both mages each grabbed a hand full of chips and placed them on their plates before starting to eat them. Rogue was about to speak when Lucy turned around towards the burgers and took a spatula in her hand and checked the underside of them. They were brownish gray so she flipped and went back to standing across from Rogue as he said, "So what time are we going to wake up tomorrow?"

The blonde thought before she said, "Well the train ride to Hargeon is about 3 hours. Do you want to go searching for the 'dragon' after we see the Mayor or the next morning?"

The white shadow dragon noticed the air quotes and sarcasm she put into the word dragon and chuckled as he said, "I'd say we camp in the forest since the 'dragon' is only spotted at night. So I suggest we at least head for the center of the forest while it's still light."

The celestial mage nodded and said, "So like, 7 in the morning?"

The dragon slayer nodded as Lucy turned back towards the burgers and took them off the skillet and onto their two plates. She went back to the pantry and grabbed the buns before heading to the fridge and pulling out the ketchup as she asked, "What do you want on yours?"

She heard the white shadow dragon say, "Mustard and pickles since you're already grabbing the ketchup."

The blonde nodded and grabbed both items before heading back to the island and setting them down. Both mages made their burgers and ate them. Lucy finished hers first and said, "I'm gonna go take a bath now so I don't have to wake up any earlier than I have to."

The male just nodded and watched her disappear into the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later the blonde girl comes out in her pajamas and looks to see Rogue sitting on the couch reading a magazine. When she got behind him she was able to see what magazine. Sorcerer Weekly. When she watched him flip the page only to have there be a picture of her posing seductively in an extremely revealing bikini, she "eeped" and snatched the magazine from his hands and put in on her nightstand drawer. When she turned around she saw Rogue laughing at her. She blushed profusely before she saw that he too had a tint of blush on his cheeks. She smirked and strutted up closer to him and bent down in front of his face, making sure her cleavage was showing more than usual and said playfully with a hint of seductiveness, "You're blushing. Does that mean you liked what you saw?"

The white shadow dragon's laughing immediately stopped and his eye opened wide. He stared at the blonde in front of him, his eyes traveling down to her breasts. He gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. Lucy's smirk widened, if that was possible. She saw his eye flick up to hers. His eye suddenly glazed over. Taking this as the opportune time to retreat, she quickly stood up, her breasts bouncing at the sudden movement, and walked over to her bed. She turned around to Rogue and saw him watching her. She winked at him, causing him to blush, before getting into her bed and closing her eyes to sleep. She heard shuffling on the couch before a muffled thump sound reached her ears and she knew he had decided to sleep too. She never thought in a million years she would have teased Future Rogue, but she did, and she enjoyed it maybe a little too much. She let sleep finally take her thinking about how fun this next mission was going to be.

Rogue laid on the couch for the first thirty minutes thinking about what had happened. He had never been truly attracted to anyone before. He knew she saw his eyes start to cloud over with lust, he was glad she acted on it and stood up, though the bouncing of her bosom didn't help him calm down the man downstairs. If she hadn't stood up and went to bed he wasn't sure if he would have been able to control himself. He had never wanted human contact so much than in that moment. On that thought he finally fell asleep.

Time Skip

Lucy woke up to the sound of her window opening. Her eyes snapped open and she was met with the sight of Natsu about to climb over her bed. She shot up and screamed, "Natsu! What are you doing here!?"

The fire dragon slayer flinched at the loudness of his best friend's voice before he said, "I came to see if you were okay. I still feel bad about the mission. I'm your best friend, I'm supposed to protect you, but I didn't even know that you were in trouble."

The blonde's facial expression softened as she watched the pink haired boy sit down across from her on her bed. She ruffled his hair like a child, causing him to pout, and said, "It's not your fault Natsu, it's no one's fault. It was just a freak accident. Plus it was handled, I'm okay, I'm still here."

The fire dragon nodded but couldn't help but still feel a little guilty. Lucy suddenly realized that this was the first time in about a week that Natsu had broken into her apartment, she had never noticed before because she was always so focused on Rogue. She looked at Natsu suspiciously and asked, "Where have you been for the past week? You haven't broken into my apartment in a long time."

Lucy was surprised to see a light tint of pink cover the fire dragon's cheeks as he scratched his head and looked away, "I was hanging out with msansda."

Lucy came closer, as he had mumbled the last word and said, "Huh?"

The pink haired boy repeated, "I was hanging out with Lisanna."

The blonde suddenly had a wide smirk on her face and a devilish look in her eye. She leaned in, her inner-Mira coming out, and said, "Oh, and what have you two been doing during these hangouts?"

Natsu blushed a dark red and said, "Nothing!"

Lucy rolled her eyes and said frustratedly, "Oh come on Natsu I'm your best friend you're supposed to tell me about this stuff!!"

The fire dragon slayer sighed and said, "Well we've been mostly just going for walks through the park and out to eat like breakfast and stuff."

Lucy's eyes sparkled and she asked hopefully, "Like dates?!"

Natsu blushed darkly and said, "No!! But I think I'm starting to get feelings for her and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. That's also why I came over here I was hoping if you were feeling better you would help me figure out how to ask since you're a writer."

Lucy suddenly remembered and turned to look at the clock, it was 7:15 she looked back to her best friend and said sadly, "Sorry Natsu I don't have time. Master gave me a mission that's going to take a month. Maybe two. If you can't wait that long maybe you should ask Mira or even Levy to help you."

The pink haired boys shoulders slumped a little as he said, "Oh okay."

He looks up at the blonde and smiled faintly, "It's alright I can definitely ask Mira about it since she's Lisanna's sister. I hope you have fun on your mission."

She nods at him as he gets up and starts to climb out the window. He suddenly turns back towards the blonde and says seriously, "Don't push yourself too hard. I don't want to find out from Virgo that you're back in the infirmary again."

The celestial mage smiles at the dragon slayer before she says, "Of course. I promise to not over work myself if you promise that when I come back you and Lisanna are dating."

This caused the male to laugh and say, "Alright you gotta deal Luce! See ya!"

He jumps out of the window, laughing when he hears the sounds of Lucy telling him to use the door next time. He screamed back, "Never gonna happen!!"

The blonde giggled and shook her head as she shut the window. She stood up from the bed and stretched before walking over to the bathroom with a change of clothes that she left out last night.

She got dressed before coming out and seeing Rogue on the couch waiting for her, already dressed. She greeted happily, "Good morning Rogue. You ready to find out what this mission's all about?"

The white shadow dragon slayer heaved off the couch as he said, "As ready as I'll ever be."

They both headed out of Lucy's apartment and towards the train station. The second they purchased the tickets their train pulled up into the station. Both mages boarded the train and quickly got to a private booth and sat down, Rogue already having his head in Lucy's lap.

The train lurched forward and slowly started gaining speed as Lucy ran her fingers through the white shadow dragon's hair pondering over what the mission would be like. The train ride was going to be a couple hours so she decided she was going to try and sleep some more. Natsu waking her was exhausting, even though she was about to wake up anyway.

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